跨境电商 B2B 业务中,运输条款通常会出现在报价单中,对于常规产品,若客户对运输条款没有异议,则沿袭相应条款到合同中即可。但是对于情况比较特殊的产品,业务员可以提前提出运输方案。客户有时也会主动提出运输要求,业务员需要和客户磋商运输条款以确定最终运输方案,超出原有报价的运输费用,应要求由客户承担。阐述运输问题的邮件一般围绕着以下三个部分撰写。



(3) 结尾,表达期望,希望对方及时回复。




Dear X X X,

Thank you for your quotation of No. 1920.

Generally speaking it is acceptable with the price, but I have some concerns about the transportation. According to the transportation clause you propose, the shipping time is 30 days after the payment. However, due to Chinese Spring Festival, 30days would reach 2 days before the spring festival. If Chinese logistics company can't make the transportation work, the good delivery would be delayed to the timeaf ter the festival. It is too late for us. So could you please make the delivery oneweek before the spring festival? So we can pick up the goods earlier at the destination port

Your quick reply will be highly appreciated.

Good wishes,




Dear XX X,

Good morning.

I am happy that our negotiation has achieved essential progress

Thank you for pointing out an important problem about transportation, which l should notice earlier. 30 days are the usual time for us to produce the goods, bur due to the Spring Festival, I have applied to my boss for adjusting our production scheme to an early time. We will try to finish the production within 20 days after the payment.

Attached please find the revised sales contract. Please sign it and send me a copy. 

Yours truly,

