

通过单击一览行右侧的总价值来查看交易。请参见 8.1.2“ 交易详情页面”来获得更多关于交易详情的信息。




  • 所有交易类型:显示所有交易(不受类型限制)。

  • 订单付款:仅显示与订单付款相关的交易。

  • 退款:仅显示与退款相关的交易。

  • 信用卡拒付退款:仅显示与信用卡拒付相关的交易。信用卡拒付指的是特别与信用卡相关的付款或扣款。例如,若买家联系信用卡公司并否认与卖家销售相关的付款,此时相应的交易将注明为信用卡拒付。

  • 亚马逊商城交易保障索赔退款:显示由买家发起的与亚马逊商城交易保障索赔相关的所有交易付款或扣款。

  • 服务费:其他费用,入亚马逊物流库存存储费或入库运输费。

  • 其他:显示可能包括订阅费、与服务和由亚马逊发起的扣款或付款相关的其他费用。


  • 结算周期:选择结算周期中的所有交易。

  • 超出天数:选择交易的设定天数

  • 自定义日期范围:选择您自己的时间段




定位一笔交易后,无论是通过筛选还是通过搜索 查看交易页面,都可以通过单击交易一览行右侧的“全部信息”列中的金额来查看与该交易相关的付款详情。

由此产生的 交易详情页面会显示与原始交易相关的所有细节。例如,如果您查看一个订单 交易详情页面,所有与之相关的退款或者盘点将会在原始交易下方显示。这些 相关交易的详情也可以通过单击总金额连接进行查看。



Payments Transactions View

The View Transactions Page displays a summary view of the transactions that have occurred in the account since the last settlement date up until closing on the previous day. A transaction can be a charge or credit that is initiated by Amazon, an order, a refund or an adjustment. View the Payments Transactions View report.

To view the transaction, click the Total value at the right side of the summary line.

You can further modify the transaction view by filtering the results or by searching for transactions that meet your criteria.

Filter view by: Use this drop-down menu to modify the list of transactions by specifying a type of transaction and a specific period of time.

You can filter by the following:

  • All transactions types: This shows all transactions regardless of type.

  • Order Payment: This shows only transactions that are related to the payment of orders.

  • Refund: This shows only transactions that are related to refunds.

  • Chargeback Refund: This shows only transactions that are related to chargebacks. Chargebacks are charges or credits that are specifically related to credit card claims. For example, if a buyer calls their credit card company and refutes a charge related to the seller's sale, the corresponding transaction will be noted here as a chargeback.

  • A-to-z Guarantee Refund: This shows all transaction charges or credits related to A-to-Z Guarantee claims that were initiated by the buyer.

  • Service Fees: Other fees, such as FBA Inventory Storage fees or inbound transportation charges.

  • Other: This shows fees which may include subscriptions, other fees related to service and credits or charges that were initiated by Amazon.

Select a period of time: Use this feature to specify a range of dates for the list of transactions.

  • Statement period: Select all transactions in a settlement period.

  • Past number of days: Select a set number of days of transactions

  • Custom date range: Select your own time period

After you select an option, click "Update" to see the results.

Search for a transaction: This allows you to search for an order using the order number.

Transaction Detail Page

Once you have located a transaction, either by filtering or by searching the View Transactions page, you can see payment details related to the results by clicking the amount in the Total column on the right side of the transaction summary line.

The resulting Transaction Details page display any details associated with the original transaction. For example, if you view an order Transaction Detail page, all related refunds or adjustments will be shown below the original transaction. These Associated Transactions can also be viewed in detail by clicking the Total amount link.

