
强磁体和磁体套装强磁体(包括作为娱乐性操作或搭建商品进行销售或通常用作此类商品的单个磁体和磁体套装,例如益智游戏、雕塑建筑、精神刺激或减压用品)必须足够大,不能放入直径为 1.25 英寸(31.7 毫米)、长度为 2.25 英寸(57.1 毫米)的圆筒中。此圆筒通常指小零件圆筒或阻尼管。如果商品能够放入小零件圆筒中,则其磁通量指数不能超过 50 kg²mm²。请参阅 CPSC 的磁体信息中心,了解有关磁体安全和潜在风险的更多信息。


  • 巴克球

  • 巴克球

  • 巴克条

  • 巴克棒

  • 巴克魔方

  • CyberCube

  • Dynocube

  • Hurry Harris 球

  • 磁立方(也称“Mag Cube”)

  • 魔力磁球

  • Neocubix

  • 纳米点

  • Neo 球

  • 益智球(仅当它们为磁体或有磁性时)

  • Zen 磁体套装

医疗器械声明医疗器械声明不得超出 FDA 批准的适用症范围。过度声明示例包括:将核准仅限成人使用的器械用于儿童、宣传将器械用于适用症中未指定的身体部位,以及销售未开具处方的处方类器械。请参阅 FDA 医疗器械页面和受限商品: 医疗设备和配件。
医疗器械、食品、药品和化妆品如果您要发布任何受美国联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案 (FFDCA) 管制的商品,则必须向我们提供如下持续担保。“所有食品、药品、医疗器械和化妆品,截至发货之日,均不属于 FFDCA 定义的掺入次级品或贴错商标的商品。也不属于依据 FFDCA 第 404、505 或 512 条规定无法在州际贸易中交易的商品。以上担保适用于之前以及以后由您本人发出或者由其他方以您的名义发出的所有货件。”
美国本土商品如果存在下列情形,则您不得使用“美国原住民”、“印第安”或任何印第安部落名称等措辞:此类信息不正确地暗示相应商品是“印第安人商品”,或是由部落成员或印第安艺术家制作。请参阅 1935 年颁布的《印第安艺术和手工艺品法》、1990 年颁布的《印第安艺术和手工艺品法》以及内饰、印第安艺术品和手工艺品局提供的指导。
杀虫剂以及抗微生物、抗真菌、抗细菌或杀虫剂声明对于您声称具有抗微生物、抗真菌、抗细菌或其他杀虫效果的任何杀虫剂或商品,您必须保证这些商品符合美国《联邦杀虫剂、杀真菌剂和灭鼠剂法案》(FIFRA) 要求。

此保证可证明您是美国居民或者您的企业为美国的居民企业,并确认您在亚马逊上销售的 FIFRA 管制商品符合 FIFRA 要求。此外,此类商品还必须遵守所有州级杀虫剂法律,这些法律可能包含其他注册要求、贴标要求和成分限制等。请参阅环境保护署的 FIFRA 概述、《加利福尼亚州杀虫剂法规》以及国家杀虫剂信息中心的相关规定。

无线电射频装置商品信息必须遵守美国联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 对于以下装置的规定:可能会对其他装置产生无线电射频干扰的装置。您可能需要获取 FCC 提供的编码或其他授权。请参阅 FCC 工程技术办公室的设备审批页面。
冰箱用净水器替换滤芯您必须确保冰箱用净水器替换滤芯获得 NSF/ANSI-42 标准或更高标准(例如材料安全和结构完整性方面的 NSF/ANSI-53 或 NSF/ANSI-401 标准)认证,且必须至少获得 NSF/ANSI-42 减排标准或系统性能认证。这些认证必须由美国国家标准协会认可的独立实验室(如 NSF、WQA 和 IAMPO)提供。减排声明必须准确显示在商品详情页面上。请参阅 NSF 关于住宅饮用水处理标准的指导。


  • 艺术品

  • 货币、硬币、现金等价物和礼品卡

  • 盖戳器和邮票



  • FTC 颁布的《互联网广告和营销: 规制手册》

  • 禁止的卖家活动和行为

窗帘窗帘类商品的商品信息必须符合窗帘制造商协会采用的非强制性安全标准。包括外露拉绳式窗帘类商品的非强制性安全标准 (ANSI/WCMA A.100.1)。


General Listing Restrictions

Important: When you sell on Amazon, you must follow federal, state, and local laws, and Amazon policies that apply to your products and listings.

Strong Magnets and Magnet SetsStrong magnets including individual magnets and magnet sets that are marketed or commonly used as a manipulative or construction items for entertainment, such as puzzle working, sculpture building, mental stimulation, or stress relief, must be too large to fit inside a cylinder that is 1.25 inches (31.7 mm) in diameter and 2.25 inches (57.1 mm) long. This cylinder is commonly referred to as a “small parts cylinder” or “choking tube”. If the product is small enough to fit in a small parts cylinder, it must not have a flux index greater than 50 kg²mm². See CPSC's Magnets Information Center for more information about magnet safety and potential risks.

The following magnet set brands are specifically prohibited for sale:

  • Buckyballs

  • Buck balls

  • Buckybars

  • Bucky Bigs

  • Buckycubes

  • CyberCube

  • Dynocube

  • Hurry Harris balls

  • Magnicube (also called 'Mag Cube')

  • Neocubes

  • Neocubix

  • Nanodots

  • Neo spheres

  • Puzzle Spheres (ONLY if they are magnets or magnetic

  • Zen magnets set

Medical Device ClaimsYou must not make claims about medical devices that exceed the approved indications for use given by the FDA. Excessive claims include targeting use at children, if the device is only cleared for adult use; advertising for use in a part of the body not specified in the indications for use; and selling prescription devices without a prescription. See the FDA Medical Device web page and Restricted Products: Medical Devices & Accessories.
Medical Devices, Food, Drugs and CosmeticsIf you list any product that is covered by the US Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), you must provide the following continuing guarantee. “All food, drug, medical device, and cosmetic products are guaranteed not to be adulterated or misbranded, as defined by the FFDCA, as of the date they are shipped. They are guaranteed to be articles permitted for interstate commerce, as defined by sections 404, 505, and 512 of the FFDCA. These guarantees apply to every shipment you have made and will make in future, and to every shipment made on your behalf by another party.”
Native American ProductsYou must not use the terms "Native American" or "Indian”, or the name of an Indian tribe, if it incorrectly implies that the product is an Indian product, or is made by a tribal member or an Indian artisan. See the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1935, the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, and guidance from the Department of Interior, Indian Arts, and Crafts Board.
Pesticides, and Antimicrobial, Antifungal, Antibacterial or Pesticide ClaimsFor pesticides, or products you claim to have antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, or other pesticidal properties, you must guarantee that they comply with the US Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

This guarantee states that you, or your business, area US resident, and that your FIFRA-regulated products on Amazon comply with FIFRA requirements. The products must also comply with state pesticide laws, which may include other registration and labeling requirements, and ingredient prohibitions. See the Environmental Protection Agency's overview of the FIFRA, California's Pesticide Regulations, and the National Pesticide Information Center.

Radio Frequency DevicesListings must comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules for devices that can interfere with other devices’ radio frequency. You might need to get an ID number or other authorization from the FCC. See the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology equipment authorization page.
Replacement Water Filters for RefrigeratorsYou must make sure replacement water filters for refrigerators are certified to NSF/ANSI-42 or higher standards, such as NSF/ANSI-53 or NSF/ANSI-401 for Material Safety and Structural Integrity and meet at least one NSF/ANSI-42 reduction standard or be System Performance certified. This must be determined by an independent lab, accredited by the American National Standards Institute, such as NSF, WQA, or IAMPO. Reduction claims must be accurately displayed on the product detail page. See NSF Guidance on Residential Drinking Water Treatment Standards.
Replica Art, Coins & Stamps

For information on listing replica art, coins, and stamps, see therestricted products Help pages:

  • Fine Art

  • Currency, Coins, Cash Equivalents, and Gift Cards

  • Postage Meters & Stamps

Testimonials, Endorsements, Feedback and ReviewsTestimonials or endorsements must comply with the Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. You must disclose any material interests between you and an endorser. You must not pay anyone to create a review, or offer gifts or refunds for the removal of a reviews or feedback.

See also:

  • The FTC's Advertising and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road

  • Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions

Window CoveringsListings for window covering products must comply with the voluntary safety standards adopted by the Window Covering Manufacturers Association. These include the Voluntary Standard for Safety of Exposed Cord Window Covering Products (ANSI/WCMA A.100.1).

