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注意: 这是商品定制唯一可用的数据上传。上传数据仅支持商品的单面/部分的文本。我们不提供图片定制或商品配置的上传数据。

定制计划提供一个 Excel 模板,可以帮助您批量配置要支持定制功能的商品。请按照以下步骤访问该模板:

  1. 请确保您想要启用定制的商品在亚马逊上的库存中处于在售状态。
    注意: 建议您在完全启用定制功能之前,将商品的的库存设置改为“1”。启用后,定制商品必须保持正数数量的在售库存(大于 1)才能维持定制资格。没有在售库存的定制商品可能会失去定制资格。
  2. 前往【库存】,然后选择【管理库存】。
  3. 选择【定制商品】。
  4. 点击【通过上传启用定制商品】。
  5. 点击【链接到模板文件】
  6. 打开下载的文件



保存文件时,您将需要另存为 Unicode 文件,为此请按照以下步骤执行操作。


对于基于 Windows 的电脑:

  1. 完成模板填写之后,请选择【另存为】。
  2. 在右下角位置,点击【保存】按钮旁边的小箭头。选择【网络选项】。
  3. 在弹出窗口中,选择【编码】选项卡。
  4. 在【将此文件另存为】下方提供的下拉菜单中,选择 【Unicode】。
  5. 将您的文件另存为制表符分隔的文本 (*.txt) 文件。


对于基于 Mac 的电脑:

  1. 完成模板填写之后,请选择【另存为】。
  2. 选择文件格式为 UTF-16 Unicode 文本 (.txt),然后保存您的文件。



上传文件后,您可以前往【监控上传状态】选项卡监控上传状态。您可能需要几分钟才会看到显示上传状态的行项目,具体取决于文件大小。在【上传状态】列下等待,直到您看到【上传状态】显示为“已完成”。如果“错误记录”的数值大于 0,请点击下载链接以获取报告。请参阅批量启用定制的错误代码,获取错误代码方面的帮助。如果系统未处理某些行,则可能需要添加或更新 surface_name1 的值。





定制商品: 有关批量上传的有用提示

1. 字体和图片文件最大不得超过 3MB。

2. 包含至少一种字体类型、一种字体颜色和一个 surface_name1 值。

3. 将模板保存在易于记忆的位置。如果您曾更新过内容而未保存模板,则您无法下载之前上传的任何内容,而需要重新开始。

4. 创建图片的最简单方法是让文本框保持在相同位置,这样,文本框坐标始终在同一位置。如果使用图片编辑工具无法轻松获取坐标,请尝试针对每个 ASIN 逐一获取坐标。

5. 工具中的文本框无法旋转,请旋转图片。



Enabling bulk customization for single surface text

Note: This is the only feed upload available for the customization of products. The feed only supports text on a single surface/section of your product. We do not have feeds available for image customization or product configuration.

Custom provides an Excel template to help you to configure your products for customization in bulk. Follow the steps below to access this template:

  1. Make sure that the listing you intend to enable for customization is active in your inventory on Amazon.
    Note: We recommend changing your inventory setting to '1' until the product has been fully enabled. Once enabled, a customized item must retain positive, active inventory (greater than 1) to maintain Custom eligibility. Custom offers without active inventory may lose customization.
  2. Go to Inventory, and select Manage Inventory.
  3. Select Custom Products.
  4. Click Enable Custom Products via Upload.
  5. Click Link to Template File
  6. Open the downloaded file


The explanation for each of the required fields is available on the Data Definitions tab. Follow the instructions and upload the file to configure many listings for customization at one time.

When saving your file, you will need to save as a Unicode file, to do so please follow the steps below.


For Windows-based computers:

  1. Once you have filled out your template select Save As.
  2. In the bottom right click on the small arrow next to the Save button. Select Web Options.
  3. From the pop-up window, select the Encoding tab.
  4. Select Unicode from the dropdown menu provided under Save this document as.
  5. Save your document as a Text-Tab Delimited (.txt) file.


For Mac-based computers:

  1. Once you have filled out your template select Save As.
  2. Select the file format UTF-16 Unicode Text (.txt) and save your document.


To upload your file, go the Upload your File tab, click on the Browse button, navigate to your saved template and click the Upload button.

Once you have uploaded your file, you can monitor the status by going to the Monitor Upload Status tab. Depending on how large your file is, it can take several minutes before you see a line item showing the status of the upload. Under the Upload Status column, wait until you see Upload Status shows as Done. If Records with Error has a number greater than 0, click the download link to get the report. Please reference Error Codes for Bulk Enablement of Customization for help with the error codes. If some of the rows were not processed, the value for surface_name1 may need to be either added or updated.


Adding new columns to your template will break the file.

Please keep in mind your status report will be generated in the language in which the original feed was uploaded.

Custom Products: Helpful tips for bulk upload

1. The maximum file size for fonts and images is 3MB.

2. Include at least one font type, one font color and a value for surface_name1

3. Save your template somewhere that is easy to remember. If you ever need to update something, you can’t download anything that you have previously uploaded, so you will need to start again if you don’t save your template.

4. The easiest way to create your photos is to create them in a way where the text box is always in the same spot, this way your text box coordinates are always in the same spot. If your photo editing tools don’t give you an easy way to get coordinates, try doing one ASIN via the one-by-one method to get the coordinates.

5. Text boxes in the tool do not rotate, so please rotate the image.

