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切记: 在亚马逊上发布和销售商品时,必须遵守所有适用的联邦法律。同时,还必须遵守适用于您的商品所销往的司法管辖区的州和地方法律。【对于使用亚马逊物流的卖家,】另请参阅亚马逊物流禁运商品,了解更多商品限制信息。

我们希望买家能够轻松查找、发现并购买作为环保或“绿色”商品营销的商品。 不过,为买家提供有关此类商品的准确且可靠的信息也同样重要,而且此类信息不会使商品的环保或“绿色”品质或特征具有误导性。 要在亚马逊上销售具有环境声明的商品,您必须确保您的商品包装和商品详情页面上的营销声明不仅要遵守所有的联邦法律(例如 FTC 的环境营销声明使用指南,亦称为“绿色指南”),还要遵守规范环境声明的所有适用州法律和地方法律。这些法律包括加利福尼亚州限制对塑料制品使用可堆肥和可生物降解相关声明的法律。

我们从《FTC 绿色指南》和加利福尼亚州的法律中提取出有关环境声明的以下要点,以便帮助您审查自己可能对商品所做的环境声明。这些要点并不全面。您应当查看美国联邦贸易委员会绿色指南以及其他适用的法律、法规和准则,因为您有责任确保针对自己的商品提出的声明完全符合要求。

《FTC 绿色指南》中的要点

  • 避免提出有关商品的环境效益或质量的广泛、一般性声明(例如,避免出现“生态友好”、“环保”或“绿色”等字词)。

  • 有关商品的环境效益或质量的所有声明应当具体,而针对环境声明的所有资格(或限制)必须具体、明确并突出显示(例如,“商品的 20% 由回收材料制成”)。

  • 缩小特定环境声明的范围,以免夸大环境效益或质量。

  • 如果环境效益或质量不值一提,避免提出环境声明。

  • 在提出比较性环境声明时,必须明确传达进行比较的基础。

  • 在提出环境声明时,要对商品、包装和服务进行区分(例如,包装采用的是 100% 可生物降解的材料)。

  • 如果商品不能在家安全或及时地予以堆肥处理,避免提出不合格的可堆肥声明。

  • 只有当整个商品在惯常处理之后(固体废物为一年后)相当短的时间内能够完全分解并回归大自然时,才可以提出一般性可降解或可生物降解声明。如果通常采用填埋、焚烧或回收设施来处理商品,那么不应当提出一般性可生物降解声明。

  • 关于由回收材料制成的商品或包装的环境声明应准确反映出由回收材料制成的部分(例如,“20% 由回收材料制成”)。

  • 仔细考虑认证和密封,并在使用认证时包含具体依据或环境效益。有关认证的问题,请参阅 http://ftc.gov/os/2009/10/091005revisedendorsementguides.pdf。

《FTC 绿色指南》还包含其他环境声明,包括: (1) 免费声明;(2) 无毒声明;(3) 可回收声明;(4) 可再生能源声明;以及 (5) 可再生材料声明。如果您要提出以上这些或其他环境声明,请查看《FTC 绿色指南》。


  • 销往加利福尼亚州的塑料制品只有符合适用的 ASTM 标准或具有 Vincotte OK Compost HOME 认证,才能标注可堆肥、可家庭堆肥或可海洋降解。如果您的商品符合适用的 ASTM 或 Vincotte 标准,则应该符合加利福尼亚州法律规定的其他贴标要求,而且商品详情页面上应当包含此类信息。

  • 销往加利福尼亚州的塑料制品不得标注可生物降解、可降解或可分解,也不得暗示塑料制品可分解。

  • 亚马逊将限制在加利福尼亚州销售带有这些禁售条款的塑料和生塑商品。

  • 如果您销售的塑料和生塑制品符合适用 ASTM 或 Vincotte 标准,亚马逊可能会要求您提供证据,证明您的塑料和生塑制品符合此类标准。


Environmental Marketing Guidelines

Remember: You must comply with all applicable federal laws when listing and selling products on Amazon.com. You must also comply with state and local laws applicable to the jurisdiction into which your products are sold. Sellers using Fulfillment by Amazon, please also see FBA Prohibited Products for additional product restrictions.

We want to make it easy for buyers to find, discover, and buy products that are marketed as environmentally friendly or "green." However, it is also important to provide buyers with information about those products that is accurate and trustworthy, and that is not misleading about the qualities or characteristics of a product that make it environmentally friendly or "green." To sell products that are marketed with environmental claims on Amazon.com, you must ensure that the marketing claims you make on your product packaging and on your product detail page meet not only all federal laws such as the FTC's Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (known as the "Green Guides"), but also all applicable state and local laws that regulate environmental claims. These laws include California's law restricting the use of compostable- and biodegradable-related claims on plastic products.

We're providing the following highlights from the FTC Green Guides and California's law on environmental claims to assist you in reviewing the environmental claims that you may make about your products. These highlights are not designed to be comprehensive. You should review the FTC Green Guides and other applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, as you remain responsible for ensuring that the claims made about your products are fully compliant.

Highlights from the FTC Green Guides

  • Avoid broad, general claims regarding a product's environmental benefits or qualities (ex., avoid "eco-friendly" or "environmentally friendly" or "green").

  • All claims about a product's environmental benefits or qualities should be specific, and all qualifications (or limitations) to environmental claims must be specific, clear and prominently displayed (ex., "product is made from 20% recycled materials").

  • Narrowly tailor environmental claims so as not to overstate the environmental benefits or qualities.

  • Avoid making environmental claims if the environmental benefits or qualities are negligible.

  • When making comparative environmental claims, the basis for the comparison must be clearly conveyed.

  • Distinguish between products, packaging and services when making environmental claims (ex., packaging is 100% biodegradable).

  • Avoid making compostable claims without qualification if the product cannot be composted at home safely or in a timely way.

  • A general degradable or biodegradable claim should only be made if the entire product will completely break down and return to nature within a reasonably short period of time after customary disposal (or one year for solid waste products). If the product customarily ends up in landfills, incinerators, or recycling facilities, then a general biodegradable claim should not be made.

  • An environmental claim that a product or packaging is made from recycled materials should accurately reflect the portion that is made from recycled materials (ex., "made from 20% recycled materials").

  • Carefully consider certifications and seals and include the specific basis or environmental benefit for the certification whenever it is used. For questions regarding certifications, see http://ftc.gov/os/2009/10/091005revisedendorsementguides.pdf.

The FTC Green Guides also address other environmental claims, including: (1) Free-Of claims, (2) Non-Toxic claims, (3) Recyclable claims, (4) Renewable Energy claims, and (5) Renewable Materials claims. If you are making these or other environmental claims, please review the FTC Green Guides.

California Law

  • Plastic and bioplastic products sold into California can only be labeled as compostable, home compostable, or marine degradable if they meet the applicable ASTM standard or have the Vincotte OK Compost HOME certification. If your product meets the applicable ASTM or Vincotte standard, it should meet the additional labeling requirements as set forth by California law, and such information should be included on the product detail page.

  • Plastic and bioplastic products sold into California may not be labeled as biodegradable, degradable, or decomposable, or imply that the plastic product will break down or decompose.

  • Amazon will restrict the sale of plastic and bioplastic products labeled with these prohibited terms into California.

  • If you are a seller of a plastic and bioplastic product that meets the applicable ASTM or Vincotte standard, Amazon may require that you provide proof demonstrating that your and bioplastic plastic product meets such standards.

