

  • 不要发布暂时缺货的商品。

  • 保持库存不少于最低阈值。

  • 下架持续缺货的商品。

  • 在收到来自非亚马逊渠道的订单时,发送库存更新上传数据,频率最高为每 15 分钟一次。

  • 确保快速处理亚马逊订单。

  • 亚马逊订单留出专门的库存。

  • 如果您使用文本文件,您可以简化库存更新,方法是将“更新-删除”设置为“部分更新”,然后仅使用 SKU 和数量数据。其余列可以留空。

  • 您可以使用库存文件添加多个商品信息。有关更多信息,请参阅使用库存文件添加商品。

  • 密切监控供货情况和配送时间。

  • 同步您的后端系统以监控供货情况和配送时间。

  • 如果您使用文本文件,请为每个 SKU 设置准确的备货时间。

  • 如果您使用添加新商品功能,请使用“处理时间”字段来处理这一问题。有关更多信息,请参阅使用库存文件添加商品。

  • 如果您使用 XML,请使用配送延迟元素。

  • 如有错误,请尽早通知买家,并默认取消商品或订单。

  • 将迟发订单自动升级到加急配送方式。

  • 删除持续迟发的商品。

  • 使用配送上传数据发送追踪信息。

退货流程麻烦或复杂您的退货政策不允许在购买后 30 天内全额退款
  • 在标准 30 天期限内提供商品的全额退款。

  • 严格审查并澄清亚马逊在线帮助页面中的退货政策相关措辞。

  • 尽可能使复杂的退货流程简单化、合理化。

  • 以允许的最大图片尺寸提供清晰的图片。

  • 提供商品的多个视图,以便准确和完整地展示商品细节。

  • 确保图片符合所有要求。有关更多信息,请参阅商品图片要求。

  • 提供自定义尺寸表。有关更多信息,请参阅创建买家帮助页面。

  • 完整填写描述和商品尺寸字段。

  • 检查您的包装、取件和配送流程,以找出可能导致错误的问题。

  • 检查您的 SKU 是否与亚马逊商城上的正确商品匹配。

  • 准确描述您的商品。请勿使用“高质量”等词汇来描述以低价为最大卖点的商品。

  • 删除持续招致负面反馈的商品。

  • 在商品详情页面和配送信息中提供使用说明。

  • 确保您在亚马逊在线帮助页面上提供了正确的客户服务电话号码和电子邮件地址。

  • 为客户服务使用简短、易于输入的电子邮件地址。

  • 调整您的垃圾邮件筛选功能,以确保买家消息不会归类为垃圾邮件。

  • 在 24 小时内确认每通电话和电子邮件。

  • 您可以使用反馈管理器请求移除。请参阅请求移除反馈。

  • 利用此选项对收到的反馈发布公开回复。这将表明您愿意向潜在买家解决问题并赢得他们的信任。请参阅发布公开回复和亚马逊可以移除买家反馈吗了解更多详情。


Best practices to maintain positive feedback and rating

This table outlines the best practices for identifying and resolving potential problems, which may lead to positive ratings.

ProblemPossible CausesSolutions
Stock-outInventory is not available
  • Do not list backordered items.

  • Maintain a minimum threshold of inventory.

  • Remove offerings that are consistently out-of-stock.

Inventory quantity is not accurate
  • Send inventory update feeds as frequently as orders arrive from non-Amazon channels, up to every 15 minutes.

  • Ensure that you process Amazon orders quickly.

  • Set aside dedicated inventory for Amazon orders.

  • If you use text files, you can simplify inventory updates by setting update-delete to partial update, and then use only the SKU and quantity data. The rest of the columns can be left blank.

  • You can add multiple product listings using inventory files. For more information, see Add your products using inventory files.

Drop-shipper inventory isn't up to date
  • Monitor availability and ship times closely.

  • Synchronize your back-end systems to monitor availability and ship times.

Late shipmentProduct takes longer to ship than promised
  • If you use text files, set an accurate lead-time-to-ship for each SKU.

  • If you use the Add a Product feature, use the handling time field for this purpose. For more information, see Add your products using inventory files.

  • If you use XML, use the fulfillment latency element.

  • Notify buyers of any errors as early as possible, and cancel the product or order by default.

  • Upgrade automatically to an expedited shipping method if you are shipping an order late.

  • Remove offerings that are consistently shipped late.

Buyer missed shipment notification
  • Send tracking information with your fulfillment feed.

Messy or complicated returnYour return policy restricts full refunds before 30 days
  • Provide full product refunds for a standard 30-day period.

Your returns policies are complicated, vague, or burdensome
  • Rigorously review and clarify the language of the returns policy in your online Amazon Help pages.

  • Streamline and simplify complex returns processes wherever possible.

Product not as describedProduct image does not accurately depict its features
  • Provide clear images at the maximum allowed image size.

  • Offer multiple views of a product for thoroughness and accuracy of detail.

  • Ensure that the images meet all the requirements. For more information, see Product image requirements.

The size or material is different than expected
  • Provide custom sizing charts. For more information, see Create custom help pages.

  • Fully fill out the description and product dimension fields.

Wrong size or wrong productIncorrect product shipped
  • Check your packing, picking, and shipping processes for issues that cause errors.

  • Check that your SKU matches to the right product on Amazon.

Product qualityBuyer not satisfied with product quality
  • Describe your product carefully. Do not use phrases like "high-quality" for a product whose best attribute is its low price.

  • Remove products that consistently cause negative feedback.

  • Include usage instructions on the product detail page and in shipment.

Customer service issueBuyers cannt reach your customer service department
  • Make sure that your customer service phone number and email address are correct in your online Amazon Help pages.

  • Use short, easy-to-type email addresses for customer service.

  • Adjust your spam filter to ensure that incoming buyer messages are not categorized as junk.

Buyers are not getting timely responses
  • Acknowledge every phone call and email within 24 hours.

Removal of feedbackIncorrect feedback
  • You can request a removal using the Feedback Manager. Refer to Request removal of feedback.

  • Utilize the option to post a public reply for the feedback received. It will demonstrate your willingness to solve problems to prospective buyers and earn their trust. Refer to Post a public reply and Can Amazon remove buyer feedback for additional details.

