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“市场购物车”报告显示了前 3 件最常与品牌所有者商品同时购买的商品,以及在用户选择的报告范围内,在与品牌所有者商品同时购买的所有商品中,亚马逊买家购买前 3 件商品中每件商品时所花时间所占的百分比。


此报告显示了与品牌所有者已成功在亚马逊注册的品牌相关的所有商品。仅当与品牌所有者无关的商品是在与购买品牌所有者商品的同日对比中购买的前 3 件商品之一时,才会在报告中显示。


允许,品牌所有者可以使用报告顶部的 ASIN 搜索框来搜索特定商品或一组商品。ASIN 搜索框支持一次搜索最多 500 个 ASIN,每个 ASIN 均通过空格或逗号分隔。


在“显示”下拉菜单中,用户可以对报告中显示的商品组进行筛选。默认情况下,“显示”下拉菜单将显示前 3 件商品中的任何商品,无论关联的品牌所有者是谁。如果用户只想在前 3 件商品中看到自己的商品,他们可以在显示下拉菜单中选择“仅我的商品”。如果用户只想在前 3 件商品中看到其他品牌所有者的商品,他们可以在显示下拉菜单中选择“我的商品排除在外”。通过以上查看,您更容易发现捆绑销售机会,并确定直接竞争的商品。


Market Basket Report

Note: If you don't have access to this feature, you have not been identified as a seller who meets this criteria as defined by the Amazon Brand Registry. If you believe that you do fit this criteria, please contact Seller Support.

The Market Basket report shows Brand Owners which products Amazon customers (in aggregate) most frequently purchased at the same time they purchased the Brand Owners’ products. This allows Brand Owners to quickly see what products are most commonly purchased with their products to identify bundling and cross marketing opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What information is contained in the Market Basket report?

The Market Basket report shows the top 3 products most frequently purchased at the same time as the Brand Owner’s products, along with the percentage of time each of the top 3 products was purchased with the Brand Owner’s products out of all products purchased with the Brand Owner’s products during the reporting range selected by the user.

Which products show up in the report?

The report shows all of the products associated with brands the Brand Owner has successfully registered with the Brand Registry. Products not associated with the Brand Owner only show up in the report if they are one of the top 3 products purchased at the same time as one of the Brand Owner’s products.

Does the report allow searching for a particular product?

Yes, Brand Owners can search for a specific product or set of products by using the ASIN search box at the top of the report. The ASIN search box supports searches for up to 500 ASINs at a time, with either a space or comma separating each ASIN.

How does the Display drop down work?

The Display drop down allows the user to filter the set of products shown in the report. By default, the Display drop down will show any product in the top 3 products regardless of the associated Brand Owner. If the user wants to see only their products in the top 3 products they can select “My products only” in the Display drop down. If the user wants to see only products from other Brand Owners in the top 3 products they can select “My products excluded” in the Display drop down. These views make it easier to identify bundling opportunities and determine directly competing products.

