亚马逊卖家自配送 Prime 试用期
卖家自配送 Prime 试用期
要开始试用,请前往卖家自配送 Prime 主页并注册。
要通过您的自配送 Prime 试用期,您必须保证至少有 50 个 Prime 试用订单满足以下绩效要求:
Prime 订单的准时发货率至少达到 99%。
至少 99% 的 Prime 订单使用“购买配送服务”
Prime 订单的取消率不超过 0.5%。
有关卖家自配送 Prime 试用期的详细信息,请参阅下文。
在加入卖家自配送 Prime 计划之前,您必须通过试用期,证明您符合 Prime 高效配送要求和客户满意度要求。在试用期内,您必须遵守卖家自配送 Prime 的计划条款并达到下文所述的绩效要求。在试用期内,您注册加入卖家自配送 Prime 计划的商品不会显示 Prime 标记。如果成功通过试用期,亚马逊会将您加入卖家自配送 Prime 计划,随后会向买家显示 Prime 标记。
注册: 请前往卖家自配送 Prime 主页并注册以开始试用。
在您的 Prime 试用配送模板中启用 Prime 配送: 访问配置配送设置,查看有关如何为上架商品启用 Prime 配送以及如何选择要提供 Prime 配送服务的区域的步骤。
查看 Prime 配送要求。
在卖家自配送 Prime 中注册商品: 将 SKU 分配给您的 Prime 配送模板。
注意: 在试用期内,无论买家身处何处,分配到 Prime 配送模板的所有 SKU 都会被视为 Prime 试用订单。我们会评估您的所有 Prime 试用订单,以确定它们是否满足下述试用期绩效要求。
配送 Prime 试用订单: 请根据卖家平台中“管理订单”页面上显示的 Prime 标记以及订单报告中的“isprime”编码来识别 Prime 试用订单。按照如何处理卖家自配送 Prime 订单页面上列出的要求来配送这些订单。
在试用期内,您必须保证至少有 50 个 Prime 试用订单满足以下绩效要求:
Prime 试用订单的准时发货率至少为 99%。只要买家在卖家的截止时间之前下单,那么无论他们选择的是哪种配送速度,Prime 试用订单都必须在收到订单的当天发货。
至少 98% 的 Prime 试用订单使用“购买配送服务”。
Prime 试用订单的取消率低于 0.5%。
获得卖家自配送 Prime 计划参与资格 24 小时后,分配到您的一个或多个 Prime 模板的 SKU 会自动向买家显示 Prime 标记。要维持卖家自配送 Prime 计划的参与资格,您需要达到同样的 Prime 试用绩效要求。
除获得卖家自配送 Prime 计划参与资格外,您的 Prime 商品上还将显示承诺送达日期消息。
绩效指标低于要求水平的卖家不再有资格加入卖家自配送 Prime 计划,但仍可以在不使用 Prime 标记的情况下在亚马逊上销售这些商品。
Seller Fulfilled Prime trial period
To start your trial, go to the Seller Fulfilled Prime main page and sign up.
To complete your Seller Fulfilled Prime trial, you must meet the following performance requirements on a minimum of 50 Prime trial orders:
On-Time Shipment Rate of at least 99% for Prime orders.
Use of Buy Shipping Services for at least 99% of Prime orders.
Cancellation rate of 0.5% or less for Prime orders.
For detailed information on the Seller Fulfilled Prime trial period, see below.
Before enrolling in Seller Fulfilled Prime, you must qualify by completing a trial period to show you are able to meet the requirements for Prime fulfillment excellence and customer satisfaction. During the trial period, you must agree to the Program Terms for Seller Fulfilled Prime and satisfy the Performance Requirements described below. During the trial period, the Prime badge will not be visible on the items you have enrolled in Seller Fulfilled Prime. If you successfully complete the trial period, Amazon will enroll you into Seller Fulfilled Prime, and the Prime badge will then display to customers.
How to start the trial
Register: Go to the Seller Fulfilled Prime main page and sign up to start your trial.
Enable Prime shipping in your Prime trial shipping template: Visit Configure Shipping Settings for steps on how to enable listings for Prime shipping, and how to select regions where you would like to offer Prime delivery.
Review Prime Shipping Requirements.
Enroll items in Seller Fulfilled Prime: Assign SKUs to your Prime shipping template.
Note: During the trial period, all SKUs assigned to a Prime shipping template will count as Prime trial orders, regardless of the buyer's location. All Prime trial orders will contribute toward the trial period performance requirements described below.
Fulfill Prime trial orders: Identify Prime trial orders according to the Prime badge displayed on the Manage Orders page in Seller Central and the “isprime” identifier in Order Reports. Fulfill these orders according to the requirements listed on the How to process Seller Fulfilled Prime orders page.
Performance requirements
During the trial period, you must meet the following performance requirements on a minimum of 50 Prime trial orders:
An On-Time Shipment Rate of at least 99% for Prime trial orders. Regardless of the shipping speed selected by the customer, Prime trial orders must be shipped on the same day the order is received, as long as the customer places the order before the seller’s cutoff time.
Use of Buy Shipping Services for at least 98% Prime trial orders.
A cancellation rate of no more than 0.5% for Prime trial orders.
Successful completion of trial
24 hours after you become eligible for the Seller Fulfilled Prime program, the SKUs mapped to one or more of your Prime Templates will automatically display the Prime badge to customers. To maintain eligibility for Seller Fulfilled Prime, you are required to meet the same Prime trial performance requirements.
In addition to gaining eligibility for the Seller Fulfilled Prime program, your Prime items will also show guaranteed delivery date messaging.
Sellers whose performance metrics fall below required levels are no longer eligible for Seller Fulfilled Prime, but can continue selling those items on Amazon without Prime badging.