
1. 如何获取图片或字体的 URL?


2. 为什么没有字体大小?


3. 我的预览图片 URL 是正确的,但系统仍显示存在错误。如何解决此问题?

删除 URL 中的所有空格

4. 我是否可以使用批量上传上传数据删除各个值? 例如,删除我不再支持的某些颜色。


5. 我手动上传了预览图片,是否可以通过批量上传更改图片?


6. 上传数据会记录重复的值吗?

它只会记录重复的字体名称,因此请注意,它不会记录重复的颜色十六进制值或重复的 .ttf URL 等。

7. 上传数据是否适用于所有支持定制的分类?

8. 我的字体在某些电脑或某些浏览器中无法正常显示。为什么?

如果您上传了 TrueType 字体 (.ttf) 文件作为所选字体,那么您需要确认字体文件是否为可安装的 .ttf 文件。要确认 .ttf 文件是否可安装,请按照以下步骤操作:

9. 如果无法设置定制文字的颜色(如激光雕刻),怎么办?


10. 我应该提供父 SKU 或子 SKU 的信息,还是两者都提供?

两者都要提供。请将父 SKU 视同某个子 SKU,为其提供定制信息。但是买家不会看到可以定制的父 SKU。

注意: 首先,您需要使用常规商品信息上传数据构建商品变体。定制支持上传数据不支持创建变体系列。

11. 在定制支持工具中,编辑父 ASIN 与编辑子 ASIN 有什么区别?

如果您使用定制支持工具编辑父 ASIN,您编辑的内容会复制到所有子 ASIN。

如果您编辑子 ASIN,编辑的内容只会应用于所选的特定子 ASIN。




Custom Products bulk upload FAQ

How do I get a URL for my images or fonts?

Upload images to a file hosting service and ensure that the files are not protected, for example with a password.

Why aren’t there font sizes?

The customization widget automatically resizes the font so that the text fills the space you have specified. If you want to prevent the font from resizing automatically, select a lower character limit so that the customer cannot enter text beyond the allotted area.

My preview image URL is correct, but there are still errors. How can I resolve this?

Remove any spaces that you see in the URL

Can I use the bulk upload feed to remove values? For example, to remove certain colors that I no longer support.

Yes, deletion via bulk uploads is supported, but keep in mind that you still are required to have at least one font color as well as one font type.

I manually uploaded a preview image; can I change the image via the bulk upload?

Yes, be sure to include the surface name otherwise your report will show no errors, but it will also say that no records were processed successfully.

Does the feed catch duplicate values?

It will only catch duplicate font names, so please note that it won’t catch items such as duplicate color hex values or duplicate .ttf URLs.

Does the feed work for all categories that support Custom?


My fonts are not working on some computers or in some browsers. Why?

If you have uploaded a TrueType font (.ttf) file as your chosen font, you need to confirm that the font file is an installable .ttf. To confirm that the .ttf is an installable file, follow the steps below:

What if the custom text cannot be colored – as in laser engraving?

We recommend you find a color and font that match the experience of engraving as closely as you can.

Should I provide the information for parent SKUs, child SKUs, or both?

Both. Provide customization information for your parent SKU as if it were one of the child SKUs. However, this configuration will not be represented to customers.


Note: Product variations will first need to be built using a normal product listing feed. The Custom enablement feed does not support the creation of variation families.

In the customizable enablement tool, what is the difference between editing the parent ASIN and editing the child ASIN?

If you edit the parent ASIN using the customization enablement tool, your edits will copy through to all of your child ASINs.

If you edit the child ASIN, your edits will only occur on the specific child ASIN selected.

If you are configuring color variations, we recommend you edit each child so your preview image aligns to the correct color of the product.

