
商户可以轻松筛选在“首程运费”生效前的上述7个自然日中需要关注的产品,或者“首程运费”已生效的产品。具体来说,商户可以在商户平台上和通过 API 执行上述操作:


商户可在商户平台上前往产品 > 查看所有产品页面,在产品列表顶部的“徽章”部分点击“徽章”旁的问号,即可查看各徽章的说明:


  • 合并计划待确认:筛选“首程运费”已计算完成但未生效的产品(即还处于上述7个自然日的“等待期”,在此期间,商户可以更改 Wish 计算的“首程运费”或禁用合并计划涵盖的所有国家/地区的配送)。

  • 合并计划已生效:筛选“首程运费”已生效的产品,此类产品已准备好开始接收发往合并计划涵盖的国家/地区的相关订单。

商户可以点击“导出 CSV”,下载所有筛选的产品:


How to discover relevant products before and after First-Mile Shipping Price becomes effective?

Merchants may easily filter for products that need your attention during the above-mentioned 7 calendar days before the First-Mile Shipping Price becomes effective OR products with already-effective First-Mile Shipping Price. Specifically, merchants may do so on Merchant Dashboard and via API:

Filter for relevant products on Merchant Dashboard

Merchants may navigate to Products > View All Products page on the Merchant Dashboard, and hover over the “Badge” section on top of the product listings to view a list of product filters:


Specific to the unification initiative, merchants may select the following badges to filter for relevant products:

  • Unification Initiative Pending: filtering for products with First-Mile Shipping Price already calculated by Wish but not yet become effective (i.e., the above-mentioned 7-calendar-day “waiting period”, during which merchants may make changes to the Wish-calculated First-Mile Shipping Price or decide to disable shipping to all countries included in the unification initiative.

  • Unification Initiative Effective: filtering for products with First-Mile Shipping Price already becoming effective, ready to start receiving relevant orders bound for enabled countries included in the unification initiative (see section below).

Merchants may then click "Export CSV" to download all filtered products:

