卖家自配送 Prime 绩效指标

要保持卖家自配送 Prime 计划的资质,您的卖家自配送 Prime 订单必须满足以下绩效指标:

  • 准时发货率至少为 99%

  • 购买配送的使用率至少为订单的 99%

  • 取消率不超过 0.5%

  • 对于在“购买配送”之外购买配送的 Prime 订单,准时送达率至少为 97%

使用绩效控制面板:1) 查看这些指标;2) 下载缺陷报告,找出影响指标的所有订单。有关更多信息,请参阅卖家自配送 Prime 缺陷报告。



准时发货率的计算方法如下:在承诺发货日期当天或之前发货的卖家自配送 Prime 商品数量,除以发货的卖家自配送 Prime 商品的总数。





准时送达率是指在承诺送达日期当天或之前送达的卖家自配送 Prime 商品的百分比。此比率对于提升买家体验至关重要。延迟配送可能会导致不良评论和退货的出现,甚至出现退款申请。

注意: 我们会提供所有延迟配送信息(即使不影响您的准时送达率),以便您与承运人协商找出问题并加以解决。

如果因非承运人方面的原因而导致首次配送失败,相关订单不会影响您的准时送达率。(例如: 买家未到场签收包裹。)

要了解哪些因素影响了您的准时送达率,请在缺陷报告的【送达延误】列中查看带有“X”的订单。要确定哪些订单同时影响准时送达率和您的 Prime 计划资格,请在【送达延误】和【在购买配送之外已发货】中查看带有“X”的项目。


购买配送率的计算方法如下:贴有标签(通过“购买配送”购买的标签)的卖家自配送 Prime 商品数量,除以已发货的卖家自配送 Prime 商品的总数。




取消率的计算方法如下:您在确认发货前取消的卖家自配送 Prime 商品数量,除以订购的卖家自配送 Prime 商品的总数。计算此指标时,我们会考虑您因任何原因而取消的所有订单。

买家可在下单后的 30 分钟内取消订单,如果买家以此方式取消订单,您不需要执行任何操作。如果买家在 30 分钟后取消订单,请您不要自行取消订单,而是引导买家联系客户服务。这样可以避免对取消率产生负面影响。



绩效衡量时间范围是 7 天和 30 天。如果您的绩效指标在过去 7 天或 30 天内低于要求,则您的 Prime 资格可能会被暂停。如果发生这种情况,您的 Prime 状态将一直处于暂停状态,直到我们收到并接受您的行动计划。


在【绩效】控制面板中,点击【创建 POA】 按钮并填写网页表单。


  • 为什么您的卖家自配送 Prime 绩效低于计划要求

  • 您正在采取哪些措施来解决这种情况

  • 您会采取哪些具体措施来避免以后出现这种问题

提交 POA。您也可以通过电子邮件将行动计划和卖家令牌发送至 sfp-performance@amazon.com。

可能影响您的 Prime 绩效的其他因素


通过控制 Prime 订单量,您可以降低这些因素对您的 Prime 绩效的影响。借助该工具,您可以调整每日订单量上限或暂时完全禁用 Prime 标记,直到情况好转或问题得到解决。有关更多信息,请参阅帮助页面。

对于较小的问题,如承运人卡车损坏,请使用控制面板上的【创建 POA】 按钮,或发送电子邮件至 sfp-performance@amazon.com。审查您的 Prime 资格时,我们会考虑您的情况。


Seller Fulfilled Prime performance metrics

To remain eligible for Seller Fulfilled Prime, you must meet the following performance metrics on Seller Fulfilled Prime orders:

  • On-time shipment rate of at least 99%

  • Use of Buy Shipping for at least 99% of orders

  • A cancellation rate of no more than 0.5%

  • An on-time delivery rate of at least 97% on Prime orders when shipping is purchased outside of Buy Shipping services

Use your performance dashboard to 1) see these metrics and 2) download a defects report to review any orders that have affected your metrics. For more information, see Seller Fulfilled Prime defects report.

List of performance metrics

On-time shipment

The on-time shipment rate is the number of Seller Fulfilled Prime units that were shipped on or before the promised ship date divided by the total number of Seller Fulfilled Prime units shipped.

Packages are considered shipped when the carrier scans the units for the first time, not when you confirm shipment. To be considered shipped on time, any order that was placed before your order cut-off time must receive a first scan on the same day.

If the package was shipped late but delivered on time, it will be counted as on time. To ship on time, make sure your shipping method delivers your late packages by the delivery date promised to the customer.

To see what’s affecting your on-time shipment rate, look for orders with an “X” in the Shipped late and Delivered late columns in your defects report.

On-time delivery

The on-time delivery rate is the percentage of Seller Fulfilled Prime units that were delivered on or before the promised delivery date. This rate is the most important to the customer experience. Late deliveries can lead to bad reviews and return or refund requests.

Note: We provide all late-delivery information (even when it doesn’t affect your on-time delivery rate) so that you can work with your carriers to identify and resolve any issues.

If the first delivery attempt was unsuccessful due to an issue not related to the carrier, the order will not affect your on-time delivery rate. (One example: The customer wasn’t present to sign for the package.)

To see what’s affecting your on-time delivery rate, look for orders with an “X” in the Delivered late column of your defects report. To identify which orders affect both this rate and your Prime eligibility, look for an “X” in Delivered late and Shipped outside Buy Shipping services.

Buy Shipping

The Buy Shipping rate is the number of Seller Fulfilled Prime units with labels bought through Buy Shipping services divided by all Seller Fulfilled Prime units shipped.

If a customer wants to change their shipping address, direct them to contact Customer Service. Do not cancel the order yourself. The customer must enter updated shipping information for a new order.

To see what’s affecting your Buy Shipping rate, look for orders with an “X” in the Shipped outside Buy Shipping services column of your defects report.

Cancellation rate

Cancellation rate is the number of Seller Fulfilled Prime units canceled by you before ship-confirmation divided by the total number of Seller Fulfilled Prime units ordered. To calculate this metric, we consider all cancellations initiated by you for any reason.

A customer can cancel an order up to 30 minutes after placing it with no action required from you. If a customer cancels an order after 30 minutes, direct them to contact Customer Service instead of canceling the order yourself. By doing so, you avoid a negative impact on your cancellation rate.

To see what’s affecting your cancellation rate, look for orders with an “X” in the Order canceled by seller column of your defects report.

Performance review timeframes

Performance is measured over seven- and 30-day timeframes. If your performance metrics fall below requirements during the last seven or 30 days, your Prime eligibility may be suspended. If this happens, your Prime status will remain suspended until we have received and accepted a plan of action from you.

How to appeal a suspension

From the Performance dashboard, click the Create POA button and fill out the webform.

The plan of action must address the following:

  • Why your Seller Fulfilled Prime performance fell below program requirements

  • What actions you’re taking to remedy the situation

  • Specific measures from you to avoid the problem in the future

Submit the POA. You can also email your plan of action and your merchant token to sfp-performance@amazon.com.

Other factors that may affect your Prime performance

We understand that some circumstances are out of your control. Factors such as weather, power outages, order volume spikes, staff absences, and mechanical failures can result in late shipments, late deliveries, order cancellations, or some combination of the three.

With Control Prime order volume, you can reduce the impact of these factors to your Prime performance. The tool allows you to adjust your daily order maximums or temporarily disable the Prime badge entirely until the situation has passed or the issue is resolved. For more information, visit the Help page.

For smaller-scale issues, such as a carrier truck breaking down, use the Create POA button on the dashboard, or email us at sfp-performance@amazon.com. We’ll consider your circumstances when reviewing your Prime eligibility.

