品牌健康度管理库存 (MYI)

您可以通过“管理库存”中的“品牌健康度”页面查看并解决影响买家体验的问题。提供卓越的买家体验对于在亚马逊商城成功开展业务至关重要。因此,我们希望品牌所有者能够维持我们的买家体验标准,包括确保提供充足的商品库存、有竞争力的价格和 Prime 覆盖范围。




  • 我收到一条消息,说我的一件或多件商品“目前不符合成为商品详情页面上推荐报价的要求”,这是什么意思?

  • 品牌商可享受一项额外优势,当某款商品因其价格失去竞争力而没有资格成为商品详情页面上的推荐报价时,我们将向您发送通知。

  • 要使您的商品符合成为商品详情页面上推荐报价的要求,您需要提供有竞争力的价格并满足一系列标准。

  • 要使您的商品再次符合成为商品详情页面上推荐报价的要求,您可以设置您的商品价格和运费,使其等于或小于有竞争力的价格,或者您也可以使用自动定价功能提供的相应选项使您的商品价格与“亚马逊以外的商品价格”一致,以增加再次符合要求的机会。

  • 如何确定有竞争力的价格?

  • 有竞争力的价格是本国其他主要零售商对该商品制定的最低价格,不包括亚马逊店铺中其他卖家的商品价格。我们会定期审查哪些国家/地区零售商针对每个国家/地区及商品类别提供类似选择。

  • 我收到一条有关我的一件或多件商品的消息,消息显示“不允许亚马逊物流入库”、“商品未发布”或“未发布的商品不符合条件”。这是什么意思?

  • 您之所以在“品牌健康度”页面收到此消息,是因为亚马逊已与该品牌建立了供应商关系。我们通过此关系直接采购商品以销售给买家。

  • 如果您有疑问,请直接联系您的供应商经理、亚马逊自营店联系人或品牌,并通过供应商平台为此商品添加库存。有关更多信息,请参阅在亚马逊店铺中销售品牌商品的标准政策。如果您不知道您在亚马逊自营店的联系人或有其他问题,请将问题提交至 moa-request@amazon.com 并在主题行中使用“ASB001”。

  • 有竞争力的价格是否包含运费?

  • 在评估“品牌健康度”页面中显示的有竞争力的价格时,对于提供免费配送或取件服务的零售商,我们不将运费考虑在内。

  • 如果其他卖家在亚马逊上销售的商品的价格高于其他零售商为它们设定的价格,这些商品也不符合成为商品详情页面上推荐报价的要求吗?

  • 是的,相同的价格竞争力上限适用于所有卖家。品牌商可享受一项额外优势,当您品牌的商品价格失去竞争力而没有资格成为商品详情页面上的推荐报价时,我们将向您发送通知。


Brand Health Manage Your Inventory (MYI)

The Brand Health page in Manage Inventory allows you to view and resolve issues that are affecting the customer experience. Providing a great customer experience is essential to successful selling on Amazon. Accordingly, we expect brands to maintain our customer experience standards, including ensuring high in-stock rates, price competitiveness, and Prime coverage.

You can view your brand’s offers with current Brand Health issues along with your price, shipping, and competitive price on the Brand Health page in Manage Inventory. You can also filter your offers by Brand Health status to view listings requiring your attention.

The Brand Health page is currently only available in the U.S. for sellers who own a brand or who serve as an agent, representative or manufacturer of a brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I received a message on one or more of my items that says 'Currently ineligible to be a featured offer on the product detail page,' what does it mean?

  • As an added benefit for brands, we send notifications when a listing becomes ineligible to be a featured offer on the product detail page because the offer is not priced competitively.

  • For your offer to be eligible to be a featured offer on the product detail page, you need to be price competitive and meet a set of criteria.

  • To restore your eligibility to be a featured offer on the product detail page, you can set your price and shipping equal to or less than the competitive price, or you can use Automate Pricing with the option to match 'prices off Amazon' to increase your chances of maintaining eligibility.

  • How is the competitive price determined?

  • The Competitive Price is the lowest price for the item from other major national retailers; it does not include the prices from other sellers in the Amazon store. We regularly review which national retailers provide comparable selection for each country and product group.

  • I received a message on one or more of my items that says ‘FBA Inbound Not Permitted', ‘Listing Unpublished’, or ‘Ineligible Listing Unpublished’, what does it mean?

  • You have received this message on the Brand Health page because Amazon already has a vendor relationship with this Brand through which we source products directly for sale to customers.

  • Please contact your Vendor Manager, Amazon Retail contact, or the Brand directly with questions and to add inventory for this product through Vendor Central. For more information, please refer to Standards for Brands Selling in the Amazon Store policy. If you do not know your contact in Amazon Retail or have further questions, please submit a case to moa-request@amazon.com and use ‘ASB001’ in the subject line.

  • Does the competitive price include shipping?

  • In evaluating the competitive price in the Brand Health page, we do not take into account the shipping cost from retailers who offer free shipping or pick up options.

  • Are listings of other sellers that are priced higher on Amazon than at other retailers also ineligible to be a featured offer on the product detail page?

  • Yes, the same price competitiveness threshold applies to all sellers. As an added benefit for brands, we are sending you notifications when a listing becomes ineligible to be a featured offer on the product detail page when your brand's listings are not priced competitively.

