
启用在结账时关税和进口税功能后,您可以打印完税后交货 (DDP) 发货标签,用于表明客户已支付关税和进口税。您可能需要更新商店的一些信息、为限时抢购做准备或制定退款政策,具体取决于您的商店。在进行跨国运输之前,请查看以下任务。


  • 购买和使用 DDP 发货标签

  • 创建商业发票

  • 更新您的物流政策和通知

  • 为限时抢购做准备

  • 管理退款

购买和使用 DDP 发货标签

开始在结账时收取关税和进口税后,您需要为国际订单购买和使用 DDP 发货标签,而不是标准发货标签。如果您在结账时收取关税,但使用了标准发货标签,则您的客户在订单送达时仍需支付关税和进口税。在这种情况下,您的客户会支付两次关税和进口税。

对国际订单征收关税时,该订单的详细信息中会包含关税订单项目。购买 DDP 标签前,请确认是否已对每笔国际订单收取关税和进口税。如果您发货的订单关税为 0 美元,您可以使用 DDP 发货标签来确保您的客户无需承担任何额外费用。如果结账时出现错误,则可能表示未征收关税和进口税,您应对此订单使用标准发货标签。




  • 如果订单已支付关税和进口税,则在商业发票上注明交付条款为 DDP,表明已支付关税和进口税。

  • 如果订单未支付关税和进口税,则在商业发票上注明交付条款为 DDU 或 DAP,表明尚未支付关税和进口税。

为了减少您向客户收取的关税和进口税与海关机构收取的税金之间的差异,请确保在商业发票上使用准确的信息。创建发票时,请验证商业发票和 Shopify 后台中的订单中是否相同:

  • HS 代码

  • 原产地

  • 折扣后的价格

  • 数量

  • 收取关税和进口税

  • 如果您要收取低价值商品税,请提供当地税务登记号码



更新您的物流政策:在 Shopify 后台中前往设置 > 政策



如果您开展限时抢购活动,请考虑在促销完成之前禁用在结账时收取关税和进口税功能。如果您决定在促销期间在结账时收取关税和进口税,请查看您的促销产品,以确认这些产品具有 HS 编码、原产地以及指定的产品类型。确认已为促销产品填写这些字段将有助于估算关税和进口税费用。



  • 如果您对尚未发货的订单进行退款,则可以为客户退还关税和进口税。

  • 如果您对已发货的订单进行退款,也可以为客户退还关税和进口税。但是,承运商不会退还您用于购买 DDP 标签的任何资金。



Additional tasks for collecting duties and import taxes at checkout

After you enable collecting duties and import taxes at checkout, you need to print delivered duty paid (DDP) shipping labels to indicate that duties and import taxes have already been paid by the customer. Depending on your store, you might need to update some of your store's information, prepare for flash sales, or develop policies on refunds. Review the following tasks before you ship internationally.

On this page

  • Purchase and use DDP shipping labels

  • Create commercial invoices

  • Update your shipping policy and notifications

  • Prepare for flash sales

  • Manage refunds

Purchase and use DDP shipping labels

After you start charging duties and import taxes at checkout, you need to purchase and use DDP shipping labels instead of standard shipping labels for your international orders. If you charge duties at checkout, but use a standard shipping label, then your customer is still charged duties and import taxes at delivery. In this case, your customer pays for the duties and import taxes twice.

When duties are collected on an international order, a Duties line item is included in that order’s details. Verify that duties and import taxes have been collected on each international order before you purchase a DDP label. If you ship an order with $0 duties, then you can use DDP shipping labels to ensure that your customers aren't liable for any additional charges. If there was an error at checkout, then duties and import taxes might not have been collected, and you should use a standard shipping label for that order.

After you recieve your first invoice from a carrier, compare the charges at checkout with customs that were charged at the shipping destination to verify that duties and import taxes are being charged correctly. Repeat this process periodically. If you notice considerable differences between the duties and import tax that are charged at checkout and the amount charged by customs authorities, then review your setup to ensure that your duties and import taxes are calculated as accurately as possible.

Create commercial invoices

Every international order requires a commercial invoice. You can fill out digital commercial invoices provided by the carrier on the carrier’s website. Depending on the order, you need to create the commercial invoice in either of the following ways:

  • If the order has paid duties and import taxes, then mark the terms of delivery on the commercial invoice as DDP to indicate that duties and import taxes have been paid.

  • If the order does not have paid duties and import taxes, then mark the terms of delivery on the commercial invoice as DDU or DAP to indicate that duties and import taxes have not yet been paid.

To reduce discrepancies between the duties and import tax that you charge to a customer and the amount that is charged by customs agencies, ensure that you use accurate information on your commercial invoice. When you create your invoice, verify that the following are the same on both the commercial invoice and in the order in your Shopify admin:

  • HS code

  • Country or region of origin

  • Price after discounts

  • Quantity

  • Collected duties and import tax

  • Your local tax registration number if you're collecting low-value goods tax

Update your shipping policy and notifications

After you enable charging duties and import taxes at checkout, update your shipping policy and your notification templates so that your customers are aware of your policies and charges for international sales.

Update your shipping policy in your Shopify admin by going to Settings > Policies.

If you use the default Order confirmation and Order refund email templates, then your emails are automatically updated to include a Duties line item and you don't need to make any changes. If you have customized your Order confirmation and Order refund email templates, then you can add code to your notification templates to add a Duties line.

Prepare for flash sales

If you run flash sales, then consider disabling the collection of duties and import taxes at checkout until your sale is complete. If you decide to collect duties and import taxes at checkout during your sale, then review your sale products to verify that they have HS codes, country or region of origin, and product type specified. Verifying that you have these fields filled out on your sale products helps to estimate duties and import tax costs.

Manage refunds

It's up to you how you want to handle refunds for duties and import taxes. If you decide to offer refunds for duties and import taxes, consider the following:

  • If you refund an order that hasn’t been fulfilled yet, then you can refund the duties and import taxes to the customer.

  • If you refund an order that has already been fulfilled, then you can refund the duties and import taxes to the customer. However, any funds that you have used to purchase DDP labels aren't returned to you by the carrier.

Remember that refunding the order in full is the only way to prevent a customer from disputing an order with their payment provider.

