Wish为帮助商户履行物流跟踪信息显示“已取消”的订单(基于 WishPost 记录)提供哪些支持?

目前,某些通过 WishPost 配送的订单出现了物流跟踪信息显示“已取消”(即物流单号被取消)的情况。出现这种情况的原因可能是商户主动在 WishPost 中直接取消运单,或是由于物流服务商存在的问题,导致这些物流单号被取消。

为帮助商户妥善管理这些物流单号被取消的订单,对于在 UTC 时间2020年11月10日凌晨0时之后释放的订单,如果订单通过 WishPost 发运,且物流单号已有确认履行日期(即物流信息上网),但之后物流单号被取消,则该确认履行日期将被删除。

自 UTC 时间2021年3月4日凌晨0时起,所有中国大陆的商户都可能会收到物流单号被取消而被重新释放的订单,商户需要重新履行重新释放的订单。在本文中,wish平台将为商户介绍如何及时使用有效的物流跟踪信息重新履行重新释放的订单。

Wish 会在何种情况下将订单重新释放给商户,供商户重新履行?

Wish 可能会将订单重新释放给商户,供商户重新履行,也可能自动退款该订单,具体取决于 Wish 何时收到物流单号被取消的物流信息(基于 WishPost 的记录)。具体来说,

  • 如果在订单初次释放之日的25个自然日内(基于 WishPost 的记录),从 WishPost 收到物流单号被取消的物流信息,则 Wish 将把该订单重新释放给商户,商户可使用新的有效物流跟踪信息(必须提供新的物流单号)重新履行订单

    • 请注意,根据商户政策5.1,商户须在订单重新释放之日起的5个自然日内将订单标记发货。

  • 如果在订单初次释放之日的25个自然日之后(包括25个自然日)(基于 WishPost 的记录),从 WishPost 收到物流单号被取消的物流信息,则 Wish 会将订单自动退款给用户。


商户可以通过商户平台、CSV Feed 文件和 API 来识别重新释放的订单。


对于因物流单号被取消而被重新释放的订单,商户平台的订单 > 未履行的订单页面会向商户显示相应的信息。具体来说,重新释放的订单在商户平台上的“订单 ID”下方会显示一个“物流单号被取消”标记:

通过 CSV Feed 文件

商户可通过 CSV 文件识别重新释放的订单。具体来说,CSV Feed 文件将新增4个字段,用以指示某个订单的物流单号显示为“已取消”且该订单已被重新释放(目前,这4个新的 CSV 字段仅适用于中国大陆商户):

  • Tracking Number Cancelled(物流单号被取消):“True”或“False”值分别表示该订单的物流单号是否显示为“已取消”(基于 WishPost 记录)

  • Tracking Number Cancelled Date(物流单号取消日期):该订单的物流单号显示为“已取消”的日期(基于 WishPost 记录)

  • Is Re-Released(已被重新释放):“True”或“False”值分别表示该订单是否已被重新释放

  • Order Re-Released Date(订单重新释放日期):该订单被重新释放以供重新履行的日期

通过 API



  • /api/v2/order/get-fulfill

  • /api/v2/order

  • /api/v2/order/multi-get


  • “state”:订单重新释放后从 SHIPPED 变为 APPROVED;

  • “days_to_fulfill”:订单重新释放后剩余的可履行天数;

  • “hours_to_fulfill”:订单重新释放后剩余的可履行小时数。

为了帮助与 ERP 合作的商户正确捕获重新释放的订单,并及时知晓订单的物流单号是否被取消(基于 WishPost 的记录),上述三个受影响的端口中将额外返回以下属性。


  • “tracking_number_cancelled_date”:检测到订单物流单号被取消的日期

  • “tracking_number_cancelled”:是否检测到订单物流单号被取消,布尔值

  • “is_re_released”:订单是否被重新释放,布尔值

  • “order_re_released_date”:订单状态从 SHIPPED 变为 APPROVED 的日期

对 A+ 物流计划订单的影响

上述内容也同样适用于 A+ 物流计划订单。

物流服务商取消物流单号而被重新释放的 A+ 物流计划订单,商户平台的订单 > 未履行的订单页面将显示“A+ 物流单号被取消”标记:

此订单随后将从 A+ 物流计划中移除,需要商户使用 WishPost 直发给用户。用户地址可通过以下几种方式查找:登录商户平台,前往订单 > 未履行的订单页面,转到“订单详情”页面(在订单的“操作”列,点击“履行”旁边的三个点,然后选择“查看详情”);前往订单 > 未履行的订单页面,找到“收货地址”栏;通过“shippingDetail”字段(已重置为用户配送地址,在 /api/v2/order/get-fulfill、/api/v2/order 和 /api/v2/order/multi-get 端口的 API 响应中)。

另一方面,如果某个 A+ 物流计划订单因商户取消了物流单号而被重新释放,该订单将显示“物流单号被取消”标记,且商户仍需将其视为 A+ 物流计划订单来履行。


How does Wish support merchants in fulfilling orders with “Cancelled” tracking status based on WishPost records?

Currently, Wish occasionally receives “Cancelled” tracking status from WishPost for some orders shipped via WishPost. This status is received potentially due to merchants actively cancelling the orders directly in WishPost or due to logistics carrier challenges, resulting in the orders being cancelled.

To support merchants in properly managing these tracking cancelled orders, for orders released after November 10, 2020 12:00AM UTC, if an order is shipped via WishPost with a confirmed fulfillment date first, but Wish receives a “Cancelled” tracking status from WishPost afterwards, the confirmed fulfillment date will be removed.

Starting March 4, 2021 12:00AM UTC, all Mainland China-based merchants may begin receiving re-released orders for fulfillment again after these orders’ tracking information is cancelled, and in this article, we outline information that helps merchants to timely fulfill these re-released orders again with valid tracking information.

In what situation will Wish re-release orders to merchants for fulfillment again?

Depending on when Wish receives the “Cancelled” tracking status according to WishPost records, we will either re-release the order back to merchants for fulfillment again or auto-refund it. Specifically,

  • If the “Cancelled” tracking status of an order is received by Wish based on WishPost records within 25 calendar days after the order’s initial released time, Wish will re-release the order to merchants to fulfill again with new valid tracking information (a new tracking number is required).

    • Note that per Merchant Policy 5.1, merchants are required to mark this order “shipped” within 5 calendar days after its re-released date.

  • If the “Cancelled” tracking status of an order is received by Wish based on WishPost records 25 or more calendar days after the order’s initial released time, Wish will auto-refund the order to the customer.

Identify re-released orders for fulfillment again

Merchants may identify re-released orders via Merchant Dashboard, CSV feed file, and API.

Via Merchant Dashboard

The tracking cancelled and re-released orders will be properly displayed to merchants in the Merchant Dashboard Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page. Specifically, in Merchant Dashboard, a re-released order will be shown with a “Tracking Number Cancelled” flag under the Order ID:

Via CSV Feed File

Merchants are able to identify the re-released orders via CSV file. Specifically, 4 new fields will be added to the CSV feed to indicate an order’s tracking has been received as “Cancelled” and the order is re-released (these 4 new CSV fields currently only apply to Mainland China-based merchants):

  • Tracking Number Cancelled: The “True” or “False” value that indicates whether the tracking number associated with the order has been received with Cancelled status, per WishPost records

  • Tracking Number Cancelled Date: The date the tracking number of this order is received as "Cancelled", per WishPost records

  • Is Re-Released: The “True” or “False” value that indicates whether the order is re-released

  • Order Re-Released Date: The date the order is re-released to be fulfilled again


When a previously fulfilled order is re-released, a few existing attributes in the following effective endpoints will be reset.

Effective Endpoints: 

  • /api/v2/order/get-fulfill

  • /api/v2/order

  • /api/v2/order/multi-get

Reset in existing attributes in response:

  • “state”: Change to APPROVED from SHIPPED when the order is re-released;

  • “days_to_fulfill”: the number of days remaining for Allowed Fulfillment Period when the order is re-released;

  • “hours_to_fulfill”: the number of hours remaining for Allowed Fulfillment Period when the order is re-released.

To help merchants working with ERPs correctly capture the re-released orders or whether the “Cancelled” tracking status of an order is received by Wish per WishPost records, the following attributes will be returned additionally in the three effective endpoints listed above. 

New attributes in response:

  • “tracking_number_cancelled_date” : the date the tracking status is detected as cancelled

  • “tracking_number_cancelled” : boolean value whether the tracking information associated to order is detected as cancelled

  • “is_re_released”: boolean value whether the order is re-released

  • “order_re_released_date”: The date the order status was changed from SHIPPED to APPROVED

Impact on Advanced Logistics Program orders

The above details apply to Advanced Logistics Program orders as well.

Specifically, a re-released Advanced Logistics Program order due to partner carrier cancelling the tracking will be shown with an “A+ Tracking Number Cancelled” flag on the Merchant Dashboard Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page:

This order will then be removed from the Advanced Logistics Program for merchants to drop-ship to customers directly using WishPost. Merchants may locate the customer address in the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders “Order details” page (go to the "Action" column of an order, click on the three dots next to "Fulfill", and select "View detail") or Orders > Unfulfilled Orders “Ship to” column in Merchant Dashboard, or via the “shippingDetail” field (in the API response of the /api/v2/order/get-fulfill, /api/v2/order, and /api/v2/order/multi-get endpoints) that is reset to the customer shipping address.

On the other hand, if an Advanced Logistics Program order is re-released due to merchants cancelling the tracking, the re-released order will be shown with a “Tracking Number Cancelled” flag, and merchants are still required to fulfill this order as an Advanced Logistics Program order.

