
个人卖家: 此功能适用于参与专业销售计划的卖家。



  • 您必须至少已在亚马逊上销售商品 90 天。
  • 订单数量:最近 30 天内的订单(不论选择何种配送选项)数量不少于 10 个。
  • 有效追踪率:不低于 94%。对于美国,追踪信息包括由 UPS、USPS、Fedex 或 OnTrac 提供的追踪编码。要了解更多信息,请参阅有效追踪率。
  • 准时送达率:不低于 92%。有关更多信息,请参阅准时送达率。
  • 卖家取消率:低于 1.5%。请参阅取消率了解更多详情。



您应在随后 30 天内在预计送达日期 (EDD) 当天或之前送达至少其中 92% 的“隔日达”订单。

“隔日达”服务将显示预计送达日期 (EDD),该日期为订单日期后的两到三个工作日。对于您在星期一至星期五东部时间下午 2:00/太平洋时间上午 11:00 之前收到的订单,预计送达日期将显示为订单日期后的两个工作日。对于您在工作日东部时间下午 2:00/太平洋时间上午 11:00 之后以及周末或假日收到的订单,预计送达日期将显示为订单日期后的三个工作日。


注意: 如果配送承运人尝试但未能成功送达包裹,则鉴于此要求,该包裹将视为已送达。


您应使用可追踪的配送方式并提供有效的追踪编码。对于选择“隔日达”选项的订单,您的追踪率这一绩效指标必须至少为 94%。

亚马逊会在随后 30 天内评估提供优先配送选项的资格。仅当追踪编码至少具有一个承运人扫描记录时,才会被视为有效。


您应使用 UPS、USPS、FedEx 或 OnTrac 配送选择“隔日达”选项的订单。




如果您具备资格并希望提供“隔日达”服务,请依次转至【设置】 > 【配送设置】,然后选择【隔日达】作为配送选项。

注意: 如果目前您的绩效指标低于最低标准,则【隔日达】不会作为您商品的配送选项而显示出来。在您的绩效指标提高之后,该选项将重新显示出来。有关更多信息,请参阅撤销“隔日达”资格。

Requirements for Two-Day Shipping

Two-Day Shipping is a fast Premium Shipping option only available to sellers that meet high delivery performance standards.

Customers expect their packages to be delivered quickly, so you must maintain the requirements for the following metrics. If you don't meet these requirements, Two-Day Shipping might be disabled on your offers.

  • You must sell on Amazon for at least 90 days.
  • Order count: Ten or more orders in the past 30 days across all shipping options.
  • Valid tracking rate: Greater than or equal to 94%. For the United States, this includes tracking IDs from UPS, USPS, Fedex, or OnTrac. To learn more, see Valid Tracking Rate.
  • On-time delivery rate: Greater than or equal to 92%. For more information, see On-Time Delivery Score.
  • Seller-initiated cancellation rate: Less than 1.5%. See Cancellation Rate for more details.

To learn how to start offering Two-Day Shipping, see Enroll in Two-Day Shipping.

Two-Day on-time delivery

You are required to deliver on or before the Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) for at least 92% of Two-Day Shipping orders on a trailing 30-day basis.

Two-Day Shipping will show an Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) that is two or three business days after the order date. Orders that you receive Monday-Friday before 2:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. PT, will show an EDD that is two business days after the order date. Orders that you receive after 2:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. PT on a business day, or on a weekend or holiday, will show an EDD that is three business days after the order date.

Your carrier should deliver the package to the buyer on or before the EDD.

Note: If the delivery carrier attempts but fails to deliver a package, it counts as being delivered for the purposes of this requirement.


You are required to use a trackable shipping method and provide valid tracking IDs. Your performance metrics must show a minimum of a 94% tracking rate on orders placed with Two-Day Shipping.

Amazon assesses eligibility to offer Premium Shipping options on a trailing 30-day basis. Tracking numbers will be considered valid only if they have at least one carrier scan recorded.

Carrier requirements

You are required to use UPS, USPS, FedEx, or OnTrac to deliver orders placed with Two-Day Shipping.

For more information about shipping options and carrier fees, see Buy Shipping Services and Shipping services fees.


You can view performance metrics on the Account Health Dashboard page. Open the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool to see your eligibility status.

If you are eligible and would like to offer Two-Day Shipping, go to Settings > Shipping Settings, and select Two-Day Shipping as a shipping option.

Note: If your performance metrics are currently below the minimum thresholds, Two-Day Shipping won't display as an option for your offers. Once you improve your performance metrics, the option will return. For more information, see Two-Day Shipping eligibility revocation.
