官方解读亚马逊卖家自配送 Prime 计划条款
卖家自配送 Prime 计划条款
参加卖家自配送 Prime 计划,即表示卖家必须同意遵守针对在卖家自配送 Prime 中注册的所有商品(简称“Prime 商品”)的以下要求。您必须遵守针对货件标签购买、客户服务和买家退货的要求,这些要求适用于卖家自配送 Prime 商品的所有订单,无论买家是否是 Prime 会员。
如果亚马逊确定卖家的行为或表现可能会损害买家信任度,违反我们的条款或政策,或者对买家或亚马逊造成其他风险,那么我们可自行决定禁用或移除适用的 Prime 商品优惠、卖家自配送 Prime 资格或销售权限。
有关更多信息,请参阅在卖家自配送 Prime 计划中保持注册状态。
Prime 配送
卖家必须针对所有 Prime 商品为 Prime 会员提供以下 Prime 配送优惠。
配送速度 | 符合要求的地址 |
免费隔日达 | 几乎涵盖美国本土所有地址,以下标记为“不符合要求”的地址除外。 |
免费标准配送 |
不符合要求 |
对于有资格享受 Prime 配送优惠,却选择了较慢配送方式的 Prime 会员,卖家必须提供免费配送。如果提供当日达服务或次日达服务,卖家必须向 Prime 会员免费提供。
Prime 买家支付的运费(美元)
配送选项 | 重量分段 | 媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视) | 非媒介类商品 |
【当日达】 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【次日达】 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【隔日达】 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【标准】 - 美国本土街道 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【标准】 - 美国本土邮政信箱 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【标准】 - 位于阿拉斯加和夏威夷的街道 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【标准】 - 位于阿拉斯加和夏威夷的邮政信箱 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【标准】 - 位于美国保护国/地区的街道 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【标准】 - 位于美国保护国/地区的邮政信箱 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
【免费经济型】 | 全部 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
此外,卖家必须为所有买家提供免费的标准配送,无论买家是否是 Prime 会员。对于更快捷的配送选项(例如:“隔日达”或“次日达”),非 Prime 会员买家需要支付您设置的运费。
Prime 标记的显示
对于配送时间较长的商品,我们可能不会显示 Prime 标记,因为这些商品不符合 Prime 买家对隔日达或更快送达的期望。购买您卖家自配送 Prime 商品的 Prime 买家将继续享受 Prime 的其他优惠,其中包括承诺送达日期、亚马逊的客户服务和轻松退货服务。
为您的订单选择一个较晚的截止时间。查看卖家自配送 Prime 的配送要求,了解如何调整截止时间。
将 Prime 配送设置升级到自动配送模板,确保您可以根据配送地址和首选配送方式向买家提供最快的配送速度。有关更多信息,请参阅配送设置自动化。
有关故障排除步骤,请参阅 Prime 标记未显示在我的卖家自配送 Prime 商品上。
对于包含 Prime 商品的订单,卖家必须通过购买配送购买货件标签。使用亚马逊的“购买配送”,即表示卖家同意遵守亚马逊的条款和条件,并同意遵守适用承运人或服务提供商在出库配送和退货运输方面的条款和条件。
在买家针对 Prime 商品下单后,亚马逊客户服务将负责处理与相应 Prime 商品相关的所有事宜。亚马逊将提供并自行决定所有售后客户服务,包括与 Prime 商品相关的买家退货、退款和调整。卖家同意,亚马逊可以针对与 Prime 商品相关的任何退货、退款或其他调整和优惠向卖家账户收取相应费用。卖家还应负责解答买家在订购前的查询以及与其商品相关的查询。
对于所有符合隔日达或更快配送服务要求的 Prime 商品,其商品详情和结算页面上均显示承诺送达日期信息。当买家就任何 Prime 商品的延迟配送进行交涉时,亚马逊客户服务可能会提供全额运费退款,并且这些退款可能会记入卖家账户。
每个配送日的 Prime 订单限制
每日订单限制是指您每天能够可靠配送的亚马逊 Prime 订单数量。卖家必须在每个配送日均有 Prime 订单限制。有关设置和更新限制的更多信息,请在此处参阅“控制 Prime 订单量”。
为了确保愉快的买家体验,所有 Prime 商品均需遵循亚马逊的退货政策。Prime 商品将享受自动批准退货,该操作在相关商品的退货窗口内启动(您注册商品加入 Prime 后,无需执行其他操作即可享受退货自动批准)。亚马逊客户服务可能会根据具体情况处理退货政策的例外情况,包括接受超过规定的退货时间期限的 Prime 商品退货。请参阅上文的【客户服务】了解更多详情。
商品 | 政策或要求 |
一般退货期望 | 如果买家请求退还符合亚马逊退货政策的 Prime 商品,其退货请求将立即获得批准,并将收到预付费退货邮寄标签。 |
退货配送地点 | 所有退货的卖家自配送 Prime 商品都将配送至【卖家平台】中【设置】 > 【账户信息】页面上提供的退货地址。 |
退货货件标签的费用 | 卖家应负责承担所有 Prime 商品的退货货件标签的费用,但以下“退货运费”部分中说明的情况除外。 |
退款处理时间 | 所有退货的 Prime 商品都必须在该商品到达卖家库房后的两个工作日内进行处理和退款。 |
退款金额 | 一般来说,如果买家退回 Prime 商品,应向其发放全额退款,但以下情况除外:
配送退款 | 如果买家投诉称,虽然包裹追踪信息显示 Prime 商品“已完成配送”,但未收到该商品,应交由亚马逊客户服务处理。 |
买家退货例外情况 | 为了确保卓越的买家体验,亚马逊客户服务可能会根据具体情况处理退货政策的例外情况,包括接受超过规定的退货时间期限的 Prime 商品退货。如果亚马逊接受了在规定的退货窗口结束后 15 天内的退货请求,那么该退货必须与在退货窗口内收到的商品一样进行处理。 |
卖家应负责承担买家退回的任何卖家自配送 Prime 商品的退货运费,但下表中说明的情况除外。退货运费只能根据以下所述的原因代码从买家的退款中扣除。
编号 | 退货代码 | 付款人 |
1 | 意外订单 | 买家 |
2 | 存在价格更便宜的同种商品 | 买家 |
3 | 货件箱或信封未损坏,但商品已残损 | 卖家 |
4 | 错过了预计送达日期 | 卖家 |
5 | 零件或配件缺失 | 卖家 |
6 | 货件箱或信封及商品均已残损 | 卖家 |
7 | 错发商品 | 卖家 |
8 | 商品有瑕疵或无法正常使用 | 卖家 |
9 | 收到的商品与订购不符 | 卖家 |
10 | 不再需要或不想要 | 买家 |
11 | 未授权购买 | 卖家 |
12 | 网站上对商品的描述不准确 | 卖家 |
13 | 配送过程中残损 | 卖家 |
14 | 性能或品质不理想 | 买家 |
15 | 不支持或不适用于预期用途 | 买家 |
16 | 包装不当导致商品残损 | 卖家 |
17 | 零件与当前系统不兼容 | 买家 |
18 | 过度安装或未安装 | 买家 |
除了要为上述原因提供免费退货之外,卖家还必须为以下商品分类的所有卖家自配送 Prime 商品提供免费退货服务,不论买家选择何种原因代码:
大部分归类为危险品或潜在危险品的卖家自配送 Prime 商品都不支持买家退货。无法退货的商品将于在线退货处理中心被屏蔽。但买家可以致电亚马逊客户服务,请求对这些商品进行退款,亚马逊客户服务可自行决定是否对无法退货的商品进行退款。亚马逊可以将任何退款记入卖家账户。如果您认为商品被错误地归类为危险品,请联系销售伙伴支持寻求帮助。
卖家不能为同一个 ASIN 创建单独商品并将其中一件作为卖家自配送 Prime 商品发布,另一件作为卖家自配送商品(无 Prime)发布。属性、状况、状况备注相同的商品被视为相同商品。
卖家不能注册任何未来会补货的商品加入卖家自配送 Prime。若特定商品的库存用完,卖家应从计划中移除该商品,直到库存补足。
Program terms for Seller Fulfilled Prime
By participating in Seller Fulfilled Prime, sellers must agree to the following requirements for all items enrolled in Seller Fulfilled Prime ("Prime items"). You must adhere to requirements for the purchase of shipping labels, customer service, and customer returns applying to all orders of Seller Fulfilled Prime items, regardless of whether the buyer is a Prime member.
If Amazon determines that a seller's actions or performance may result in harm to customer trust, violations of our terms or policies, or cause other risks to customers or Amazon, then we may, in our sole discretion, disable or remove applicable Prime item offers, Seller Fulfilled Prime eligibility, or selling privileges.
For more information, see Maintain enrollment in Seller Fulfilled Prime.
Prime shipping
Sellers must offer Prime members the Prime shipping benefits described below for all Prime items.
Shipping speed Eligible addresses FREE Two-Day Shipping Nearly all addresses in the continental U.S., except those marked as ineligible below. FREE Standard Shipping
Addresses in Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. protectorates
P.O. Boxes in the continental U.S.
APO/FPO addresses
International destinations
Sellers must also offer free shipping to Prime members who select delivery options that are slower than the Prime shipping benefits for which they are eligible. When offering Same-Day Delivery or One-Day Delivery, sellers must offer Free Same-Day and Free One-Day Delivery to Prime members.
Shipping prices paid by Prime buyers (USD)
Shipping option Weight band BMVD Non-BMVD Same-Day All $0.00 $0.00 One-Day All $0.00 $0.00 Two-Day All $0.00 $0.00 Standard - Continental US Street All $0.00 $0.00 Standard - Continental US PO Box All $0.00 $0.00 Standard - Alaska and Hawaii Street All $0.00 $0.00 Standard - Alaska and Hawaii PO Box All $0.00 $0.00 Standard - US Protectorates Street All $0.00 $0.00 Standard - US Protectorates PO Box All $0.00 $0.00 Free Economy All $0.00 $0.00 In addition, Sellers must offer all buyers free Standard shipping, regardless of whether the buyer is a Prime member. For faster shipping options (for example, Two-Day Delivery or One-Day Delivery.), buyers who are not Prime members pay shipping rates that you set.
Prime badge display
For offers with longer delivery times, we may not show the Prime badge, since the offers don’t meet Prime customers' expectations of two-day or faster delivery. Prime customers buying your SFP items will continue to receive other benefits of Prime, including a guaranteed delivery date, customer service by Amazon, and hassle-free returns.
By offering customers faster delivery speeds, you can further improve your chances of becoming the featured offer and improve your offers’ search discoverability.
To offer faster deliveries, consider taking the following actions in your Shipping settings:
Choose a later cut-off time for your orders. See Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping requirements for how to adjust cutoff times.
Upgrade your Prime shipping settings to automated shipping templates, which ensure you can offer the fastest delivery speeds to customers, based on your shipping location and preferred ship methods. For more information, see Shipping Settings Automation.
For troubleshooting steps, see the Prime badge does not show on my SFP offers.
Shipping label requirements
Sellers must purchase all shipping labels for orders containing a Prime item through Buy Shipping Services. By using Buy Shipping Services, sellers agree to Amazon's terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of the applicable carrier or service provider for both outbound delivery and returns shipping.
Customer service
We direct all post-order contacts regarding Prime items to Amazon Customer Service. Amazon will provide, and have sole discretion in determining, all post-order customer service, including customer returns, refunds, and adjustments, related to Prime items. Sellers agree that Amazon might charge the costs of any returns, refunds or other adjustments and concessions related to Prime items to the seller's account. Sellers remain responsible for pre-order buyer inquiries and inquiries related to their products.
Delivery guarantee
We display a guaranteed delivery date message on the item detail and checkout pages for all Prime items eligible for Two-Day or faster shipping. Amazon Customer Service might provide full shipping cost refunds when customers contact them regarding a late delivery of any Prime item, and might charge the seller's account for the cost of any refunds.
Prime order limit per shipping day
Your daily order limit is the number of Amazon Prime orders that you can reliably ship every day. Sellers must have a Prime order limit per shipping day. For more information on setting and updating your limit, see Control Prime order volume here.
Customer returns requirements and policies
To ensure a great customer experience, all Prime items are subject to Amazon's return policies. Prime items will have auto-authorization of returns initiated within that item's return window (when you enroll the item in Prime, no further action is needed for returns to be auto-authorized). Amazon Customer Service may make case-by-case exceptions to the return policies, including accepting returns for Prime items past stated return time frames. See Customer Service above for more details.
Customer service and returns requirements and policies
Item Policy or requirements General return expectations Buyers requesting to return a Prime item within Amazon's return policy will have their return approved immediately and will receive a pre-paid return mailing label. Return shipping location All returns of Seller Fulfilled Prime items will be shipped to the return address provided on the Settings > Account Info page in Seller Central. Charges for the return shipping label Sellers will be responsible for the cost of return shipping labels for all Prime items, except as outlined in the "Charges for return shipping" section below. Refund processing time All returned Prime items must be processed and refunded within two business days of the item arriving in a seller’s warehouse. Refund amount Generally, you must grant a full refund to the customer when a customer returns a Prime item, subject to the following exceptions:
Items that are received more than 15 days after the return window ends may have a late fee of up to 20% of the item price deducted.
Items that are damaged, missing parts, not in the original condition, or have obvious signs of use for reasons not due to a seller error may have up to 50% of the item price deducted.
Open software might have up to 100% of the item price deducted.
Delivery refunds If buyers complain of not receiving delivery of a Prime item even if the package tracking information indicates it was "delivered," they should be directed to Amazon Customer Service. Customer returns exceptions To ensure a great customer experience, Amazon may make case-by-case exceptions to the return policies, including accepting returns for Prime items past the stated returns time frame. If Amazon accepts a return within the 15 days following the end of the stated returns window, the return must be processed the same as if the product was received during the returns window. Charges for return shipping
Sellers are responsible for the return shipping cost of any Seller Fulfilled Prime items that buyers return, except as outlined in the table below. The cost of return shipping may only be deducted from the buyer's refund according to the reason codes detailed below.
Customer return reason codes
# Return Codes Paid by 1 Accidental order Buyer 2 Better price available Buyer 3 The shipping box or envelope isn't damaged, but the item is damaged Seller 4 Missed estimated delivery date Seller 5 Missing parts or accessories Seller 6 The shipping box or envelope and item are both damaged Seller 7 Wrong item sent Seller 8 Defective or does not work properly Seller 9 Arrived in addition to what was ordered Seller 10 No longer needed or wanted Buyer 11 Unauthorized purchase Seller 12 Description on website was not accurate Seller 13 Damaged during shipping Seller 14 Performance or quality not adequate Buyer 15 Incompatible or not useful for intended purpose Buyer 16 Damaged due to inappropriate packaging Seller 17 Part not compatible with existing system Buyer 18 Excessive installation or did not install Buyer In addition to providing free returns for the reasons detailed above, sellers must provide free returns for all Seller Fulfilled Prime items in the following product categories regardless of the reason code selected by the buyer:
Loose stones
Unreturnable items
Most Seller Fulfilled Prime items that are classified as hazardous material ("hazmat") or potentially hazmat are not returnable by customers. Unreturnable items will be blocked in the Online Return Centers. However, customers will be able to call Amazon Customer Service for a refund on these items and Amazon Customer Service might issue a refund for unreturnable items in its sole discretion. Amazon might charge the costs of any refunds to the seller's account. If you believe an item has been incorrectly classified as hazmat, contact Seller Support for assistance.
Offer listings
Sellers cannot create separate offers for the same ASIN and list one of them as a Seller Fulfilled Prime offer and the other as a MFN offer (without prime). Offers on the same ASIN that have the same attributes, conditions, and condition notes are considered identical offers.
Product availability
Sellers cannot enroll in Seller Fulfilled Prime any products that have a future restock date. If a Seller runs out of inventory on a specific product, this product should be removed from the program until its inventory has been replenished.