使用 XML 调整配送设置

注意: 此帮助页面不适用于已迁移到新配送设置的卖家,因为在新配送设置中,配送调整已由配送模板取代。了解如何迁移到新配送设置。


例如,如果您销售电视/音响类商品,可能不想向加拿大配送重量超过 50 磅的电视。

调整上传数据旨在处理特殊情况。如果您发现自己正在使用调整上传数据更改超过 10% 的商品,请在【配送管理器】中修改您的默认设置,以便更好地支持您的运费结构。

要调整少数商品的配送设置,您可使用文本文件上传数据或 XML 上传数据。

有关更多信息,请参阅 XML 和数据交换。

在您通过 XML 与亚马逊进行交互的过程中,您需要提供商品上传数据,以便在亚马逊目录中定义您的商品清单,还需提供调整上传数据,以便标识标准设置的异常情况。您选择的每个调整仅具有一个调整上传数据文件。调整条件改变后,您需要提交其他调整上传数据文件。这与配置上传数据相似,即您提交一次数据,然后根据需要更新数据。

FULFILLMENTSERVICELEVEL 选项包括:标准配送、加急配送、次日达、隔日达和当日达。目前,次日达和隔日达配送仅在美国大陆提供。

注意: 您不能为固定费率为 0 美元的自由经济型配送提交价格调整。但是,您仍可通过提交调整上传数据来调整各个 ASIN 是否可以使用自由经济型配送。



  • 专用:创建全新运费

  • 附加:在当前运费的基础上增加额外费用



例如,假设您销售图书并使用基于商品的配送方式。如果您使用加急配送将商品配送到欧洲,则运费包括 10.50 美元的单次配送费用和每件商品 1.80 美元的费用。买家购买一本书(SKU 编号为 1237),重 7 磅,以加急配送方式送达欧洲需 35.00 美元。如果买家仅购买了这本图书,那么您将仅收取 12.30 美元 (10.50 美元 + 1.80 美元) 的运费。但是,如果您创建了专用调整,则可收取 35.00 美元的固定费用。

您的 XML 上传数据将类似于如下示例:



附加调整会向默认运费中添加商品的固定附加费。例如,假设您使用价格分段式配送,且售出一件皮夹克(SKU 编号为 1235),该夹克属于最高价格分段,即150 美元及以上。正常情况下,对于以加急配送方式发往欧洲且总额在 150 美元及以上的订单,您将收取 14.00 美元的运费,但对于这件皮夹克,您需要额外收取 10 美元,作为保护皮制品的附加费用。您可以向这件皮夹克增收附加费,因此在欧洲境内的买家不是要支付 14.00 美元运费,而是要支付 24.00 美元(14.00 美元 + 10.00 美元)运费。



Override shipping settings using XML

Note: This help page does not apply to sellers who have migrated to the new shipping settings as shipping overrides are replaced by shipping templates. Learn how to migrate to the new shipping settings.

In some cases you might want to override or modify your default shipping settings for products you sell. For example, if you sell electronic goods, you might not want to ship televisions to Canada that weigh more than 50 lb. The Overrides feed is intended to handle exception cases. If you find that you are using the Overrides feed to change more than 10% of your products, modify your default settings in the Shipping Manager to better support your shipping cost structure. To override shipping settings for a few products, you can use either text-file feeds or XML data feeds.

For more information see XML & Data Exchange.

As part of your XML interaction with Amazon, you provide both a product feed to define your list of products in the Amazon catalog, and an overrides feed to identify exceptions to your standard settings. Each override you choose has only one override feed. When the condition of the override changes, you submit another override feed. This is similar to the configuration feed, in which you submit the data once, and then update that data as needed.

The FULFILLMENTSERVICELEVEL options are: STANDARD, EXPEDITED, SECONDDAY, NEXTDAY, and SAMEDAY. Second Day and Next Day Shipping are only available for the Locale "Continental US" at this time.

Note: You cannot submit a Price Override for Free Economy Shipping, which has a fixed price of $0. You can still override the availability of Free Economy Shipping for individual ASINs by submitting an override feed.


There are two types of shipping overrides:

  • Exclusive: Creates an entirely new shipping charge

  • Additive: Adds an extra charge to the current shipping charge

Exclusive overrides

Exclusive overrides replace the default shipping charge, based on your general shipping rates, with a fixed shipping charge for a product.

For example, suppose you sell books and you use item-based shipping. Your expedited shipping charges for Europe are $10.50 per-shipment and $1.80 per-product. Then a customer buys a book, SKU# 1237, which weighs 7 lb. and costs $35.00 for Expedited shipment to Europe. If a customer buys only this book, you collect only $12.30 ($10.50 + $1.80) to cover shipping costs. But if you create an Exclusive override, you can charge a flat fee of $35.00 instead.

Here's what your XML feed would look like:

<MESSAGE Type>Override </MESSAGE Type>

Additive overrides

Additive overrides add to default shipping charge with a fixed surcharge for a product. For example, suppose you use price-tier shipping, and you sell a leather jacket, SKU#1235, which falls into the highest price-tier of $150 and Up. Normally, you charge $14.00 for Expedited shipping for order totals of $150 and Up to Europe, but for this leather jacket you need to collect an additional $10 for extra padding to protect the leather. You can add a surcharge to the leather jacket so that, instead of paying $14.00, a customer in Europe pays $24.00 ($14.00 + $10.00) for shipping.

<MESSAGE Type>Override</MESSAGE Type>

