借助 Markets 处理库存和发货

目前,Shopify 商店可以将库存分配到不同的地点,但默认情况下,这些库存水平不会显示在其所属在线商店的产品页面上。

通过使用 Markets,当客户浏览您在线商店中的产品时,库存水平会向该客户准确地反映可用库存。



如果客户在网站上将其国家/地区设置为法国并查看您的产品页面,则他们可看到该产品有 200 件库存。如果客户将国家/地区设置为墨西哥,则他们可看到该产品有 575 件库存。



Inventory and fulfillment with Markets

Currently, Shopify stores can allocate their inventory to different locations, but these inventory levels aren't shown on the product pages of their online store by default.

With markets, when a customer browses products on your online store, the inventory levels accurately reflect the available inventory for that customer.

For example, you might have warehouses in the United States, Canada, and Spain, with the following inventory levels and shipping destinations.

WarehouseInventory levelShipping regions
United States500United States, Mexico
Canada75Canada, Mexico
Spain200Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland

If a customer sets their country to France on your website and views your product page, then they find that the product has 200 units available. If a customer sets their country to Mexico, then they find that 575 units are available.

To make sure that your inventory levels are accurate for customers, set accurate levels per location and add your locations to the proper shipping zones.

