

配送速度报告显示了您在亚马逊上发布的卖家自配送 Prime 商品列表,以及小于或等于 (<=) 1 天、小于或等于 (<=) 2 天和大于 (>) 2 天的每个承诺配送速度的商品详情页面的浏览量。要下载新报告或过去的某个报告,请访问卖家平台,然后点击“卖家自配送 Prime 绩效”部分中列出的相应链接。您可以自定义不同时间段内的时间范围,然后点击“请求”。报告需要一定的准备时间。准备就绪后,会显示下载图标。



亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN) 是由 10 个字母和/或数字组成、用于识别商品的唯一序列。ASIN 由亚马逊分配。您可以在商品详情页面找到商品的 ASIN。


您商品的尺寸级别分类: 标准尺寸商品与大件商品。标准尺寸商品是指完全包装后的重量不超过 20 磅且商品包装尺寸不超过 18 x 14 x 8 英寸的所有商品。超过上述尺寸的商品属于大件商品。您可以前往管理卖家自配送 Prime 页面来更新商品的级别、包装重量和尺寸。如果有多个尺寸数据源,我们会使用最准确的信息来确定选择类型。


每种标准尺寸商品的详情页面总浏览量以及相应的承诺配送速度。此指标的计算方法是,承诺配送速度小于或等于 (<=) 2 天的标准尺寸商品详情页面浏览量加上承诺配送速度大于 (>) 2 天以上的标准尺寸商品详情页面浏览量。

<= 1 天的标准尺寸商品详情页面浏览量

承诺配送速度小于或等于 (<=) 1 天的标准尺寸商品的详情页面的浏览量。

<= 2 天的标准尺寸商品详情页面浏览量

承诺配送速度小于或等于 (<=) 2 天的标准尺寸商品的详情页面的浏览量。此指标包含小于或等于(<=) 1 天的标准尺寸商品的详情页面的浏览量。

> 2 天的标准尺寸商品详情页面浏览量

承诺配送速度在 (>) 2 天以上的标准尺寸商品的详情页面的浏览量。


每种大件商品的详情页面总浏览量以及相应的承诺配送速度。此指标的计算方法是,承诺配送速度小于或等于 (<=) 2 天的大件商品详情页面浏览量加上承诺配送速度大于 (>) 2 天以上的大件商品详情页面浏览量。

<= 1 天的大件商品详情页面总浏览量

承诺配送速度小于或等于 (<=) 1 天的大件商品的详情页面的浏览量。

<= 2 天的大件商品详情页面总浏览量

承诺配送速度小于或等于 (<=) 2 天的大件商品的详情页面的浏览量。此指标包含小于或等于(<=) 1 天的大件商品的详情页面的浏览量。

> 2 天的大件商品详情页面总浏览量

承诺配送速度在 (>) 2 天以上的大件商品的详情页面的浏览量。


Speed Report

Overview of speed report

The speed report shows the list of Seller Fulfilled Prime offers you listed on Amazon and the number of detail page views for each delivery promise speed that are are less than or equal to (<=) 1-Day, less than or equal to (<=) 2-Day and greater than (>) 2-Day. To download a new report or one of your past reports, visit Seller Central, and click the link listed in the Seller Fulfilled Prime performance section. You can customize the ranges for different time periods and click “Request”. The report will take some time to prepare. Once it’s ready, the download icon will show.

The speed report includes the following data columns:


Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items. ASIN is assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page.

Selection Segment

Your product’s size tier classification: Standard-size versus oversize. Standard-size is defined as any item, when fully packaged, weighs 20lb or less and does not exceed 18 x 14 x 8 inches in item packaging dimensions. Any item exceeding these dimensions is considered over-size. You can go to Manage Seller Fulfilled Prime page to update the tier, packaged weights and dimensions of your item. We use the most accurate information to determine the selection type if there are multiple sources for dimensional date.

Total standard-size detail page views

Total aggregated number of detail page views for each of your standard-size products with the corresponding promised delivery speed. This metric is calculated by adding less than or equal (<=) 2day standard-size detail page views and greater(>) 2 day standard-size detail page views.

<= 1day standard-size detail page views

The number of detail page views with less than or equal (<=) 1-Day delivery promise speed for your standard-size products.

<= 2day standard-size detail page views

The number of detail page views with less than or equal (<=) 2-Day delivery promise speed for your standard-size products. This metric will include less than or equal(<=) 1day standard-size detail page views.

>2 day standard-size detail page views

The number of detail page views with greater than (>) 2-Day delivery promise speed for your standard-size products.

Total oversize detail page views

Total aggregated number of detail page views for each of your oversize products with the corresponding promised delivery speed. This metric is calculated by adding less than or equal (<=) 2 day oversize detail page views and greater than (>) 2 day oversize detail page views.

<= 1day oversize detail page views

The number of detail page views with less than or equal to (<=) 1-Day delivery promise speed for your oversize products.

<= 2day oversize detail page views

The number of detail page views with less than or equal to (<=) 2-Day delivery promise speed for your oversize products. This metric will include less than or equal to (<=) 1day oversize detail page views.

>2 day oversize detail page views

The number of detail page views with greater than (>) 2-Day delivery promise speed for your oversize products.

