Transporter 中的订单 CSV 列描述
订单 CSV 文件的列描述。
若要使用 Transporter 应用将订单导入 Shopify,您需要一个仅包含此记录类型的 CSV 文件。
CSV 示例文件
您可以使用 Transporter 命令行工具生成此 CSV 文件,也可以按照下文描述的格式自行创建。
下表介绍了 CSV 文件的列标头。
列 | 描述 |
Name (Required) | 您在 Shopify 后台看到的以及客户在其发票上看到的订单标识符。此标识符在您的商店内需要是唯一的。例如,#1001 、1001-A 和 SH1001 。必须填写此列。 |
客户的电子邮件地址。 | |
Financial Status | 与订单相关的付款状态。有效值:
Fulfillment Status | 有关已发货的订单项的订单状态。有效值:
Currency | 用于支付的货币的三位字母代码(ISO 4217 格式)。例如,USD 或 EUR 。 |
Buyer Accepts Marketing | 客户是否选择接受营销。有效值:
Cancel Reason | 取消订单的原因。有效值:
Cancelled At | 订单取消的日期和时间(ISO 8601 格式)。 |
Closed At | 订单结束的日期和时间(ISO 8601 格式)。 |
Tags | 一串以逗号分隔的标签,用于筛选和搜索。每个以逗号分隔的标签最多可以包含 255 个字符。例如,“已评论、已装箱、已送达” 。 |
Note | 附加到订单中的可选备注。客户可以查看此备注。例如,“客户改变了主意。” |
Phone | 客户的唯一电话号码(E.164 格式)。可以按不同格式输入电话号码,但每种格式都必须表示可以从世界上任何地方拨通的号码。以下格式均有效:6135551212 +16135551212 (613)555-1212 +1 613-555-1212 |
Referring Site | 客户在其中点击链接转到您商店的网站。例如,“http://www.anexample.com” |
Processed At | 最初在其他平台中创建订单时的日期和时间(ISO 8601 格式)。此值会显示在 Shopify 后台中的订单上,并且也是销售报告中使用的日期。默认值为导入订单时的日期和时间。 |
Source name | 订单的来源(例如平台名称)。导入后将无法编辑此值。例如 Transporter 。 |
Total weight | 所有订单项目重量的总和(采用整数格式),以克为单位。例如 11 。 |
Total Tax | 应用于订单的所有税金(含税价格 1、......、运费税 1)的总和(必须是正数)。当在订单中收取任何税金时(例如,当“含税价格 1”列中有值时),则必须填写此列。如果此列中没有值,则订单中的总价不包含任何税费。 |
Shipping Company | 公司名称(若存在与发货地址关联的公司名称)。 |
Shipping Name | 与收货地址相关联的人员的全名。地址需要有与之关联的姓名。您可以使用 Shipping Name 或使用 Shipping First Name 和 Shipping Last Name 来满足此要求。 |
Shipping Phone | 与收货地址相关联的电话号码(E.164 格式)。可以按不同格式输入电话号码,但每种格式都必须表示可以从世界上任何地方拨通的号码。以下格式均有效:6135551212 +16135551212 (613)555-1212 +1 613-555-1212 |
Shipping First Name | 与收货地址相关联的人员的名字。地址需要带有关联的姓名。您可通过使用 Shipping First Name 和 Shipping Last Name 或通过使用 Shipping Name 来执行此操作。 |
Shipping Last Name | 与收货地址相关联的人员的姓氏。地址需要带有关联的姓名。您可通过使用 Shipping First Name 和 Shipping Last Name 或通过使用 Shipping Name 来执行此操作。 |
Shipping Address1 | 邮寄地址的第一个地址行。需要使用此列来提供地址。例如,150 Elgin St 。 |
Shipping Address2 | 邮寄地址的可选地址行。例如 Unit 202 。 |
Shipping City | 邮寄地址所在的城市名称。需要使用此列来提供邮寄地址。例如,渥太华 或悉尼 。 |
Shipping Province | 客户所在区域(例如省、州、辖区或领地)的名称。如果您包括此列,则需要填写 Shipping Province Code 列。例如,墨西哥城 、塔斯马尼亚 、新南威尔士 或纽约 。 |
Shipping Province Code | 区域(例如国家/地区的州、省、县或领土)的细分代码 (ISO 3166-2)。当您将 Shipping Province 列包含在内时,必须填写此列。ISO3116-2 代码包含以下部分:
Shipping Zip | 客户地址的邮政编码。例如 K2P 1L4 、90210 或 110 012 。 |
Shipping Country | 发货地址所在国家/地区的名称。此列是必填项,用于提供地址。例如,加拿大、印度或澳大利亚。 |
Shipping Country Code | 表示客户地址所在国家/地区的两个字母(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 代码)。例如,CA 表示加拿大。即使您指定了 Shipping Country ,也请指定 Shipping Country code 。 |
Billing Company | 与账单地址关联的人员所在的公司。 |
Billing Name | 与此付款相关联的客户的全名。地址需要有与之关联的姓名。您可以使用 Billing Name 或使用 Billing First Name 和 Billing Last Name 来填写此内容。 |
Billing Phone | 与账单地址关联的电话号码(E.164 格式)。可以按不同格式输入电话号码,但每种格式都必须表示可以从世界上任何地方拨通的号码。以下格式有效:6135551212 +16135551212 (613)555-1212 +1 613-555-1212 |
Billing First Name | 与付款方式相关联的人员的名字。地址需要有与之关联的姓名。您可通过使用 Billing First Name 和 Billing Last Name 或通过使用 Billing Name 来执行此操作。 |
Billing Last Name | 与付款方式相关联的人员的姓氏。地址需要有与之关联的姓名。您可通过使用 Billing First Name 和 Billing Last Name 或通过使用 Billing Name 来执行此操作。 |
Billing Address1 | 账单地址的第一个地址行。例如,150 Elgin St 。此列是必填项,用于提供账单地址。 |
Billing Address2 | 账单地址的可选填地址行。例如 Unit 202 。 |
Billing City | 账单地址所在城市的名称。此列是必填项,用于提供账单地址。例如,渥太华 、德里 和奥克兰 。 |
Billing Province | 账单地址所在的区域(例如省、州、辖区或领地)的名称。如果您包括此列,则需要填写 Shipping Province Code 列。例如,墨西哥城 、纽约 、努纳武特 和 新南威尔士 。 |
Billing Province Code | 区域(例如国家/地区的州、省、县或领土)的细分代码 (ISO 3166-2)。在指定 Billing Province 列时,必须填写此列。ISO3116-2 代码包含以下部分:
Billing Zip | 账单地址的邮政编码。例如,K2P 1L4 。 |
Billing Country | 账单地址所在国家/地区的名称。需要使用此列来提供账单地址。例如,加拿大 、印度 和德国 。 |
Billing Country Code | 账单地址所在国家/地区的两个字母(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 代码)。例如,加拿大的代码为 CA 。即使您指定了 Country ,也请指定 Country code 。 |
Lineitem name (Required) | 订购的产品多属性的名称。例如,蓝色衬衫 。必须填写此列。 |
Lineitem variant ID | 订购的产品多属性的 ID。使用此列可将此订单中的产品连接到商店中存在的产品多属性。例如,7513594 。您需要确保此列中的 ID 与商店中的产品多属性 ID 匹配,或者将此列留空。如果 Transporter 应用在您的商店中找不到与此列中的 ID 匹配的产品多属性,导入不会受到影响。产品仍将添加到订单中,但不会与您商店中的产品匹配以用于分析目的。 |
Lineitem quantity | 订购的产品多属性的数量。此列仅接受正整数。默认值为 1。例如,3 。 |
Lineitem price (Required) | 应用任何折扣之前的产品多属性价格。例如,10.50 0.25 和 30 。必须填写此列。 |
Lineitem variant title | 特定产品多属性。例如小号 。 |
Lineitem compare at price | 产品多属性的比较价格或建议价格。 例如,15 。 |
Lineitem sku | 商品(产品多属性)的 SKU(货号)编号。 |
Lineitem requires shipping | 产品多属性是否需要发货。有效值:
Lineitem taxable | 产品多属性是否应纳税。有效值:
Lineitem fulfillment status | 订单中单个订单项目的发货状态。有效值:
Taxes Included | 原始订单中是否包含税费。有效值:
Tax 1 Title | 收取的第一个税种的名称。例如 HST 或 VAT 。 |
Tax 1 Price | 要对订单项目收取的税费金额 (ISO 4217)。例如 1.50 。当此列中有值时,您还必须包括 Total Tax 列。 |
Tax 1 Rate | 要对订单项目收取的税费税率(小数)。例如,.07 代表 7% 的税率。 |
Tax 2 Title | 收取的第二个税种的名称。 |
Tax 2 Price | 要收取的税金金额 (ISO 4217)。当该列中有值时,还必须包括 Total Tax 列。 |
Tax 2 Rate | 要对订单项收取的税率。 |
Tax 3 Title | 收取的第三个税种的名称。 |
Tax 3 Price | 要对订单项收取的税金金额 (ISO 4217)。当该列中有值时,还必须包括 Total Tax 列。 |
Tax 3 Rate | 要对订单项收取的税率。 |
Transaction Amount | 交易所花费的金额(小数)。例如,50.00 。当您进行部分付款或部分退款时,必须填写此列。 |
Transaction Kind | 交易类型。包含任何交易列时,必须填写此列。有效值:
Transaction Status | 交易状态。有效值:
Transaction Processed At | 最初在其他平台中进行交易时的日期和时间(ISO 8601 格式)。此值会显示在 Shopify 后台中的订单上,并且也是财务报告中使用的日期。默认值为导入订单时的日期和时间。 如果您在创建订单的同时收到付款,则该订单的 |
Transaction Gateway | 发布交易的网关的名称。可以在 Shopify 的支付网关页面上找到网关列表。 |
Transaction Location ID | 进行交易的地点的标识符。此 ID 需要与您商店中设置的地点 ID 匹配。不会导入与商店中的交易地点 ID 不匹配的值 |
Transaction Source Name | 交易来源。示例值:web 、pos 、iphone 和 android 。 |
Shipping Line Code | 对发货方式的引用。默认值为 Shipping line title 。 |
Shipping Line Price | 发货方式的值。如果包含 Shipping line title 列,则必须填写此列。 |
Shipping Line Source | 货件的发货地。 |
Shipping Line Title | 发货方式的标题。如果包含 Shipping line price 列,则必须填写此列。 |
Shipping Line Carrier Identifier | 提供运费的承运商服务的识别码。通常在使用第三方承运商服务时需要此值。 |
Shipping Line Requested Fulfillment Service ID | 请求发货方式的发货服务标识符。当发货方式需要由第三方发货服务处理时,通常需要此值。 |
Shipping Tax 1 Title | 对发货的订单项目收取的税费名称。例如,HST 。 |
Shipping Tax 1 Rate | 对发货的订单项收取的税率(小数)。例如,0.15 代表 15%(百分比)的运费税率。 |
Shipping Tax 1 Price | 要对发货的订单项目收取的税费金额(ISO 4217 格式)。当此列中有值时,您还必须包括 Total Tax 列。例如 1.50 。 |
Discount Code | 折扣码。如果您包括 Discount type 列,则需要此列。 |
Discount Amount | 从订单中扣除的折扣价值(以商店中的货币为单位)。如果您包括 确保输入的值与 |
Discount Type | 折扣类型。有效值:
值区分大小写。折扣不能应用于订单中的特定项目。 |
Metafield Namespace | 一组元字段的容器。若要导入元字段,您需要包括所有 4 个元字段列(Metafield Namespace 、Metafield Key 、Metafield Value 和 Metafield Value Type )中的值。为元字段定义自定义命名空间以区分应用和 Shopify 使用的应用(包括默认的 global )。最大长度:20 个字符。 |
Metafield Key | 元字段的名称。最大长度:30 个字符。如果包含其他元字段列,则必须填写此列。 |
Metafield Value | 要存储为元数据的信息。如果包含其他元字段列,则必须填写此列。 |
Metafield Value Type | 元字段的信息类型。有效值:
Order CSV column descriptions in Transporter
Descriptions of the columns for the orders CSV file.
To import orders into Shopify using the Transporter app, you need a CSV file that contains only this record type.
CSV sample file
You can use the Transporter command-line tool to generate this CSV file or you can follow the format described below to create it yourself.
Column descriptions
The following table describes the column headers for the CSV file.
Column Description Name (Required)
The identifier of the order that you see in your Shopify admin and your customer sees on their invoice. This identifier needs to be unique within your store. For example, #1001
, andSH1001
. This column is required.The email address of the customer. Financial Status The status of payments associated with the order. Valid values: Values are case sensitive.
- The payments are pending. Payment might fail in this state. Check again to confirm whether the payments have been paid successfully.
- The payments have been authorized.
- The order has been partially paid.
- The payments have been paid.
- The payments have been partially refunded.
- The payments have been refunded.
- The payments have been voided.Fulfillment Status The order's status in terms of fulfilled line items. Valid values: Values are case sensitive. Order fulfillment status should be based on the status of individual line item(s).
- Every line item in the order has been fulfilled.
- At least one line item in the order has been fulfilled.
- Every line item in the order has been restocked and the order canceled.Leaving this column blank results in an unfulfilled order status.
Currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment. For example, USD
.Buyer Accepts Marketing Whether a customer has opted in to receive marketing. Valid values:
- The customer is opted in to receiving marketing.
- The customer is opted out of receiving marketing.Cancel Reason The reason why the order was canceled. Valid values: Values are case sensitive.
- The customer canceled the order.
- The order was fraudulent.
- Items in the order were not in inventory.
- The payment was declined.
- A reason not in this list.Cancelled At The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was canceled. Closed At The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was closed. Tags A string of comma-separated tags that are used for filtering and search. Each comma-separated tag can have up to 255 characters. For example, "Reviewed, Packed, Delivered"
.Note An optional note attached to the order. This note can be viewed by the customer. For example, "Customer changed their mind."
Phone The unique phone number (E.164 format) for the customer. A phone number can be entered using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are all valid: 6135551212
+1 613-555-1212
Referring Site The website where the customer clicked a link that led them to your store. For example, "http://www.anexample.com"
Processed At The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was originally created in the other platform. This value appears on the order in your Shopify admin, and it's the date used in sales reports. The default value is the date and time of when the order is imported.
For values that affect the analytics for finance and payments, refer to
Transaction Processed At
.Source name Where the order originated (for example, the name of the platform). This value cannot be edited after the import. For example, Transporter
.Total weight The sum of all line item weights (formatted as an integer) in grams. For example, 11
.Total Tax The sum of all the taxes (Tax 1 Price, ..., Shipping 1 Tax Rate) applied to the order (must be a positive number). This column is required when any tax is charged as part of the order (for example, when there is a value in the Tax Price 1 column). If you don't include a value for this column, then the total value in your order won't include any tax charges. Shipping Company The name of the business, if one exists associated with the shipping address. Shipping Name The full name of the person associated with the shipping address. An address needs to have a name associated with it. You can do that by using Shipping Name
or by usingShipping First Name
andShipping Last Name
.Shipping Phone The phone number (E.164 format) associated with the shipping address. A phone number can be entered using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are all valid: 6135551212
+1 613-555-1212
Shipping First Name The first name of the person associated with the shipping address. An address needs to have a name associated with it. You can do that by using Shipping First Name
andShipping Last Name
or by usingShipping Name
.Shipping Last Name The last name of the person associated with the shipping address. An address needs to have a name associated with it. You can do that by using Shipping First Name
andShipping Last Name
or by usingShipping Name
.Shipping Address1 The first address line of the shipping address. This column is required for an address. For example, 150 Elgin St
.Shipping Address2 An optional address line of the shipping address. For example, Unit 202
.Shipping City The name of city of the shipping address. This column is required for a shipping address. For example, Ottawa
.Shipping Province The name of the region (such as the province, state, prefecture, or territory), where the customer is located. If you include this column, then the Shipping Province Code
column is required. For example,Mexico city
,New South Wales
, orNew York
.Shipping Province Code The subdivision assigned code (ISO 3166-2) for the region, such as the state, province, prefecture, or territory, in the country. This column is required when you include the Shipping Province
column. An ISO3116-2 code has the following parts:ISO 3166-2 subdivision codeProvince codeMX-MEX (Mexico City, Mexico)MEXNY-US (New York, United States)NYAr-B (Buenos Aires, Argentina)BFR-21 (Côte-d'Or, France)21
2-character country code - do not include this part.
hyphen (-) that separates the two parts of the code - do not include the hyphen.
1-to-3-character subdivision code - include this part only.
Shipping Zip The zip code, postal code, or postcode of the customer address. For example, K2P 1L4
, or110 012
.Shipping Country The name of the country of the shipping address. This column is required for an address. For example, Canada, India, or Australia. Shipping Country Code The two-letter (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) for the country of the customer address. For example, CA
for Canada. Specify theShipping Country code
even when you specifyShipping Country
.Billing Company The company of the person associated with the billing address. Billing Name The full name of the customer associated with the payment. An address needs to have a name associated with it. You can do that by using Billing Name
or by usingBilling First Name
andBilling Last Name
.Billing Phone The phone number (E.164 format) associated with the billing address. A phone number can be entered using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are valid: 6135551212
+1 613-555-1212
Billing First Name The first name of the person associated with the payment method. An address needs to have a name associated with it. You can do that by using Billing First Name
andBilling Last Name
or by usingBilling Name
.Billing Last Name The last name of the person associated with the payment method. An address needs to have a name associated with it. You can do that by using Billing First Name
andBilling Last Name
or by usingBilling Name
.Billing Address1 The first address line of the billing address. For example, 150 Elgin St
. This column is required for a billing address.Billing Address2 An optional address line of the billing address. For example, Unit 202
.Billing City The name of the city of the billing address. This column is required for a billing address. For example, Ottawa
, andAuckland
.Billing Province The name of the region (such as the province, state, prefecture, or territory), where the billing address is located. If you include this column, then the Shipping Province Code
column is required. For example,Mexico city
,New York
, orNunavut
, andNew South Wales
.Billing Province Code The subdivision code ( ISO 3166-2) for the region, such as the state, province, prefecture, or territory, in the country. This column is required when you specify the Billing Province
column. An ISO3116-2 code has the following parts:ISO 3166-2 subdivision codeProvince codeMX-MEX (Mexico City, Mexico)MEXUS-NY (New York, United States)NYAR-B (Buenos Aires, Argentina)BFR-21 (Côte-d'Or, France)21
2-character country code - do not include this part.
hyphen (-) that separates the two parts of the code - do not include the hyphen.
1-to-3-character subdivision code - include this part only.
Billing Zip The zip, postal code, or postcode of the billing address. For example, K2P 1L4
.Billing Country The name of the country of the billing address. This column is required for a billing address. For example, Canada
, andGermany
.Billing Country Code The two-letter (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) for the country of the billing address. For example, CA
for Canada. Specify theCountry code
even when you specifyCountry
.Lineitem name (Required)
The name of the product variant that was ordered. For example, Blue shirt
. This column is required.Lineitem variant ID The ID of the product variant that was ordered. Use this column to connect the item in this order to a product variant that exists in your store. For example, 7513594
. You need to make sure that the ID in this column matches a product variant ID from your store, or leave this column empty. If the Transporter app can't find a product variant in your store that matches the ID in this column, then the import isn't affected. The product will still be added to the order, but won't be matched to a product in your store for analytics purposes.Lineitem quantity The number of product variants that were ordered. This column accepts only positive integers. The default is 1. For example, 3
.Lineitem price (Required)
The price of the product variant before any discounts have been applied. For example, 10.50
, and30
. This column is required.Lineitem variant title The specific product variant. For example Small
.Lineitem compare at price A comparison or suggested price of the product variant. For example, 15
.Lineitem sku The item's (product variant's) SKU (stock keeping unit) number. Lineitem requires shipping Whether the product variant required shipping. Valid values: Values are case sensitive.
- The item requires shipping.
- The item doesn't require shippingLineitem taxable Whether the product variant was taxable. Valid values: Values are case sensitive.
- The item is taxable.
- The item is not taxable.Lineitem fulfillment status The fulfillment status of individual line items in an order. Valid values: Values are case sensitive. The fulfillment status of individual line items should be used to determine the status of the order as a whole.
- Every product in the line item has been fulfilled.Leaving this column blank results in an unfulfilled line item status.
Taxes Included Whether the taxes were included in the original order. Valid values: Values are case sensitive.
- Taxes are included in the subtotal. When this value is set totrue
, all taxes are included in the price, including line item taxes and any tax on shipping rates.
- Taxes are not included in the subtotal. This value is the default.Tax 1 Title The name of the first tax charged. For example, HST
.Tax 1 Price The amount (ISO 4217) of tax to be charged for the line items. For example, 1.50
. When there is a value for this column, you must also include theTotal Tax
column.Tax 1 Rate The rate (decimal) of tax to be charged for the line items. For example, .07
for a 7 percent tax rate.Tax 2 Title The name of the second tax charged. Tax 2 Price The amount (ISO 4217) of tax to be charged. When there is a value for this column, you must also include the Total Tax
column.Tax 2 Rate The rate of tax to be charged for the line items. Tax 3 Title The name of the third tax charged. Tax 3 Price The amount (ISO 4217) of tax to be charged for the line items. When there is a value for this column, you must also include the Total Tax
column.Tax 3 Rate The rate of tax to be charged for the line items. Transaction Amount The amount (decimal) of money that the transaction was for. For example, 50.00
. This column is required when you are doing a partial payment or partial refund.Transaction Kind The transaction's type. This column is required when any of the transaction columns are included. Valid values: Values are case sensitive.
- The money that the customer has agreed to pay has been authorized, but it has not been captured. The authorization period can be between 7 and 30 days (depending on your payment service) while a store waits for a payment to be captured.
- A transfer of money that was reserved during the authorization.
- The authorization and capture of a payment performed in one single step.
- The cancellation of a pending authorization or capture.
- The partial or full return of captured money to the customer.Transaction Status The status of the transaction. Valid values: Values are case sensitive.
- The transaction was successfully completed by the payment gateway. This is the default value.
- The gateway has received the transaction information, but it has sent back a response that indicates that it needs more time to complete it.
- The gateway sent a response that the transaction was unsuccessful (for example, because the card was declined or the store didn't have the payment gateway setup properly).
- A communication error occurred (for example, the response from the gateway wasn't received or the gateway didn't receive the request).Transaction Processed At The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the transaction was originally performed in the other platform. This value appears on the order in your Shopify admin, and it's the date used in finance reports. The default value is the date and time when the order is imported.
If you received payment at the same time that the order was created, then the
Transaction Processed At
andProcessed At
values should be the same.Transaction Gateway The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through. A list of gateways can be found on Shopify's payment gateways page. Transaction Location ID The identifier of the location where the transaction was made. This ID needs to match a location ID that is set in your store. Values that do not match transaction location IDs in the store are not imported. Transaction Source Name The origin of the transaction. Example values: web
, andandroid
.Shipping Line Code A reference to the shipping method. The default value is the Shipping line title
.Shipping Line Price The value of the shipping method. This column is required when the Shipping line title
column is included.Shipping Line Source The origin of the shipment. Shipping Line Title The title of the shipping method. This column is required when the Shipping line price
column is included.Shipping Line Carrier Identifier The identifier of the carrier service that provided the shipping rate. A value is usually needed when a third-party carrier service is used. Shipping Line Requested Fulfillment Service ID The identifier for the fulfillment service that requested the shipping method. A value is usually needed when the shipping method requires processing by a third-party fulfillment service. Shipping Tax 1 Title The name of the tax charged to the shipping line item. For example, HST
.Shipping Tax 1 Rate The rate of tax (decimal) to be charged for the shipping line item. For example, 0.15
for a 15% (percent) shipping tax rate.Shipping Tax 1 Price The amount (ISO 4217 format) of tax to be charged for the shipping line item. When there is a value for this column, you must also include the Total Tax
column. For example,1.50
.Discount Code The discount code. If you include the Discount type
column, then this column is required.Discount Amount The value in the store's currency of the discount that was deducted from the order. If you include the
Discount type
column, then this column is required.Ensure that the value entered matches the
Discount type
. If the type ispercentage
, then enter the percentage value of the discount. If the type isfixed_amount
, then enter the total dollar value of the discount.Discount Type The type of discount. Valid values:
- The discount code was for a specific amount. This is the default value.
- The discount code was for a percentage amount.
- The discount was offer was for free shipping as long as the shipping cost was less than the value set inamount
. For example, ifDiscount amount
is 30 and the shipping cost is $30, then the discount is $30. If theDiscount amount
is 30 and the shipping cost is $100, then there is no discount.Values are case sensitive. Discounts can't be applied to specific items within an order.
Metafield Namespace A container for a set of metafields. To import metafields, you need to include values in all 4 metafield columns ( Metafield Namespace
,Metafield Key
,Metafield Value
, andMetafield Value Type
). Define a custom namespace for your metafields to distinguish them from namespaces used by apps and Shopify (including the defaultglobal
). Maximum length: 20 characters.Metafield Key The name of the metafield. Maximum length: 30 characters. This column is required if other metafield columns are included. Metafield Value The information to be stored as metadata. This column is required if other metafield columns are included. Metafield Value Type The metafield's information type. Valid values: Values are case sensitive. This column is required if other metafield columns are included.