广告支出回报 (ROAS)

广告支出回报率 (ROAS) 是一个非常有用的数据指标,可用于评估特定搜索广告活动、广告组、商品或投放策略的整体效果。供应商和卖家可通过“广告活动管理”和可下载报告查看 ROAS。

ROAS 的计算方法是,广告活动所带来的总销售额除以广告活动的广告支出(ROAS = 销售额/广告支出)。例如,如果您在搜索广告活动上花费了 20 美元,该广告活动带来了 100 美元的销售额,那么 ROAS 将为 5。

ROAS 是广告投入产出比 (ACOS) 的倒数,ACOS 的计算方法是,广告支出除以广告所带来的总销售额(ACOS = 广告支出/销售额)。ROAS 用指数(乘数)而非百分数 (%) 的数值表示。

ROAS 包括推广商品的归因销售额,归因将因广告活动和广告主类型而异:

卖家7 天14 天14 天
供应商14 天14 天14 天

您可以通过“广告活动管理”和可下载报告查看 ROAS。

如何使用 ROAS

使用 ROAS 了解您的广告投入在提升归因销售额方面的效果。当 ROAS 提高时,您的广告活动的效果也将提高。ROAS 是一个可用于衡量广告商品、广告活动和关键词的效果的指标,具体取决于您的效果目标。比较一段时间内的 ROAS,或将其与类似策略进行比较,有助于深入了解应分配额外资源的位置。

注意: 对于商品推广活动,您的销售额指标最多需要 48 小时才能填充。对于品牌推广,品牌销售额指标最多需要 12 小时才能填充。因此,ROAS 在“今天”日期范围内不会显示,在“昨天”日期范围可能会延迟显示。


Return on ad spend (ROAS)

Return on ad spend (ROAS) is a helpful measurement to evaluate the overall effectiveness of a specific sponsored ads campaign, ad group, product, or targeting strategy. ROAS is available for vendors and sellers in Campaign manager and through downloadable reports.

We calculate ROAS by dividing the total sales generated by the advertising spend invested on the campaign (ROAS = Sales / Ad Spend). For example, if you spent $20 dollars on a sponsored ads campaign that generated $100 in sales, the ROAS will be 5.

ROAS is the inverse of Advertising cost of sale (ACOS), which is calculated by dividing advertising spend invested by the total sales generated (ACOS = Ad Spend / Sales). ROAS is represented as a number that is interpreted as an index (multiplier) rather than a percent (%).

ROAS includes attributed sales for advertised products, and attribution varies by campaign and advertiser type:

Sponsored ProductsSponsored BrandsSponsored Display (beta)
Sellers7 days14 days14 days
Vendors14 days14 days14 days

ROAS is available in Campaign manager and through downloadable reports.

How to use ROAS

Use ROAS to understand how efficient your advertising investment is at driving attributed sales. As ROAS increases, your campaign becomes more efficient. Depending on your performance objective, ROAS is one metric that can be used to measure the effectiveness of ad products, campaigns, and keywords. Comparing ROAS over time or against similar tactics can help provide insight into where additional resources should be allocated.

Note: For Sponsored Products campaigns, your sales metrics can take up to 48 hours to populate. For Sponsored Brands, brand sales metrics can take up to 12 hours to populate. As a result, ROAS is not available in the “Today” date range and may be delayed in the “Yesterday” date range.

