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重要: 在亚马逊上销售商品时,您必须遵守联邦、州和地方法律,以及适用于您的商品和商品信息的亚马逊政策

儿童服装禁止销售带拉绳的、尺寸为 2T 至 12(或同等尺寸)的儿童上身服装。尺寸为 2T 到 16(或同等尺寸)的儿童下身服装,如果将服装展开至最宽,其拉绳长度不得超过 3 英寸。此外,儿童下身衣物的拉绳外端不允许装配绳扣、系结或装有其他配件。如果上身外衣尺寸为 2T 至 16(或同等尺寸)的腰部或底部拉绳是一条连续的绳子,则必须进行固定(即缝透线层,以防止拉绳在其通道中自由拉动)。有关更多信息,请参阅此处。
  • 抗微生物

  • 抗菌

  • 可降低脑震荡的风险

商品营销受联邦贸易委员会 (FTC) 监管。有关更多信息,请参阅 FTC 颁布的在线广告和营销建议。

环境营销环境声明必须遵循 FTC 颁布的营销指南。包括《FTC 绿色指南》,该指南说明了如何避免会误导或欺骗消费者的声明。FTC 认定,“环保”、“生态友好”和“绿色”等字眼可能存在问题。


  • 环境营销指南帮助页面

  • FTC 绿色指南

  • FTC 环境声明: 绿色指南摘要

担保商品信息必须遵守保证和担保广告指南。如果您在亚马逊商城使用“保证满意”或“保证退款”之类的措辞,则必须做到针对任何退款原因均提供全额退款。请参阅 FTC 的联邦担保法案商务人士指南、消费品担保和广告以及互联网营销: 规制手册。
珠宝首饰珠宝首饰商品(包括镜框、书写工具和扁平餐具等商品)的商品信息必须遵守 FTC 首饰、贵金属和锡产业指南。该指南规定了如何使用“珍珠”、“铂金”、“无腐蚀性”和“无瑕”等术语。我们可能会检查亚马逊上销售的高级珠宝首饰的品质。高级珠宝首饰包括含黄金、白银、铂金或钯金、钻石、珍珠或宝石的商品。您必须确保您的高级珠宝首饰的商品详情页面提供准确而完整的商品质量详细信息。作为“白银”或“纯银”商品发布的商品实际含银量必须至少为 92.5%。黄金和铂金含量必须与详情页面上说明的品质及商品上的压印标识相符。仿制珠宝必须具有相应标识。您必须公开所有加工后钻石或珠宝的全部处理工艺。珠宝首饰的详情页面必须遵守首饰、贵金属和锡产业指南和亚马逊首饰质量保证标准。如果我们发现您为高级珠宝首饰商品提供了不准确或不完整的信息,我们可能会暂停您的发布权限,并暂停或撤销您的销售权限。

请参阅 FTC 的珠宝首饰指南和信息页面及互联网广告和营销: 规制手册。


  • 受限商品: 珠宝首饰和贵重宝石

激光商品在亚马逊商城发布激光商品时,您必须在详情页面中指出激光危险等级和人体可及输出功率(单位:毫瓦特)。您不能发布超过 IIIA 级排放限制的激光商品,或超过 I 级排放限制的儿童玩具激光商品。激光危险等级必须按照 21 CFR 1040.10 或国际电工委员会 60825-1 标准,由独立实验室确定。

请参阅食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 关于激光商品和仪器的指导和关于最大程度降低儿童玩具激光商品风险的指导。

美国制造您在商品描述或标签中注明为“美国制造”的任何商品,必须完全或几乎完全在美国制造。有关更多信息,请参阅联邦贸易委员会的美国本土制造执行政策声明和互联网广告和营销: 规制手册。有关披露原产国/地区的指导,请参阅需要声明或公开的商品限制中的“动物毛皮”、“纺织物描述”和“羊毛商品描述”部分。


General Listing Restrictions

Important: When you sell on Amazon, you must follow federal, state, and local laws, and Amazon policies that apply to your products and listings.

Children's clothingAll children’s upper body clothing with drawstrings, for sizes 2T to 12 (or equivalent), is prohibited. Children’s lower body clothing, for sizes 2T to 16 (or equivalent), shall not possess drawstrings longer than three inches when garment is expanded to its fullest width. Additionally, children’s lower body clothing shall not possess toggles, knots, or other attachments at the free ends of the drawstring. If a waist or bottom drawstring in upper outerwear sizes 2T to 16 (or the equivalent) is one continuous string, it must be bar-tacked (that is, stitched through to prevent the drawstring from being pulled through its channel). More information is available here.
ClaimsWhen you make claims in listings, they must be accurate. A claim can be misleading if relevant information is left out or if it suggests something that's not true. You must offer proof when you make claims, especially when they're about health, safety, or performance. You must provide Amazon with documents to support any claim you include in a listing when asked. These should include scientific evidence such as the results of tests or other research carried out by experts in the proper field. Claims that need supporting proof include those that say a product:
  • Is anti-microbial

  • Is anti-bacterial

  • Can reduce the risk of concussions

  • Contains particular filler materials, such as goose or duck down

Product marketing is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Environmental MarketingEnvironmental claims must follow FTC marketing guidelines. These include the FTC Green Guides, which show how to avoid claims that mislead or deceive consumers. The FTC identifies terms like "environmentally-friendly" "eco-friendly", and "green" as potentially problematic.

For more information, see:

  • The Environmental Marketing Guidelines Help page

  • FTC Green Guides

  • FTC Environmental Claims: Summary of the Green Guides

GuaranteesListings must comply with the Guides for the Advertising of Warranties and Guarantees. If you use phrases like "satisfaction guaranteed" or "money-back guarantee" on Amazon, you have to be ready to give full refunds for any reason. See the FTC’s A Businessperson's Guide to Federal Warranty Law, Consumer Product Warranties and Advertising, and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road.
JewelryListings for jewelry products, including items like glasses frames, pens, and flatware, must follow the FTC Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries. These regulate the use of terms such as "pearl", "platinum", "noncorrosive", and "flawless". We may check the quality of fine jewelry sold of Amazon. Fine jewelry includes products containing gold, silver, platinum, or palladium, or diamonds, pearls or gemstones). You must ensure that your product detail pages for fine jewelry include accurate and complete details about the products' quality. Products listed as "silver" or "sterling silver" must contain at least 92.5% silver. Gold and platinum content must match the quality descried on the detail page and the mark stamped on the product. Simulated gemstones must be labeled as such. You must disclose all treatments for treated diamonds or gemstones. Detail pages for fine jewelry must comply with the Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries, and Amazon's Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards. If we find that you have given inaccurate or incomplete information for fine jewelry products, we may suspend your listings, and suspend or remove your selling privileges.

See the FTC's Jewelry Guides and Information page and Advertising and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road.

See also

  • Restricted products: Jewelry & Precious Gems

Laser ProductsWhen listing laser products on Amazon, you must state the laser hazard class and human accessible power output (measured in milliwatts) on the detail page. You cannot list laser products that exceed Class IIIA emission limits, or children’s toy laser products that exceed Class I emission limits. The laser hazard class must be checked by an independent lab, as set out by21 CFR 1040.10 and International Electrotechnical Commission 60825-1 standards.

See the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Laser Products and Instruments and Minimizing Risk for Children’s Toy Laser Products guidance.

Made in the U.S.A.Any product you describe, or label as "Made in the USA" must have been made, completely or mostly, in the United States. See the Federal Trade Commission's Enforcement Policy Statement on US Origin Claims and Advertising and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road. For guidance on showing country of origin, see the sections on "Animal Furs and Skins", "Textile Descriptions", and "Wool Product Descriptions" on Listing Restrictions That Require Statements or Disclosures.

