

注意: 您需要在收到退货后的两个工作日内发放退款。如果您未办理退款,亚马逊将代您为买家退款并从您的卖家账户扣除相应金额。


表 1. 预付费退货详情
  1. 为您的账户设置默认退货地址。根据“我要开店”政策的要求,需要为“预付费退货标签”计划提供一个美国国内地址。我们将对所有预付费退货使用此国内地址。可通过【设置】 > 【账户信息】访问卖家账户信息页面。转至【发货和退货信息】部分,点击【退货地址】,然后填写相应的地址。

  2. 为您销售的商品维护和更新准确的重量和尺寸信息。我们会根据此信息计算退货运输成本。当买家发出商品后,亚马逊将从您的卖家账户扣除退货运费。卖家自配送退货的运费页面中概述了每个重量分段的退货运费。

多个退货地址您可以为发布商品信息的每个商城配置多个退货地址。您可以配置规则,也可以指定需要多个不同退货地址的 SKU。有关详细信息,请参阅多个退货地址。
退货运输UPS 或 USPS 可通过“购买配送服务”为卖家自配送订单提供退货运输服务。有关详细信息,请参阅退货运输和卖家自配送退货的运费。

重要: 仅当买家将包裹退给承运人时,我们才会从您的账户扣除退货标签费用。

  • 【“结算和付款”报告】: 每项退货运费都将在您的“结算和付款”报告中显示为通过亚马逊购买的配送服务。这些费用将与订单费用分开。

  • 【“退货”报告】: 每当买家申请退货并收到预付费退货货件标签时,您都将收到电子邮件通知。此外,您可以使用卖家平台中的“退货”报告下载一份包含您收到的所有退货请求的报告,其中包括各项退货的状态。相关电子邮件和报告均包括订单编号、追踪编码、原因代码、运费、请求日期、RMA 和备注。



  • 手工艺品

  • 亚马逊定制计划

  • 成人用品

  • 经过认证的二手钟表

  • 商业、工业与科学用品 > 专业医疗用品

  • 商业、工业和科学用品 > 专业牙科用品

您可以为以下分类的 SKU 请求豁免:

  • 商品有特殊的运输或处理要求(例如危险品)

  • 商品依法不可退货

  • 高于 $100 的需要特殊运输的高价值商品(例如需要特殊运输保险的商品)

  • 商品为非实物商品(例如保修、数字软件或数字优惠券)

自 2019 年 10 月 30 日起,将不支持因地址不同或来自其他承运人的更高退货运费导致的豁免。




【对于买家退回的已残损商品】: 创建索赔时,请提供相应的照片证据,将退货与所购商品联系起来。另请附上所有必要的证明文件。例如,受损商品的支持图片、货件标签图片、追踪编码、配送证明或您认为审核索赔所必需的任何其他信息。

注意: 依据重新入库费政策,对于买家损坏的商品,赔偿金额最高为商品订单价值的 50%。

有关详细信息,请参阅卖家自配送网络 (MFN) 中的预付费退货标签 (PRL) 赔偿政策。







用来计算退货运费的发货重量是商品详情页面上显示的重量。但是,如果您通过亚马逊的“购买配送服务”购买了标签来配送订单,我们会改用该重量。如果商品详情页面未显示任何重量,而且您没有使用“购买配送服务”,则重量将默认为 4.9 磅。



通过将您的账户注册为预付费退货、卖家自配送 Prime (SFP) 或 Prime Now,符合条件的退货将自动获得批准,并向买家发放亚马逊预付费退货标签。因此,您不能发放您自己的预付费标签或亚马逊未付费标签。



  • 买家可以联系亚马逊客户服务,支付少量费用,请亚马逊客户服务邮寄一张实物标签。

  • 买家可自行退回商品。请参阅卖家自配送订单的预付费退货的退货原因代码,了解退货原因。如果因为您的原因导致退货,则必须在退款中加上退货运费。

  • 买家可以去网吧、公共图书馆或当地的打印店打印退货标签。

如果我是 MFN 个人卖家且想要取消注册“预付费退货标签”计划,该怎么办?

如果您是 MFN 个人卖家,且想要取消注册“预付费退货标签”计划,请联系销售伙伴支持。


Prepaid returns for seller-fulfilled orders

For professional and all prepaid return label sellers, Amazon automatically authorizes U.S. returns that fall within Amazon’s returns policy. We provide customers with prepaid return shipping labels on your behalf through Buy Shipping Services. We only send you return requests that are outside of Amazon’s policy or exempt from this requirement for manual review.

Note: You are required to issue a refund within two business days of receipt of a return. If you do not take action regarding the refund, Amazon might refund the customer on your behalf and charge the amount to your seller account.

Review the relevant sections to familiarize yourself with the specific details of prepaid returns.

Table 1. Prepaid return details
ItemPolicy or requirements
Maintain account requirementsTo provide prepaid return shipping, you must ensure that your account is properly enabled.
  1. Set up a default return address for your account. The Selling on Amazon policy requires a US domestic address for the prepaid returns label program. We will use this domestic address for all prepaid returns. From Settings > Account Info, access the Seller Account Information page. Go to the Shipping and Returns Information section, click Return Address, and then fill it out with the appropriate address.

  2. Maintain and update accurate weight and size information entered for products you sell. We calculate return shipping costs based on this information. Amazon will charge your seller account for the cost of the return shipping once the buyer ships the product. The costs for return shipments in each weight band are outlined on the Shipping costs for seller fulfilled returns page.

The return processYou receive an email notification each time a customer requests a return and receives a prepaid return shipping label. Furthermore, the Manage Returns workflow in Seller Central will display all returns. For details, see Manage seller-fulfilled returns.
Multiple return addressesYou can configure multiple return addresses for each of the marketplaces you offer listings. You can either configure a rule or specify SKUs for which you want different return addresses. For details, see Multiple return addresses.
Returnless refundsYou can offer returnless refunds. If a buyer requests a return that is eligible for a returnless refund, they will receive a full refund as soon as they submit their return request. Even though you will not need to do anything to complete the request, you can still find these return requests in Manage Returns. You will no longer have to process refunds for these returns manually. For details, see Returnless refunds.
Return shippingEither UPS or USPS provides return shipping for seller fulfilled orders through Buy Shipping Services. For details, see Return shipping and Shipping costs for seller fulfilled returns.

Important: We will charge your account for the return label cost only when the buyer returns the package to the carrier.

Refunds and cost of shippingFor handling refunds and cost of shipping, see Refunding shipping cost.
Reports for prepaid returnsAll prepaid returns are recorded in your Settlement and Payments report and the Returns report.
  • Settlement and Payments report: Each return shipping charge will be displayed in your Settlement and Payments reports, as Shipping services purchased through Amazon. These costs will be separated from the order charges.

  • Return report: You will receive an email notification each time a customer requests a return and receives a prepaid shipping label. Additionally, you can download a report of all return requests you have received, including the status of each return, using Return Reports in Seller Central. Both the email and the report will include the Order ID, Tracking ID, Reason Code, Shipping Cost, Date Requested, RMA, and Comments.

Ineligible itemsPrepaid return shipping labels are not always provided for auto-authorized returns. For details, see Ineligible items for prepaid returns.
Customer returns exemptionsSeveral categories and subcategories are automatically exempt from prepaid returns. You do not need to request exemptions for these categories.

The following programs and categories are automatically exempt from prepaid returns:

  • Handmade

  • Amazon Custom

  • Sexual wellness

  • Certified Preowned Watches

  • Business, Industrial & Scientific Supplies > Professional Medical Supplies

  • Business, Industrial & Scientific Supplies > Professional Dental Supplies

You can request exemptions for SKUs that fall under the following categories:

  • Items that have special shipping or handling requirements (for example, dangerous goods)

  • Items that are non-returnable by law

  • High-valued items (higher than $100) that need special shipping (for example, items that require special shipping insurance)

  • Non-physical items (for example, warranties, digital software, or digital coupons)

Effective October 30, 2019, exemptions due to having a different address or due to having better return shipping rates from a different carrier are not supported.

For details, see Request exemption from automatic return approvals.

Appeal a return

You can file an appeal if Amazon authorized a return or refund on your behalf that you don’t believe should have been authorized.

For customer-returned damaged item: Please provide appropriate photo evidence linking the return to the purchased product when creating your claim. Also attach all the necessary support documentation. For example, supportive images of the damaged items, image of the shipping label, Tracking ID, delivery proof or any additional information you see necessary to review your claim.

Note: Per Restocking Fee Policy, for customer-damaged products, the reimbursement will be limited to a maximum of 50% of the order value of the product.

For details, see Reimbursement policy for Prepaid Return Labels (PRL) in the Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN).

Frequently asked questions

How can I enroll in the Prepaid Return Label program?

Sellers can self-serve enroll in the Prepaid Returns Label program through the Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns tool. Sellers who are not part of the Prepaid Return Label program will see messaging that states, “Get access to faster returns by taking advantage of the Prepaid Returns Label program. Learn more.” To register, click Enroll.

What happens if the return is lost or damaged in transit?

The seller will be responsible for filing a claim directly with the carrier if a return is lost or damaged in transit. If this happens, process a full refund to the customer and file a claim directly with the carrier to receive a reimbursement.

Where does the shipping weight used to calculate the price of return shipping come from?

The shipping weight used to calculate the price of return shipping is the listed weight displayed on the Product Detail page. However, if you have purchased a label through Amazon’s Buy Shipping Services for fulfilling your orders, we will use that weight instead. If there is no weight on the Product Detail page and you have not used Buy Shipping Services, we will default to 4.9 lb.

If the shipping weight displayed on the Product Detail page has been provided by another seller, Seller Support will require proof of the correct shipping weight in order to initiate a change.

Why can't I change or upload my own prepaid return label?

Through the enrollment of your account into prepaid returns, Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP), or Prime Now, eligible returns are automatically authorized and an Amazon prepaid return label is issued to the buyer. As a result, you do not have the option to issue your own prepaid label or an Amazon unpaid label.

What should I do if the customer can't print the return label?

You can consider the following options:

  • The customer can contact Amazon Customer Service to have a physical label mailed to them for a small fee

  • The buyer can return the product on their own. Refer to Return Reason codes for Prepaid Returns for seller-fulfilled orders to understand the return reason. If you are accountable for the return, you must add the cost of return shipping to the refund.

  • The customer can go to an internet café, public library, or local print shop to print the return label.

What if I am an individual MFN seller and want to unenroll in the Prepaid Return Label program?

If you are an individual MFN Seller who would like to unenroll from the Prepaid Returns Label program, please contact Seller Support.

