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亚马逊官方解读卖家自配送 Prime 试用绩效指标


卖家自配送 Prime 试用绩效指标

要成功通过卖家自配送 Prime 试用期,卖家必须保证至少有 50 个 Prime 试用订单满足以下绩效要求:

  • Prime 试用订单的准时发货率至少为 99%

  • 至少 99% 的 Prime 试用订单使用购买配送服务

  • Prime 试用订单的取消率不超过 0.5%

卖家平台中的“Prime 试用绩效”部分显示了您在卖家自配送 Prime 试用期内必须关注的配送绩效指标。



准时发货率的计算方式为:在承诺发货日期当天或之前发货的 Prime 试用商品数除以发货的 Prime 试用商品总数。

注意: 准时发货率是基于承运人首次扫描时间,而不是实际发货时间计算的。计算这一指标时,我们会考虑到承运人可能会在取件数小时后才首次扫描包裹。


准时送达率是指在承诺送达日期当天或之前送达的卖家自配送 Prime 商品的百分比。虽然您的准时送达率不会影响您参与卖家自配送 Prime 计划的资格,但请监控该指标,以确保您选择能够按时将包裹送达且提供良好买家体验的配送方式。


购买配送使用率的计算方式为:带有通过购买配送所购标签的 Prime 试用商品数除以发货的 Prime 试用商品总数。


取消率的计算方式为:卖家在发货确认前取消的 Prime 试用商品数除以买家订购的 Prime 试用商品总数。 计算这一指标时,我们会考虑取消的所有 Prime 试用订单,不论卖家因何原因取消订单


这里会列明“Prime 试用绩效”部分顶部所示日期范围内的 Prime 试用订单数。


【下载缺陷报告】链接可以生成报告,其中显示未达到一项或多项 Prime 试用配送绩效要求的 Prime 试用订单。了解关于试用缺陷报告的更多信息。


The Seller Fulfilled Prime trial performance metrics

In order to successfully complete the Seller Fulfilled Prime trial, sellers must meet the following performance requirements on a minimum of 50 Prime trial orders:

  • An On-Time Shipment Rate of at least 99% for Prime trial orders

  • Use of Buy Shipping Services for at least 99% of Prime trial orders

  • A Cancellation Rate of no more than 0.5% on Prime trial orders

The Prime Trial Performance section in Seller Central displays the fulfillment performance metrics you must keep track of during your Seller Fulfilled Prime trial period.

Performance metrics

On-Time shipment:

On-Time Shipment is calculated by dividing the number of Prime trial units that were shipped on or before the promised ship date by the total number of Prime trial units shipped.

Note: On-time Shipment rate is calculated based on the Carrier First Scan time and not the Actual Ship time. When calculating this metric, we take into consideration that carriers might first scan the packages several hours after they are picked up.

On-Time Delivery

On-Time Delivery is the percentage of Seller Fulfilled Prime units that were delivered on or before the promised delivery date. While your On-Time Delivery rate does not affect your Seller Fulfilled Prime eligibility, monitor it to ensure you’re choosing shipping methods that arrive on time and provide a great customer experience.

Buy Shipping usage:

Buy Shipping usage is defined as the number of Prime trial units with labels purchased through Buy Shipping divided by all Prime trial units shipped.


Cancellation rate is the number of Prime trial units cancelled by the seller prior to ship-confirmation divided by the total number of Prime trial units ordered. When computing this metric, we consider all Prime trial order cancellations initiated by the seller for any reason.


This identifies the number of Prime trial orders within the date range displayed on the top of the Prime Trial Performance section.

Download Defects Report:

The Download Defects Report link generates a report that shows you the Prime trial orders that missed one or more of the fulfillment performance requirements for the Prime trial. Learn more about the trial defects report.

