
效果指标可在“广告活动管理”界面中以及通过在 Microsoft Excel、Google 电子表格和其他常见电子表格程序中使用的可下载报告中获得。

在“广告活动管理”中,您可以选择显示今天、昨天、本周至今、上周、本月至今、上个月、本年至今、生命周期或自定义日期范围(适用于最近 90 天这一时段)的指标。显示的指标中所包含的具体日期将显示为图表的 x 轴。

注意: “广告活动管理”中的指标每小时会更新一次。填充销售额和 ACOS 数据需要长达 48 小时,并且这些数据在“广告活动管理”的“昨天”视图中可能并不完整。在此视图中,支出是预估值,可能在点击发生后三天才更新,因为我们会验证您的点击流量。详细了解流量验证













顾客在点击您广告后所下的亚马逊订单数量。对于商品推广,此数量包括亚马逊在 14 天内(对于供应商)和 7 天内(对于卖家)售出的推广商品以及同品牌中其他商品(推广或非推广)的订单数量,其中不包括第三方卖家的订单数量。对于品牌推广,此数量包括亚马逊第三方卖家在 14 天内售出的推广商品以及同品牌中的所有商品(推广或非推广)的订单数量。对于作者,您的 KDP 订单数量报告将显示最终的订单量数据,这些数据可能与您在“广告活动管理”中看到的数据不同。

您的订单数量指标最长可能需要 12 小时才会更新。因此,“今天”日期范围内的订单数量指标可能会延迟。我们建议您等待所有订单量指标填充完毕后再评估广告活动效果。付款失败和 72 小时内取消的订单都会从订单总量中删除。详细了解销售额。


广告投入产出比 (ACOS) 是指广告支出占销售额的百分比(总支出/总销售额 x 100)。详细了解 ACOS


广告支出回报率 (ROAS) 等于总销售额除以广告总支出(广告带来的总销售额/广告总支出)。详细了解 ROAS

Kindle 版标准化页面 (KENP) 阅读量

KENP 阅读量是专门针对 KDP 作者的指标。此指标是指从 Kindle Unlimited 和 Kindle 所有者借阅图书馆 (KOLL) 借阅图书的顾客阅读的归因于商品推广活动的预计标准化页数。

点击率 (CTR)


每次点击费用 (CPC)

















Performance metrics

Performance metrics are available in the campaign manager interface and from reports that can be downloaded for use in Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheet, and other popular spreadsheet programs.

Available multi-language captions are best viewed in the Google Chrome browser.

In the campaign manager you have the option to display metrics for today, yesterday, week to date, last week, month to date, last month, year to date, lifetime, or customized (available for the last 90 days). The specific dates included in you displayed metrics are shown as the x-axis of the graph.

Note: The metrics in the campaign manager is updated every hour. Sales and ACOS data takes up to 48 hours to populate and might be incomplete in the "Yesterday" view in Campaign Manager. In this view Spend is an estimate and can be updated until three days after the click occurs, as we validate your click traffic. Learn more about traffic validation

Performance metrics definitions


Your budget is the average amount you are willing to spend on your campaign per day. For Sponsored Brands, you also have the option to set a lifetime budget for your campaign. Learn more about budgets


An impression occurs whenever an ad is displayed. The impressions metric is a count of how many times your ad has been served to a user. We provide you the total number of impressions for each campaign, ad group, and target.


A click occurs whenever shoppers click on an ad. The clicks metric is a count of how many times an ad is clicked. We provide you the total number of clicks for each campaign, ad group, and target.


The total click charges for a product ad. We provide the spend for each campaign, ad group, and target.


The total product sales generated from clicks. For Sponsored Brands this also includes purchases for your brand's products made by shoppers that clicked on your ad, including sales of any product in your advertised brand made by Amazon and other sellers. Learn more about sales


The number of Amazon orders shoppers placed after clicking on your ads. For Sponsored Products, this includes orders from advertised products as well as other products (advertised or not) within your brand sold by Amazon within 14 days for vendors and 7 days for sellers, excluding third-party sellers. For Sponsored Brands, this includes orders from advertised products and all products (advertised or not) within your brand sold by Amazon and third-party sellers within 14 days. For authors, your KDP orders reports will show you the final orders numbers, which may be different from the number you see in Campaign Manager.

It can take up to 12 hours for your orders metrics to update. As a result, orders metrics may be delayed in the “Today” date range. We recommend waiting until all orders metrics are populated before evaluating campaign performance. Payment failures and orders that are cancelled within 72 hours will be removed from orders’ totals. Learn more about sales.


Advertising cost of sales (ACOS) is the percentage of sales spent on advertising (total spend / total sales x 100). Learn more about ACOS


Return on advertising spend (ROAS) divides the total sales by the total ad spend (total ad sales / total ad spend). Learn more about ROAS

Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) read

The KENP read is a metric specific for KDP authors. This metric is the estimated number of normalized pages attributed to your Sponsored Products campaign from customers who borrow your book from Kindle Unlimited or the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL).

Click-through-rate (CTR)

The percentage of shoppers who see your ad and also click it, calculated as clicks divided by impressions (clicks / impressions).

Cost-per-click (CPC)

The average amount paid for a click on the keyword, calculated as total spend divided by the number of clicks (spend / clicks).

New-to-brand orders

For Sponsored Brands, the number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window. Learn more about Sponsored Brands new-to-brand metrics

New-to-brand sales

For Sponsored Brands, the total sales (in local currency) of new-to-brand orders. Learn more about Sponsored Brands new-to-brand metrics

% of orders new-to-brand

For Sponsored Brands, the percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders. Learn more about Sponsored Brands new-to-brand metrics

% of sales new-to-brand

For Sponsored Brands, the total sales (in local currency) of new-to-brand purchases. Learn more about Sponsored Brands new-to-brand metrics

Units sold

For Sponsored Brands, the total number of individual units of your products that are included in Amazon orders from shoppers after clicking your ads. Learn more about the sales attribution window

Units per order

For Sponsored Brands, the average number of units of your products that are included in Amazon orders from shoppers after clicking your ads. Learn more about the sales attribution window

Sales per order

For Sponsored Brands, the average value of Amazon orders from shoppers after clicking your ads. Learn more about the sales attribution window

