通过设置固定产品价格,您可以针对任何国家/地区为您的任何产品指定价格。如果您要为大量产品设置固定产品价格,则可以使用 CSV 文件导入价格。如果您使用第三方应用或集成,则可以使用 Shopify API 针对某个国家/地区设置产品价格。
使用 CSV 文件设置固定产品价格
使用 Shopify API 设置固定产品价格
如果您使用 Shopify Payments 以多种货币进行销售,则客户可以使用任何受支持的货币进行结账,除非您对市场使用自定义定价。如果某个市场使用手动货币转化率、百分比价格调整或对任何产品使用固定价格,该市场便具有自定义价格。
例如,您是一位商家,您的主要市场是加拿大,并且您的美国市场对所有产品使用固定价格。如果客户在结账流程前均使用加元 (CAD) 浏览并且在结账时选择美国的收货地址,则 Shopify 会根据您的固定价格货币将其价格更改为美元 (USD)。系统将告知客户价格已基于其收货地址而更改。
下表列出了 Shopify Payments 的主要网关及其支持级别。
付款方式 | 支付网关 | 支持 |
信用卡 | 信用卡结账 | 完全支持 |
快捷支付方式 | Shop Pay | 完全支持 |
Apple Pay | 受支持,但没有结账限制 | |
Google Pay | 受支持,但没有结账限制 | |
本地付款方式 | Klarna | 完全支持 |
Sofort | 完全支持 | |
iDeal | 完全支持 | |
EPS Payments | 完全支持 | |
Bancontact | 完全支持 | |
其他付款方式 | PayPal Express | 受支持,但没有结账限制 |
Amazon Pay | 不支持。价格将转换为商店货币 | |
其他 | 不支持。价格将转换为商店货币 |
不支持第三方主网关。但是,您可以使用 Bogus 测试网关模拟国际定价订单。
只有使用 Shopify 购物车页面和结账流程的网关方法可以使用国际价格调整或固定价格。如果您直接从产品页面(包括 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay)使用立即购买动态结账按钮,则购物车将被绕过,并且不会应用您的国际价格。为避免这种情况,在使用国际价格调整或固定价格时,请在产品页面上禁用立即购买按钮。
设置价格调整可让您提高或降低特定国家/地区的所有产品的价格。价格调整以百分比的形式表示,+100% 的调整会使商品价格翻倍,-50% 的调整会将商品的价格折半。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场。
在价格调整部分,点击 + 可设置价格调整增幅,点击 - 可设置价格调整降幅。
您还可以使用 PriceList API 针对国家/地区创建价格调整。
您可以在 Shopify 后台的市场页面中为每个活跃市场单独设置产品价格。您可以为部分或所有产品和多属性设置固定价格。对于多国家/地区市场,您只能使用市场的基本货币设置固定价格。您设置的固定价格会自动覆盖您已激活的每个市场的转换后国际价格。
如果您想为国际市场上的产品创建固定销售价格,您可以使用 CSV 文件导入价格。在 Shopify 后台无法创建销售价格。
若要设置固定价格,请以每个市场的基本货币输入国际价格。例如,Gabriel 的主要市场是美国,基本货币为美元。他有一个仅包含加拿大的单一国家市场,基本货币为加元,还有一个包含澳大利亚和新西兰的多国家/地区市场,基本货币为澳元。Gabriel 按如下所示为每个市场输入固定定价:
在包含加拿大的市场中,他输入要向加拿大客户显示的价格。例如,对于他要显示为 5 加元的价格,他输入
。在包含澳大利亚的市场中,他输入了要向澳大利亚客户显示的价格。例如,对于他要显示为 6 澳元的产品,他输入
由于无法为同一市场中的多个国家/地区输入固定价格,因此 Gabriel 的新西兰客户会看到从澳元基本价格转换为新西兰元的价格。例如,对于固定价格为 6 澳元的产品,新西兰客户看到的价格将约为 6.25 新西兰元。
如果 Gabriel 后来决定要针对新西兰以新西兰元输入固定价格,他可以针对新西兰创建一个新市场。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场。
使用 CSV 文件设置固定产品价格
如果您要为大量产品设置固定产品价格,则可以使用 CSV 文件导入价格。
若要添加产品定价,请首先为要按市场定价的产品导出 CSV 文件。CSV 导出文件使用每个市场的对应名称,还包含您已启用的每个市场所对应的产品价格列和原价列。您可以修改 CSV 文件以添加价格,然后将该 CSV 文件导入您的商店。
有关详细信息,请参阅使用 CSV 文件。
步骤 1:使用 CSV 文件导出产品
在您的 Shopify 后台中,您可以导出一个 CSV 文件,其中包含的列显示了您的产品在已启用的每个市场中的相应价格和原价。
步骤 2:修改 CSV 文件
您可以修改从 Shopify 后台导出的产品 CSV 文件,以便针对市场添加价格。如果要删除某个市场的现有产品价格,请从列中删除该值,然后导入该 CSV 文件。如果您删除已启用的市场对应的整个列,则现有价格将保持不变。
下图显示了 CSV 文件的示例区域,其中包含针对不同市场的产品定价。
CSV 文件中的列标题应反映每个市场的名称。例如,如果您有一个名为“北美”的市场,则该市场的进口价格列标题应为价格/北美。
步骤 3:使用 CSV 文件导入产品
修改产品 CSV 文件以添加和清除产品价格后,您可以将该文件导入 Shopify 后台。您的产品 CSV 文件不必包含完整的产品信息,但至少必须包含名称、标题、多属性选项列和要导入的市场价格列。
有关详细信息,请参阅使用 CSV 文件导入产品。
步骤 4:查看您的国际定价
您可以在 Shopify 后台中以基本货币查看每个市场的价格。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场。
若要预览同一市场中多个国家/地区的价格,您需要拥有受支持的国家/地区选择器(例如 Geolocation应用)并在店面中预览这些价格。
使用 Shopify API 设置固定产品价格
如果您使用第三方应用或集成,则可以使用 PriceList API 针对国家或地区设置产品价格。
International pricing
In addition to setting rounding rules for your product prices and shipping rates, you can also control your international pricing by setting separate product prices and price adjustments for countries and regions.
Setting fixed product prices lets you specify the price for any product in any country or region. If you have a large amount of products that you want to set fixed product prices for, then you can import prices using a CSV file. If you're using a third-party app or integration, then you can set product prices for a country or region using the Shopify API.
Price adjustments are percentage increases or decreases to the base prices of the products in your store. The price adjustment applies to all products sold to customers in a country or region.
You can view a breakdown of how each product price is calculated for each market.
On this page
Conversion fees
Checkout behavior
Set price adjustments for a market
Set fixed product prices for a market
Set fixed product prices using CSV files
Set fixed product prices using the Shopify API
Conversion fees
Currency conversion fees apply to all multi-currency orders and are incorporated into the converted price automatically. If you're setting fixed prices for a market, then you need to include the currency conversion fees in your fixed prices.
Checkout behavior
If you sell in multiple currencies with Shopify Payments, customers can check out in any supported currency, unless you have customized pricing for a market. A market has customized prices if it uses a manual currency conversion rate, a percentage price adjustment, or has fixed prices for any products.
A customer's shipping address is used to determine what market they belong to. If a customer chooses to ship to a country or region that differs from the one that they selected on the storefront, then their prices will change to match their shipping destination at checkout if they changed to or from a customized market. These are called checkout restrictions. If you use a payment method that doesn't support checkout restrictions, then customers are able to checkout in any currency that you have enabled, even if it doesn’t match their shipping address.
For example, you're a merchant with a Primary market of Canada and a United States market that contains fixed prices for all your products. If a customer reaches checkout in Canadian dollars (CAD) and tries to ship to an address in the United States, then Shopify changes their prices into United States dollars (USD), adhering to your fixed prices. Customers are told that their prices have changed based on where they are shipping to.
The following table lists the primary gateways for Shopify payments and their level of support.
Payment method Payment gateway Support Credit card Credit card checkout Fully supported Express methods Shop Pay Fully supported Apple Pay Supported but without checkout restrictions Google Pay Supported but without checkout restrictions Local Payment Methods Klarna Fully supported Sofort Fully supported iDeal Fully supported EPS Payments Fully supported Bancontact Fully supported Alternative Payment methods PayPal Express Supported but without checkout restrictions Amazon Pay Unsupported. Prices convert to shop currency Others Unsupported. Prices convert to shop currency Third-party primary gateways aren't supported. However, you can use the Bogus testing gateway to simulate international pricing orders.
Only gateway methods that use the Shopify cart page and checkout work with international price adjustments or fixed prices. If you're using Buy Now dynamic checkout buttons directly from the product page, which includes Apple Pay and Google Pay, then the cart is bypassed and your international prices aren't applied. To avoid this situation, disable Buy Now buttons on your product pages if you're using international price adjustments or fixed prices.
Set price adjustments for a market
Setting a price adjustment lets you increase or decrease the price of all products for a specific country or region. Price adjustments are shown as a percentage, meaning that an adjustment of +100% doubles the price of the item, and an adjustment of -50% reduces the price of the item by half.
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.
In the Other markets section, click Manage next to the market that you want to adjust prices for.
Click Manage next to Currency and pricing.
In the Price adjustment section, click + to set a price adjustment increase, or - to set a price adjustment decrease.
Enter the percentage of the adjustment.
Click Save.
You can also create price adjustments for a country or region using the PriceList API.
Set fixed product prices for a market
You can set individual product prices for each active market from the Markets page in your Shopify admin. You can set fixed prices for some or all of your products and variants. For multiple-country markets, you can only set fixed prices using the market's base currency. The fixed prices that you set automatically override the converted international prices for each market that you have activated.
If you want to create fixed sale prices for products in your international markets, you can do so by importing prices using a CSV file. Sale prices can't be created within the Shopify admin.
To set a fixed price, enter the international price in the base currency of each market. For example, Gabriel's primary market is the United States in US dollars. He has a single-country market containing Canada with a base currency of Canadian dollars, and a multiple-country market containing Australia and New Zealand with a base currency of Australian dollars. Gabriel enters fixed pricing for each market as follows:
In the market containing Canada, he enters the price that he wants displayed to customers in Canada. For example, for a product he wants to display as 5 CAD, he enters
.In the market containing Australia, he enters the price that he wants displayed to customers in Australia. For example, for a product he wants to display as 6 AUD, he enters
.Because fixed prices can't be entered for multiple countries within the same market, Gabriel's customers in New Zealand are shown prices that are converted from the Australian dollar base price into New Zealand dollars. For example, a product with a fixed price of 6 AUD would be shown to a customer in New Zealand as about 6.25 NZD.
If Gabriel later decides that he wants to enter fixed prices for New Zealand in New Zealand dollars, then he can create a new market for New Zealand.
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.
In the Other markets section, click Manage next to the market that you want to view prices for.
Next to Currency and pricing, click Manage.
In the search bar, type the name of the product you want to enter fixed prices for.
Click the price next to a product that you want to edit, and then enter the new fixed price. If the product has multiple variants, then click View Prices, and then enter fixed prices for each variant.
Click Save.
If you no longer want to use a fixed price, then click the price next to the product and click Reset. The price is reset to the previous automatically converted price.
Set fixed product prices using CSV files
If you have a large amount of products you want to set fixed product prices for, then you can import prices using a CSV file.
To add product pricing, first export a CSV file for the products that you want to price by market. The CSV export file contains additional columns for product prices and compare-at prices for every market that you have enabled, using the name of each market. You can modify the CSV file to add your prices, and then import the CSV file to your store.
For more information, refer to Using CSV files.
Step 1: Export products with a CSV file
From your Shopify admin, you can export a CSV file, which contains columns for prices and compare-at prices for each market that you have enabled.
If you want to export only some of your products, then you can filter your product list to view and select specific products for export.
For more detailed instructions, refer to Exporting products.
Step 2: Modify the CSV file
You can modify the Product CSV file that you exported from your Shopify admin to add prices for markets. If you want to remove an existing product price for a market, remove the value from the column, and then import the CSV file. If you remove an entire column for a market that you have enabled, then the existing price remains unchanged.
Upload your product prices exactly as you want them to appear for each market.
If you use dynamic tax-inclusive pricing to include or exclude taxes based on your customer’s location, then be sure to review the countries or regions that include taxes in their prices by default. If you have a tax obligation when you sell into these countries or regions, then upload your product prices to include the local tax rate.
The following image shows a sample section of a CSV file with product pricing for separate markets.
Your column headers in your CSV file should reflect the name of each of your markets. For example, if you have a market called North America, the column header to import prices for that market should be Price / North America.
You can't import different fixed prices for multiple countries or regions within the same market. If you need to do this, then each country or region should be created as its own market.
You set product prices in your selected base currency for each market. If a market has multiple countries or regions, then your fixed prices are converted into each local currency using the live exchange rate. If you want to sell to multiple countries or regions in one market but in a single currency, then you can disable multi-currency for that market.
Step 3: Import products with a CSV file
After you have modified your Product CSV file to add and clear product prices, you can import the file to your Shopify admin. Your Product CSV file doesn't have to contain complete product information, but at a minimum, it must contain Handle, Title, Variant Option columns, and the market price columns you want to import.
For more detailed instructions, refer to Importing products with a CSV file.
Step 4: View your international pricing
You can view prices for each of your markets in their base currency within your Shopify admin.
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.
In the Other markets section, click Manage next to the market that you want to view prices for.
Click Manage next to Currency and pricing.
Prices are displayed the in base currency for that market. For products with multiple variants, click the product title to see the price for each variant.
To preview prices for multiple countries or regions within the same market, you need to have a supported country selector, such as the Geolocation app, and preview those prices on your storefront.
Set fixed product prices using the Shopify API
If you're using a third-party app or integration, then you can set product prices for a country or region using the PriceList API.