
描述商品时,您也许想给某些重要特性加上项目符号。 然而,这就偏离了只要求切中主题的描述了。写得好的商品描述能使买家在脑海里畅想其拥有或把玩商品的感觉。

替买家着想:他们有什么样的感觉、触觉和问题? 加入商品的使用感觉、用途和给人们带来的好处能激发买家的想象力。这是您近在咫尺就可以创造的店内体验。

商品描述应不超过 2000 字符。

  • 描述主要的商品特性和列出尺寸、用途和样式等商品信息

  • 保持简短,但包含重要信息

  • 包括准确的尺寸、维护说明和保修信息

  • 语法要正确,句子要完整

  • 请勿包含卖家名称、电邮地址、网站 URL 或任何公司的具体信息

  • 请勿书写所销售商品之外的任何信息;这是您告诉买家他们在买什么的机会

  • 请勿直截了当地提及同行的名称

  • 请勿包含促销语言,如“甩卖”或“免运费”(用促销工具代替)

  • 请勿使用缩写




优质地面照明 GL6543-BK-GLI 林肯公园Torchiere是一款价格实惠的落地灯,其底座牢固坚实,内装一颗 55W 的高能效荧光灯泡,能发出温暖、明亮的光芒。这款经典 torchiere 配有全程调光器,您可以营造出完美的居家或办公氛围。林肯公园 torchiere 的灯柱上有个旋钮,旋转它就可以调节灯光的明暗。旋钮既是开关,也是调光控制器,其高度适宜,站在桌上、床上或沙发上就可以够着。  林肯公园 torchiere 高 72 英寸,有限担保期两 年。



Product Descriptions in Lighting

As you describe your product, you might want to include some key features listed in your bullet points.  However, go beyond a simple to-the-point description. Well-written product descriptions help the customer imagine the experience of owning or handling your product.

Put yourself in your customers' shoes: what would they want to feel, touch, and ask?  Incorporating information about the feel, usage and benefits of your product can fire the customer's imagination. This is as close as you can come to creating an in-store experience.

Product Descriptions are limited to 2000 characters.

DoDo Not
  • Describe the major product features and list product information including size, used-for and style

  • Keep it short, but include critical information

  • Include accurate dimensions, care instructions and warranty information

  • Use correct grammar and complete sentences

  • Do not include your seller name, e-mail address, website URL, or any company-specific information

  • Do not write about anything but the product for sale; this is your opportunity to tell the customer what they are buying

  • Do not mention competitor names outright

  • Do not include promotional language such as "sale" or "free ship" (use the Promotions tool instead)

  • Do not abbreviate



Product Description

Product Description
The Good Earth Lighting GL6543-BK-GLI Lincoln Park Torchiere is an affordable floor lamp with a strong, sturdy base and a 55-watt energy-efficient fluorescent bulb that emits a warm, bright light. This classic torchiere also features a full-range dimmer, so you can create the perfect atmosphere for your home or office. You can control the brightness of the Lincoln Park Torchiere by turning the knob that is conveniently located on the light post. The knob works as both the on/off switch and dimmer control, and it is at a height that is easily reachable from a desk, bed, or couch.  The Lincoln Park Torchiere is 72 inches tall and is backed by a two-year limited warranty.


