有关保险问题的邮件的撰写,根据运输产品不同,一般都有约定俗成的内容。在跨境电商 B2B 业务中,除非客户特别提出要投哪一类型的保险,般业务员都按最低险别投保。如果客户有特别的要求,其费用应该由客户承担。下面举例说明客户要求将保险险别从平安险换至一切险的情况。



Dear Tong,

Have a good day!

The last point before placing the order is the insurance. Could you please change from F.P.A to All Risks. We hope to do the best against any risks on the transportation. Will it affect the price?

Best regards,




Dear X XX

It is my pleasure to hear from you soon

That is no problem to change the insurance to All Risks. This is what we hope to suggest to you as well, considering the easily-changing weather recently and unpredictable political situation in your country. Because the price I have quoted to you is CIF price including sea transport insurance charge, we have to increase the price to USD X X X to cover the difference in the cost of the two different kinds

of insurances

Attached is the quotation I have revised accordingly. I will draft a contract based on it with your confirmation of the quotation.

Your quick reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


