
创建新推广活动时,您可以看到推广活动的“最高可用预算”。设置的预算不可以超过最高可用预算。如需设置更高的预算,请为 ProductBoost 余额充值。

在哪里可以查看 ProductBoost 活动的费用清单?

您可以在“账户余额”(https://merchant.wish.com/account-balance) 页面上查看 ProductBoost 推广活动的费用和收费。


How is the maximum amount I can spend on ProductBoost?

When creating a new campaign, you can see the 'Maximum budget available' for the campaign. You cannot set a budget higher than the max amount. If you need more budget, please recharge your ProductBoost balance.

Where can I see the list of fees incurred for ProductBoost?

You can view your fees and charges for your ProductBoost campaigns on your Account Balance page on https://merchant.wish.com/account-balance 

