


Can I have your order number, please?请告诉我您的订单号好吗?

We've received your order and will start production soon. 我们已收到您的订单,将会尽快开始生产。

Your order is scheduled to ship next week. 您的订单计划下周发货。

We're sorry, but there's been a delay in production. 抱歉,生产出现了延误。

We need your confirmation on the final order details before we can proceed. 我们需要您确认最终的订单细节,才能继续进行。


What's the MOQ for this product? 这个产品的最小订单量是多少?

Can you provide samples for us to test? 您能提供样品供我们测试吗?

We need to make some modifications to the product specifications. 我们需要对产品规格进行一些修改。

The product is out of stock at the moment. 目前该产品缺货。

We've made some improvements to the product based on customer feedback. 我们根据客户反馈对产品进行了一些改进。


When can we expect the shipment to arrive? 我们何时可以期待这批货物到达?

The shipment has been delayed due to bad weather. 由于恶劣天气,货物运输受到了延误。

We need to arrange for a customs clearance agent. 我们需要安排一名报关代理人。

The goods were damaged in transit. 货物在运输途中受损了。

The shipment has been held up at the port due to customs issues. 由于海关问题,货物在港口滞留。


Can we pay by bank transfer? 我们可以通过银行转账支付吗?

We'd like to request a 30% deposit before production begins. 我们希望在生产开始前支付30%的定金。

We've received your payment, thank you. 我们已经收到了您的付款,谢谢。

We need you to provide us with the payment receipt for customs clearance. 我们需要您提供支付凭证,以便进行报关。

We can offer a 5% discount for payments made within 7 days. 如果7天内付款,我们可以提供5%的折扣。

