

退款率是指在一段时间内,退款订单数除以总订单数的比例。如果这个比率极高,那么店铺将被暂停。退款率低于5%属于正常水平。 查看您的店铺退款率


拒付比率是指某个时段内退单拒付的订单数与收到的总订单数之比。如果这个比率极高,店铺将被暂停交易。拒付比率低于0.5%属于正常水平。 查看您店铺的拒付比率


严禁对 Wish 用户施予辱骂性行为和语言,Wish 对此类行为采取零容忍态度。

6.4严禁要求用户绕过 Wish 付款

如果商户要求用户在 Wish 以外的平台付款,其账户将被暂停。

6.5严禁引导用户离开 Wish

若商户引导用户离开 Wish,则相应账户将面临被暂停交易的风险和/或每次违规被处以$10,000.00*的赔款。请参阅政策 5.7 - 欺骗性履行订单政策了解更多信息。



6.7Wish 用户有权享有及时、礼貌和有效的客服服务


* 此金额可按商户的本地货币计算,且/或受商户政策11约束。



6Customer Support

Last updated on July 16, 2020

6.1If a store has an extremely high refund rate, its account will be suspended

Refund rate is the number of orders refunded over the total number of orders received during a time period. If this rate is extremely high, a store will be suspended. A refund rate of less than 5% is normal. View your store's refund rate

6.2If a store has an extremely high chargeback ratio, its account will be suspended

Chargeback ratio is the number of orders which were charged back over the total number of orders received during a time period. If this ratio is extremely high, a store will be suspended. A chargeback ratio of less than 0.5% is normal. View your store's chargeback ratio

6.3Customer abuse is not tolerated

Abusive behaviour and language towards Wish customers is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

6.4Asking a customer to pay outside of Wish is prohibited

If a merchant asks a customer to pay them outside of Wish, their account will be suspended.

6.5Directing a customer off Wish is prohibited

If a merchant directs a customer off Wish, their account is at risk of suspension and/or a penalty of $10,000.00* per incident. Please see Policy 5.7 - Deceptive Fulfillment Policy for further information.

6.6Asking a customer for personal information is prohibited

If a merchant asks a customer for personal information such as payment information, email, etc, their account will be suspended.

6.7Wish customers are entitled to timely, courteous and effective support

Where customers have the ability to contact Merchants directly or where Merchants have opted to provide their own customer support, it must comply with this section 6.

* This amount may be calculated in the merchant’s local currency and/or be subject to Merchant Policy 11.

View archived Customer Support policies

