


2如何在 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 商城中创建商品信息?

如果您在 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 或 Amazon.com.mx 中的任何一个上完成了注册,就可以在所有这三个商城中发布合格商品。要切换商城,请在卖家账户右上角的商城下拉列表中选择 www.amazon.com、www.amazon.ca 或 www.amazon.com.mx。






不需要。如果您已经在美国、加拿大或墨西哥的亚马逊上开店,您可以使用现有的银行账户,通过亚马逊卖家货币转换器 (ACCS) 以当地货币接受支付。如果您是在美国、加拿大或墨西哥注册开店的新卖家,则只要您具有亚马逊支持国家/地区的银行账户,即可使用您的当地银行账户以当地货币直接接收付款。





8对于同一 SKU,我可以设置特定于商城的商品信息、数量和定价吗?

可以。商品信息可以针对特定商城。您可以为同一个 SKU 在不同的商城中设置不同的商品信息和商品价格。



  • 在每个商城中使用相同的 SKU,将库存作为共享库存来管理。如果这样做,您在每个商城中的库存供应量均为所有三个商城的库存总量。

  • 在每个商城中使用不同的 SKU,这样就能够在每个商城中分别管理库存供应量。




对于所有按件交易费用,您需要支付适用于商品在售商城的费用。但是如果您在北美销售,则只需支付专业销售计划的月租金。我们将根据您最初注册的亚马逊商城收取专业销售计划的月租金。例如,如果您最初注册在 Amazon.com 上开店,则您的月租金会在 Amazon.com “我要开店”费用价目表中列出。

12可以在所有商城中同时删除某个 SKU 吗?还是需要在各个商城中分别删除?

商品的创建和删除都是特定于商城的,您需要在各个商城上分别删除商品(和 SKU)。对于卖家自行配送的商品,将数量设置为零将会导致对应的商品信息从所有的商城中删除。


不一样,北美联合账户仅提供给在 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 或 Amazon.com.mx 上注册的卖家。




升级到专业销售计划后,您需要支付月租金,而不需要在商品售出时支付按件费用。无论您是否发布或销售了任何商品,您都需要支付这一租金。利用专业销售账户,您可以使用建立国际商品信息和库存模板文件上传等其他工具,也可以申请访问 Amazon.com.mx 商城。


降级到个人销售账户后,您需要在商品售出时支付按件费用,而不需要支付月租金。由于 Amazon.com.mx 仅支持专业销售账户,因此您的 Amazon.com.mx 账户也将被终止。您的 Amazon.com 和 Amazon.ca 账户将不受影响。降级销售账户之前,请务必充分了解您的费用以及对卖家平台工具的使用权限会受到怎样的影响。


关于卖家从美国自行配送到墨西哥的订单的相关数据表明,使用美国邮政署 (USPS) 配送的订单(美国邮政署通过墨西哥邮政 (SEPOMEX) 在墨西哥境内配送商品)都不符合亚马逊的国际配送运输时间要求。要在从美国向墨西哥配送货件时保证一流的买家体验,我们强烈建议您使用其他承运人(例如 FedEX、DHL、UPS)。

18是否需要为我的 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 销售账户分别申请亚马逊品牌注册?

如果您拥有北美联合账户,而且您的品牌已在 Amazon.com 上获得亚马逊品牌注册批准,那么 Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 也会自动批准这些品牌。为了确保您的商品信息在不同商城间保持同步,请在所有商城中为特定 ASIN 提供相同的关键属性值。

如果您没有北美联合账户,那么即使您的品牌已在 Amazon.com 上获得亚马逊品牌注册批准,Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 也不会自动批准这些品牌。在这种情况下,您必须为各个商城分别申请亚马逊品牌注册批准。


用于自定义店铺链接的选项仅会显示在您最初注册的亚马逊商城中。例如,如果您最初是在 Amazon.com 上注册开店,那么您在 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 中的商品对应的都是 Amazon.com 店铺链接。




North America Unified Account FAQs

What is a North America Unified Account?

A North America Unified Account allows you to more easily share listing information and manage your inventory consistently across Amazon's U.S., Canada, and Mexico marketplaces. For more information, see Selling on Amazon's North America Marketplaces.

How do I create listings on Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, and Amazon.com.mx marketplaces?

If you register on either Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, or Amazon.com.mx, you have the option to list eligible products across all three marketplaces. To switch marketplaces, select www.amazon.com, www.amazon.ca, or www.amazon.com.mx in the marketplace drop-down list at the top right of your seller account.

How do I verify if my account is enabled for North America Unified Account?

The simplest way to verify if an account is enabled with the North America Unified Account is to check if the marketplace switcher is available in the header of your seller account.

I already have accounts in multiple North American marketplaces. Can I merge these accounts?

No. Existing accounts in each marketplace cannot be merged. Each selling account will have its own, distinct Unified Account.

Do I need a local bank account in each marketplace country?

No. If you already sell on Amazon in the United States, Canada, or Mexico you can use your existing bank account to receive disbursements in your local currency with the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers (ACCS). If you are a new seller registering to sell in the United States, Canada, or Mexico, you can be paid directly in your local bank account in the local currency, provided you have a bank account in a country supported by Amazon.

What if I don't want to sell on more than one marketplace?

If you have been upgraded to a Unified Account and do not want to sell on another marketplace, simply keep the marketplace switcher on the country on which you originally registered. Your products will only list on that marketplace.

Can I enter separate account information data for each marketplace (e.g., to account for their different legal entities or bank accounts)?

Yes, you can customize your account information for each North America marketplace. The information entered during registration will become the default data for each marketplace until you update each marketplace with the applicable information. To change your account information, select Account Info from the Settings tab on the right-hand side of your seller account.

Can I have marketplace-specific product listings, quantities, and pricing for the same SKUs?

Yes. Listings are marketplace-specific. You can change your listings and prices per marketplace for the same SKU.

How do I manage my seller-fulfilled inventory pool?

If you fulfill your own orders, you can choose one of two ways to manage your inventory pools:

  • You can manage your inventory as a shared pool by using the same SKU in each marketplace. If you do so, your inventory availability in each marketplace will be the combined amount of inventory across all three marketplaces.

  • You can use distinct SKUs in each marketplace, which will allow you to manage inventory availability separately in each marketplace.

How do I manage my FBA inventory?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) sellers will manage their inventory as distinct pools because our United States, Canada, and Mexico fulfillment centers are not connected. To learn more about sending inventory to North America fulfillment centers, please visit the Shipment Creation Workflow help page.

What fees will I pay if I sell something using my Unified Account?

For all per-item transaction fees, you will pay the fees applicable to the marketplace in which the item was sold. However, only one monthly Professional selling plan subscription fee will be collected for selling in North America. The single monthly Professional selling plan subscription fee is applied based on the Amazon marketplace to which you initially registered. For example, if you initially registered to sell on Amazon.com, your monthly subscription fee is listed on the Amazon.com Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule.

Is it possible to delete a SKU simultaneously across all marketplaces or does it need to be done individually?

Both listing creation and listing deletion are marketplace-specific, and you will need to delete offers (and SKUs) individually on each marketplace. For seller-fulfilled listings, setting the quantity to zero will result in a removal of that product listing from all marketplaces.

Is the North America Unified Account the same as the European Unified Account?

No, the North America Unified Account is only available to sellers registered on Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, or Amazon.com.mx.

Do I need to be a Professional seller in order to have a Unified Account?

Sellers with Professional selling accounts can use their Unified Account to sell in across all the North America marketplaces (U.S., Canada, and Mexico). This feature is not currently available to sellers with Individual selling accounts.

What happens if I upgrade to a Professional selling account?

When you upgrade to a Professional selling plan, you pay a monthly subscription fee, rather than a per-item fee when an item is sold. You also pay this subscription fee regardless of whether you list or sell anything. With a Professional selling account, you will have access to other tools such as Build International Listings and flat file upload and can request access to the Amazon.com.mx marketplace.

What happens if I downgrade to an Individual selling account?

When you downgrade to an Individual selling plan, you pay a per-item fee when an item is sold, rather than a monthly subscription fee. Your Amazon.com.mx account will also be terminated because Amazon.com.mx only supports Professional selling accounts. Your Amazon.com and Amazon.ca accounts will not be affected. Before downgrading a selling account, be sure that you fully understand how the change will impact your costs and access to Seller Central tools.

When I am shipping to Mexico, how can I help ensure that I meet Amazon's international shipping transit time requirements?

Our data on orders fulfilled by sellers shipping from the United States to Mexico showed that orders shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS), which uses Correos de México/Servicio Postal Mexicano (SEPOMEX) for delivery within Mexico, did not meet Amazon's international shipping transit time requirements. To provide a great customer experience on shipments from the United States to Mexico, we strongly recommend that you use other carriers (e.g., FedEX, DHL, UPS).

Do I have to apply for the Amazon Brand Registry separately for my Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, and Amazon.com.mx selling accounts?

If you have a North America Unified Account, and your brands have been approved for Amazon Brand Registry on Amazon.com, they are automatically approved for Amazon.ca and Amazon.com.mx, as well. To ensure your listings are synchronized across marketplaces, provide the same key attribute values for specific ASINs in all marketplaces.

If you do not have a North America Unified Account, and your brands have been approved by Amazon Brand Registry on Amazon.com, they are not automatically approved for Amazon.ca and Amazon.com.mx. In this case, you must apply for Amazon Brand Registry approval separately for each marketplace.

Can I have different storefront links for the different marketplaces in my North America Unified Account?

The option to customize a storefront link will only appear in the Amazon marketplace where you initially registered. For example, if you initially registered to sell on Amazon.com, the Amazon.com storefront link will apply for your Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, and Amazon.com.mx listings.

Can I have different storefront links for the different marketplaces in my American Unified Account?

The option to customize a storefront link will only appear in the Amazon marketplace where you initially registered. For example, if you initially registered to sell on Amazon.com, the Amazon.com storefront link will apply for your Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com.mx, and Amazon.com.br listings.

I am a US-based seller shipping to Mexico. Can I purchase Shipping Services for Mexico like I do for domestic shipping?

Yes, you can buy shipping services and print shipping labels from your Manage Orders page like you would for any domestic shipment. For more information, visit Shipping to Mexico through Buy Shipping Services.

