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注意: 在发放退货之前,请确保该订单不是卖家自配送 Prime 订单。要检查订单是否为卖家自配送 Prime 订单,请转至卖家平台,查看该订单是否带有 Prime 标记。有关详情,请参阅卖家自配送 Prime 计划条款。

您于所在地收到退货货件时,相应货件会包含装箱单和退货邮寄授权 (RMA) 编号,以帮助您识别退货货件。

重要: 收到退货货件后,我们希望您在两个工作日内为买家办理退款。如果您未在两个工作日内办理退款,亚马逊将保留为买家退款并向您的卖家账户收取同等金额的权利。


重要: 为确保买家获得一致体验,您必须至少提供与亚马逊退货政策同等或更加优惠的退货政策。计算退回商品的送达时间时,我们会考虑承运人可能会比实际送达您的所在地的时间提前最多 24 小时扫描该包裹。如果您认为亚马逊不应该扣除您的款项,且买家的索赔已获批准,请参阅针对亚马逊商城交易保障索赔提出申诉,对该决定提出申诉。建议您在 24 小时内回复退货请求。












Returns, refunds, cancellations, and claims


To process a return request, go to Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns page, where you can review, authorize, or decline requests. You can also access Manage Returns page by clicking the Orders drop-down menu in Seller Central.

Note: Before issuing a return, ensure that the order is not a Seller Fulfilled Prime order. To check whether it is a seller Fulfilled Prime order, go to Seller Central to see if there is a Prime badge associated with the order. For details, see Program Terms for Seller Fulfilled Prime.

When you receive a return shipment at your facility, the shipment will include a packing slip and Return Mailing Authorization (RMA) number to help you identify the return.

Important: Once you receive a return, we expect you to process a refund to the buyer within two business days. If you do not process a refund within two business days, Amazon reserves the right to refund the buyer and charge the amount to your seller account.

To avoid a negative customer experience, actively monitor the refund to ensure that it is issued to the buyer in a timely manner.

Important: To ensure a consistent experience for buyers, you must match or exceed Amazon's return policies. When we calculate the returned product delivery time, we take into consideration that carriers might scan the package up to 24 hours prior to actual delivery to your facility. If you consider to be wrongly charged and a claim is granted to the buyer, refer to Appeal an A-to-z Guarantee claim to appeal the decision. We recommend that you respond to return requests within 24 hours.

For additional information regarding how to manage your returns, refer to Manage seller-fulfilled returns.


You need to process a return when you have received a return request from a buyer, a returned shipment, or have arranged to refund a purchase.

You can issue refunds in full or in part via the Manage Orders tool. Refer to Issue a Refund and Refund Options page for more information.


If a buyer asks you to cancel an order and you have not yet shipped and confirmed the shipment, you can cancel it in Manage Orders or use an Order Cancellation feed.

Refer to Order cancellations and Cancel Multiple Orders with the Order Cancellation Template for additional information.

If you have already confirmed an order as shipped, you can authorize the return request in Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns.


The Amazon A-to-z Guarantee protects buyers when they purchase items sold and fulfilled by you directly. Our guarantee covers the timely delivery, condition, and return experience of items you sell. If buyers are unsatisfied with any of the above, and cannot reach a resolution with you, we enable them to file a claim with us. You can refer to the claim eligibility polices on the A-to-z Guarantee page.

