



  • 【可减少买家联系次数】: 提供追踪编码有助于减少您在回答配送相关问题上所花的时间。

  • 【可减少订单缺陷】: 未追踪货件的订单缺陷率是已追踪货件缺陷率的 1.7 倍。

  • 【在收到亚马逊商城交易保障索赔时可得到保护】: 如果未提供追踪信息,您会自动输掉所有“未收到订单”的亚马逊商城交易保障索赔。追踪有助于您就此类索赔陈述您的观点,并避免损失。

  • 【可提高卖家反馈评级】: 据买家反映,能够追踪包裹是他们给出正面反馈的主要原因之一。

  • 【可降低货件丢失成本】: 追踪可以显著降低与货件丢失有关的成本。如果包裹在运输途中丢失,您可以利用追踪信息找出丢失地点,然后判定责任。

  • 【可提高转化率】: 如果您为 98% 的货件提供追踪服务,且准时送达率达到 97%,那么您就能够缩短承诺的备货和运输时间。事实证明,这样可以提高转化率和收入。

如何确定自己是否达到了 95% 的有效追踪率目标?


  1. 转至账户状况页面。

  2. 在【配送绩效】部分,点击【查看详情】。

  3. 选择【有效追踪率】选项卡。向下滚动并点击【下载报告】按钮。

  4. 清除【发货延迟】和【送达延迟】选项,以查看追踪信息无效或缺失的订单。

请等待 72 小时,以便报告和指标反映出任何更新信息。


如果您的追踪包裹不能维持 95% 这一规定目标,那么您在相关分类下的销售权限可能会被暂停或撤销。如果出现这种情况,您可以向亚马逊提交一份行动计划,列明您计划采取哪些措施防止以后再发生此类情况。您可以按照就销售权限被撤销提出申诉中列出的申诉流程进行操作。



  • UPS


  • USPS

  • DHL

  • DHL Global Mail*

  • 联邦快递

  • FedEx Smartpost

  • On Trac

  • Newgistics

  • 加拿大邮政

  • Lasership

  • 中国邮政

  • 顺丰速运

  • 递四方速递

  • 燕文物流

  • 云途物流


Valid Tracking Rate FAQ

Valid Tracking Rate is a performance metric that measures how often you use valid tracking numbers on orders. This metric reflects Amazon customers' expectations that they should be able to find out where their orders are and when they will receive them.

What are the benefits of providing tracking information?

Providing valid tracking numbers with all your shipments has a number of benefits:

  • Fewer buyer contacts: Providing tracking numbers can help reduce the amount of time you spend answering shipping-related questions.

  • Decreased order defects: The Order Defect Rate for untracked shipments is 1.7 times greater than the rate for tracked shipments.

  • Protection from A-to-z Guarantee claims: Without tracking, you will automatically lose any "Order not received" A-to-z Guarantee claims. Tracking helps you represent yourself against these claims and may prevent loss.

  • Improved seller feedback ratings: Buyers tell us that being able to track their packages is one of the main reasons to leave positive feedback.

  • Reduced lost shipment costs: Tracking can significantly reduce the costs associated with a lost shipment. If a package is lost in transit, you can use tracking to find out where it was lost and then determine responsibility.

  • Improved conversion: When you use tracking on 98% of your shipments and your on-time delivery rate is 97%, you become eligible to reduce handling and transit promise times. This is proven to increase conversion and revenue.

How will I know if I am meeting the 95% Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) target?

To view your VTR and download your VTR report:.

  1. Go to the Account Health page.

  2. In the Shipping Performance section, click View details.

  3. Select the Valid Tracking Rate tab. Scroll down and click the Download Report button.

  4. Clear Shipped late and Delivered late options to view orders with invalid or no tracking information.

Please allow 72 hours for the report and metric to reflect any updates.

What happens if I don't meet the required target for tracked packages?

If you don't maintain the required 95% target for tracked packages, your selling privileges for the category (or categories) involved may be suspended or removed. If this happens, you have the opportunity to provide Amazon with a Plan of Action outlining how you plan to prevent this from occurring in the future. You can follow the appeals process outlined in Appealing the removal of selling privileges.

Which carriers provide tracking information to Amazon?

We currently support tracking information for these carriers:

  • UPS


  • USPS

  • DHL

  • DHL Global Mail*

  • FedEx

  • FedEx Smartpost

  • On Trac

  • Newgistics

  • Canada Post

  • Lasership

  • China Post

  • SF Express

  • 4PX

  • Yanwen

  • Yun Express

