


  • 立即发放退款。有关更多信息,请参阅退款选项。

  • 通过亚马逊向信用卡公司反映您的情况。您可以在卖家平台【绩效】菜单中列出的【信用卡拒付索赔】页面上反映您的情况,也可以通过回复亚马逊发送给您的信用卡拒付电子邮件来反映您的情况。


  • 即使您未收到亚马逊发送的信用卡拒付电子邮件,也可以在卖家平台中针对【需操作】的信用卡拒付发放退款或反映情况。

  • 您必须在收到电子邮件之日起的七个日历日内对信用卡拒付索赔作出回应。如果您不回应,我们可能会从您的账户中扣除交易金额。此外,如果您收到任何要求您提供信息的其他请求,请务必在请求中规定的时限内回复。


  1. 从【绩效】菜单中,选择【信用卡拒付索赔】。

  2. 点击【反映您的情况】。


    • 【反映您的情况】选项列在【全部】和【需操作】选项卡下。

    • 您还可以通过回复信用卡拒付电子邮件并提供我们要求的信息来反映您的情况。

  3. 阅读【查看信用卡拒付和订单详情】部分。

  4. 填写【反映您的情况】部分。

    • 买家看不到您的评论;只有亚马逊调查员才能查看这些评论。

    • 提供发货日期、使用的配送方式以及任何追踪信息。如果买家因他们收到的商品与在网站上看到的商品存在重大差异而提出索赔,我们可能会要求您提供有关该商品的信息。

    • 建议您在回复我们的通知时,附上您与买家的全部通信内容。

    • 在您首次回应时,请提供尽可能多的信息。如果您在回应时提供的信息不充分、您未遵守商业解决方案协议或发卡机构决定批准持卡人的索赔请求,我们将从您的账户中扣款。

    • 在您首次回应时,请提供尽可能多的信息。如果您在回应时提供的信息不充分、您未遵守商业解决方案协议或发卡机构决定批准持卡人的索赔请求,我们将从您的账户中扣除信用卡拒付金额。

  5. 点击【继续】提交您的回应。


自买家向发卡银行索要款项之日算起,信用卡拒付的最终结果将于 90 天内(在极少数情况下,所需时间可能更长)发出。只有在您需要支付信用卡拒付金额时,我们才会通过电子邮件通知您结果。该电子邮件会简单说明原因。



Respond to a chargeback claim

When a buyer contacts their credit card company to request a chargeback, the credit card company will contact Amazon to request details about the transaction. In turn, Amazon will contact you via email to request transaction information.

You can respond to a chargeback claim in one of two ways:

  • Issue an immediate refund. For more information, see Refund Options.

  • Represent your case to the credit card company via Amazon. You can represent your case either on the Chargeback Claims page listed in the Performance menu in Seller Central, or by replying to the chargeback email you received from Amazon.


  • You can refund or represent an Action Required chargeback in Seller Central even if you have not received the chargeback email from Amazon.

  • You must respond to any chargeback claim within seven calendar days of the email date. If you do not respond, we might debit your account for the transaction. You should also reply to any additional requests for information within the time frame stated in the request.

To represent your case in Seller Central, do the following:

  1. From the Performance menu, select Chargeback Claims.

  2. Click Represent your case.


    • Represent your case option is listed under both All and Action Required tab.

    • You also can represent your case by replying to the chargeback email with the requested information.

  3. Read the Review the Chargeback and Order Details section.

  4. Complete the Represent your case section.

    • Buyers do not see your comments; they are for Amazon investigators only.

    • Provide the shipping date, the shipping method used, and any tracking information. If the buyer claims they received an item that is materially different from what they saw on the website, we might request information about the item.

    • We encourage you to include any correspondence you might have had with the buyer in your response to our notification.

    • Include as much information as possible in your initial response. If you don't provide a sufficient response, don't adhere to the Business Solutions Agreement, or the card issuer decides in favor of the cardholder, we will debit your account.

    • Include as much information as possible in your initial response. If you don't provide a sufficient response, don't adhere to the Business Solutions Agreement, or the card issuer decides in favor of the cardholder, we will debit the chargeback amount from your account.

  5. Click Continue to submit your response.

An Amazon investigator reviews the information provided, creates supporting documentation ("representment"), and submits it to the issuing bank on your behalf. We will contact you if further information is required.

The final outcome can take up to 90 days (or longer in rare cases) from the date the charge was represented to the issuing bank. We will inform you of the outcome, via email, only if you are financially responsible for the chargeback. The email will outline the reasons why.

If you feel that you were debited for a chargeback in error, reply to the email. We will review your dispute. However, in the majority of cases, the issuing bank's decision is final and there is no recourse to appeal that decision.

