Amazon Renewed

什么是 Amazon Renewed?

在 Amazon Renewed 上,您可以向全球数百万亚马逊买家销售优质翻新商品、二手商品和开箱商品。Amazon Renewed 上的所有商品必须经过检测和认证,证明可以正常使用,且外观类似新品。只有保持高质量和高绩效标准的卖家才能在 Amazon Renewed 上销售翻新商品、二手商品和开箱商品。

如何申请加入 Amazon Renewed?

要销售翻新商品,请查看以下分类要求。如果您符合要求,请点击此处申请。我们将审核您的请求,如果您符合要求,我们通常会在 10 个工作日内给您发送一封合格电子邮件。

要申请加入 Amazon Renewed,您必须符合以下条件:

  1. 商品必须经过制造商或专业第三方翻新商的检查、清洗和维修(如适用),经测试可以正常使用,且外观类似新品。

  2. 您必须提供相关发票,证明您在申请后的前 90 天内符合条件的翻新商品的总价值达到 50,000 美元。

    1. 售价不超过 15.00 美元的商品不计入翻新商品内。您可以涂黑发票上的商品数量或交易数额,但不能同时涂黑两者。

    2. 如要获批发布 Apple 品牌商品,您需要提供在过去 90 天内开具的发票,其应为总共 250 万美元的 Apple 翻新商品。

  3. 您必须提交至少 8 张样品和包装(配送商品的箱子、内部包装和衬垫、商品顶部和底部、商品的四个侧面)的图片。

    1. 如果您的商品带有屏幕,我们会要求您提供屏幕启用后的图片。

  4. 您需要为您的所有翻新商品提供 Amazon Renewed 保障。

  5. 如果您是亚马逊的现有卖家,或已经开始在亚马逊上销售商品,那么您的订单缺陷率 (ODR) 在接下来的 90 天内不得超过 0.8%。

  6. 您有能力实现并遵守我们的 Amazon Renewed 全球质量政策 。

Amazon Renewed 常见问题




为什么我无法在 Amazon Renewed 上发布我的商品?

您必须获得批准才能销售经认证的翻新商品。如果您已获得批准但仍无法销售商品,请联系 Amazon Renewed 销售伙伴支持。



  1. 在过去 90 天内的订单缺陷率 (ODR) 分数为 0.8% 或更低。

  2. 报价 RQS 必须保持在 95%,卖家 RQS 必须保持在 98%,才能继续在 Amazon Renewed 上销售商品。

  3. 平均商品评级为 3.70。

什么是翻新质量分数 (RQS)?

翻新质量分数或 RQS 是 Amazon Renewed 用来评估每个卖家的商品质量的指标。RQS 是指没有任何报告缺陷的订单所占的百分比。这是通过审核买家通过电子邮件、商品评论、卖家反馈和客户服务电话向亚马逊发送的投诉计算得出的。

商品 RQS 是您发布商品的质量得分,卖家 RQS 是您的 Amazon Renewed 账户的整体质量得分。

如何查看我的翻新质量分数 (RQS)?

只有获准加入翻新计划的账户才能访问 RQS 控制面板。您可以在此处访问您的 RQS 控制面板


Amazon Renewed

What is Amazon Renewed?

On Amazon Renewed, you can sell high-quality refurbished, pre-owned and open-box products to millions of Amazon customers worldwide. All products on Amazon Renewed must be tested and certified to work and look like new. Only sellers that maintain a high quality and performance bar can offer refurbished, pre-owned and open-box products on Amazon Renewed.

How to apply for Amazon Renewed?

To be considered to sell Renewed items, review the category requirements below. If you meet the requirements, click here to apply. We will review your request and if you meet the requirements, we will reach out with an onboarding email, usually within 10 business days.

To apply for Amazon Renewed, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Products must be inspected, cleaned, repaired (if applicable) and tested by a manufacturer or a specialized third-party refurbisher to function and look like-new.

  2. You can supply invoices showing a minimum of total value of $50,000 in qualifying refurbished purchases in the previous 90 days from the date of the application.

    1. Items with a selling price of $15.00 or less do not count towards the refurbished units. You may black-out either the unit or dollar amount on the invoices, but not both.

    2. For approval to list on Apple branded items, we require invoices dated from trailing 90 days that total $2.5 million in Apple refurbished products.

  3. You need to submit a minimum of 8 images of a sample unit for product and packaging review (box in which the product will ship, inside packaging and padding, product from top and bottom, product from all four sides).

    1. If you have an item with a screen, we request images of the screen turned on.

  4. You will honor the Amazon Renewed Guarantee for all of your Renewed products.

  5. If you are an existing seller on Amazon, or once you start selling on Amazon, you have an Order-Defect-Rate (ODR) of 0.8% or less in the trailing 90 days.

  6. You can meet and adhere to our Amazon Renewed Global Quality Policies .

Amazon Renewed FAQ

Do I need to get separate approvals to sell on Amazon's NA Marketplaces?

When you are approved to sell Renewed in US you are automatically approved to sell Renewed product in Canada. If you would like to sell Renewed product in Mexico, you will need to re-apply through the Renewed application page for Mexico.

If you are approved for Renewed in either Canada or Mexico and would like to sell Renewed product in the US, you will need to apply through the Renewed application page for US.

Why am I not able to list my products on Amazon Renewed?

You must be approved to sell certified refurbished products. If you are approved, and still unable to sell, you can contact Amazon Renewed Seller Support.

I am a Renewed Seller how do I ensure I stay in the program?

You must continue to meet the following metrics.

  1. Order Defect Rate (ODR) score of 0.8% or less, in the trailing 90 days.

  2. You must maintain an Offer RQS of 95% and a Seller RQS of 98% to continue selling on Amazon Renewed.

  3. Average product rating of 3.70.

What is the Renewed Quality Score (RQS)?

Renewed Quality Score or RQS is the metric Amazon Renewed uses to assess product quality for each Seller. RQS is the percentage of orders without any reported defects. It is calculated by reviewing complaints from customers to Amazon through e-mails, product reviews, Seller feedback, and Customer Service calls.

Offer RQS is the quality score of the product you are listing, and Seller RQS is the overall quality score of your Amazon Renewed account.

How can I check my Renewed Quality Score (RQS)?

Only accounts that are approved for the Renewed program will have access to the RQS Dashboard. You can access your RQS Dashboard here

