
当您收到 1 星或 2 星反馈评分时,会对您的卖家绩效和订单缺陷率造成负面影响。造成负面反馈的最常见原因是您的商品信息或订单配送流程存在问题。采取以下几项措施可帮助您避免负面反馈:

  • 保持最低库存水平。

  • 同步您的后端系统,以确保您的库存供货能力与配送时间匹配。

  • 提供准确的商品描述,并附上您的商品图片。确保买家收到的商品与商品详情页面上的描述相符,这一点很重要。

  • 确保您在亚马逊在线帮助页面上的客户服务电话和电子邮件地址均正确无误。

  • 确保每次与买家沟通时都彬彬有礼,沟通内容切中主题。


Minimize negative feedback

Your seller performance and your Order Defect Rate are negatively affected when you receive one-star or two-star feedback ratings. The most frequent causes of negative feedback are problems with your product listing or order fulfillment process. Here are a few things you can do to help prevent negative feedback:

  • Maintain a minimum stock level.

  • Synchronize your back-end systems to make sure you can match stock availability to ship times.

  • Provide accurate product descriptions and include images with your listings. It's important that buyers receive the product as described on the product detail page.

  • Make sure your customer service phone number and email address are correct in your online Amazon Help pages.

  • Ensure that every communication with buyers is courteous, relevant, and appropriate.

