
Minimal 是一个响应迅速的宽布局,在任何设备上都可呈现极佳效果。它加载了经过精心设计的功能,可提供全面的灵活性,您可以使用附加布局选项、产品视图、产品系列视图、网站地图样式和版式选择来自定义您的商店。

自定义 Minimal

您可通过自定义分区和模板设置为商店准备 Minimal。分区是确定在线商店中不同页面布局的内容块。模板设置决定商店的字体、颜色、社交媒体链接以及结账外观。

请参阅自定义 Minimal 分区和模板设置的步骤,以便您可以设置适用于您业务的模板。

Minimal 的分区


Shopify 的模板包含以下分区类型:

  • 静态分区:显示在您在线商店中的预定地点的分区。无法删除或重新排列此类分区。静态分区可能包括产品页面和产品系列页面等页面上的标头、页脚、网站地图分区或内容分区。例如,产品分区决定在线商店中每个产品页面的外观。

  • 动态分区:可选分区,可用于自定义主页的布局。在商店主页上,您可以添加、重新排列和删除动态分区以创建页面布局。您的主页上最多可以包含 25 个动态分区。

您可以了解 Minimal 的独特分区选择以及如何对它们进行自定义以适用于您的业务。

提示 如果使用来自 Shopify 的免费模板,那么您可以通过参阅来自 Shopify 的免费模板以及点击模板的名称来查看此模板的分区和设置的详细信息。



Minimal 包括以下静态分区:

  • 标头

  • 页脚

  • 产品页面

  • 产品推荐

  • 产品系列页面

  • 产品系列列表页面

  • 博客

  • 文章

  • 购物车页面


Minimal 包括以下动态分区:

  • 博客文章

  • 产品系列列表

  • 特色产品系列

  • 图库

  • 带文本的图片

  • 幻灯片

  • 特色产品

  • 新闻通讯

  • 地图

  • 富文本

  • 视频

  • 自定义 HTML



Minimal is a wide-layout responsive theme that looks great on any device. Loaded with features designed to give you complete flexibility, you can customize your store with additional layout options, product views, collection views, navigation styles, and typography choices.

Customize Minimal

You can prepare Minimal for your online store by customizing its sections and theme settings. Sections are blocks of content that determine the layout of different pages on your online store. Theme settings control your store's fonts, colors, social media links, and the appearance of your checkout.

See the steps to customize Minimal's sections and theme settings so that you can set the theme up to suit your business.

Sections for Minimal

Theme content is built using sections. Sections are customizable blocks of content that determine the layout and appearance of different pages on your online store. You can add, remove, edit, and customize sections using the updated theme editor.

Shopify's themes have the following types of sections:

  • Static sections: Sections that appear in predetermined locations in your online store. These sections can't be removed or rearranged. Static sections might include headers, footers, navigation sections, or content sections on pages like product pages and collection pages. For example, the Product section determines the appearance of each product page on your online store.

  • Dynamic sections: Optional sections that you can use to customize the layout of your home page. On your store's home page, you can add, rearrange, and remove dynamic sections to create the page layout. You can have up to 25 dynamic sections on your home page.

You can learn about Minimal's unique selection of sections and how to customize them to suit your business.

Static sections

Minimal includes the following static sections:

  • Header

  • Footer

  • Product pages

  • Product recommendations

  • Collection pages

  • Collections list page

  • Blog

  • Article

  • Cart page

Dynamic sections

Minimal includes the following dynamic sections:

  • Blog posts

  • Collection list

  • Featured collection

  • Gallery

  • Image with text

  • Slideshow

  • Featured product

  • Newsletter

  • Map

  • Rich text

  • Video

  • Custom HTML

