

  • 借助“本地配送”计划,您所在国家/地区的买家可以在 Amazon.com 上购买您的商品,并可在当地配送他们的商品,而无需担心国际购物的复杂性。

  • 您所在国家/地区的买家可以享受更快的配送服务(3 到 5 天运输时间或更快)且无需支付进口费用。

  • 您可以在本地储存库存,并使用该库存为所在国家/地区的买家配送订单。


  • 提高您所在国家/地区的买家商品的曝光度和被发现几率。

  • 提高您所在国家/地区的买家商品赢得购买按钮的几率。


在 Amazon.com 上购物的所在国家/地区的买家可以看到您的商品更快地配送给他们,而且由于您的商品在同一国家/地区内配送,这些商品的价格通常会更低。买家可以在商品详情页面和所有卖家报价页上查看这些配送优势。他们也可以使用【本地配送】筛选条件,在搜索结果中找到您的商品。包含在【本地配送】搜索结果中的商品会显示快速本地配送的消息。您的商品可能还会出现在与所在国家/地区内买家相关的营销页面上。




  • 您必须位于参与该计划的国家/地区。

  • 您拥有一个参与专业销售计划的 Amazon.com 账户,并且可以创建卖家自行配送的商品。

  • 您的默认配送地址和库存位于所在国家/地区,并且可以使用该库存向所在国家/地区内的买家配送订单。

  • 您提供的标准配送选项最多具有 3 到 5 天的运输时间。


  • 本地配送计划目前是在有限国家/地区中推出的一项试点计划。

  • 当您将默认配送地址更改为未参与此计划的国家/地区时,系统会自动将您从本地配送计划中移除。

将 SKU 注册到本地配送计划中


如果您受邀参加此计划,则可在【配送设置】页面找到注册横幅。在注册过程中,您可以选择通过一次性更新所有现有配送模板或逐个手动更新模板来启用本地配送。更新所有现有配送模板会自动更新所在国家/地区的运输时间和运费,并为您的所有现有模板启用本地配送。分配给这些模板的 SKU 会自动注册本地配送。您必须确认所在国家/地区拥有分配给所有现有模板的 SKU 的库存,并且可以为每个模板调整运费。手动更新配送模板时,您可以按照以下步骤启用本地配送:

  1. 选择【设置】 > 【配送设置】

  2. 从配送模板列表中,点击您要启用本地配送的模板。

  3. 在右上角,点击【编辑模板】。

  4. 在所在国家/地区部分,选择【本地配送】复选框。

  5. 确认您有分配给模板的 SKU 的相应库存,然后点击【确定】。您的配送模板现已修改,设置为启用本地配送。

  6. 检查设置并调整运费。

  7. 保存配送模板

要创建新模板,请按照上述第 4 步和第 5 步操作,然后将 SKU 分配给新模板。



注意: 如果买家在禁用此功能之前已在其购物车中启用本地配送,则买家仍可以订购此商品进行本地配送。我们理解这种处理方式会带来不便,但这样做是为了保持良好的买家体验。您必须确保履行本地配送承诺,及时将订单配送至买家。



  1. 转至【订单】 > 【订单报告】

  2. 选择【新订单】 > 【请求报告】

  3. 选择一个日期范围,然后点击【请求】。



Local Delivery program

With no extra seller fees, you can participate in the Local Delivery program to expand your business and increase sales in your home country. Local Delivery allows you to fulfill orders directly to customers in your home country, using the inventory that you might have already stored locally.

  • With Local Delivery, customers in your home country can shop for your products on Amazon.com and have their products fulfilled locally without worrying about the complexity of international buying.

  • Customers in your home country can benefit from faster shipping (three to five day transit time or faster) and no import fees.

  • You store your inventory locally and use that inventory to fulfill orders to customers in your home country.

Following are the benefits of this program:

  • Improved visibility and discoverability of your products for customers in your home country.

  • Improved chances of winning the Buy Box for customers in your home country.

Local Delivery customer experience

Customers in your country shopping on Amazon.com are able to see your offers ship to them faster, and usually they are less expensive as your products are delivered within the same country. They can see these delivery benefits on the product detail page and the offer listing page. They can also find your products in the search results by using the Ships Locally filter. Products included in the Ships Locally search results display a fast local-shipping message. Your products might also appear on the merchandizing pages relevant for customers in your home country.

Local Delivery program enrollment

The Local Delivery program is applicable to you if you are based outside of US and its enrollment is currently by invitation only.

To participate in this program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be located in a participating country.

  • You have an Amazon.com account with a professional selling plan and can create Fulfillment by Merchant listings.

  • Your default shipping address and the inventory is in your home country and you can use that inventory to fulfill orders to customers in your home country.

  • You offer a standard shipping option with a maximum of three to five days of transit time.


  • Local Delivery program currently is a pilot available in limited countries.

  • You are automatically removed from the Local Delivery program when you change your default shipping address to a country not participating in this program.

Enroll SKUs for the Local Delivery program

You must enroll in the Local Delivery program in order to enable local delivery in your shipping templates. After enrolling, your shipping templates display the Local Delivery checkbox in your home country section. You are required to offer fast local-delivery speed after you select Local Delivery.

If you are invited to this program, you can find the enrollment banner on the Shipping Settings page. During the enrollment process, you can choose to enable local delivery by updating all your existing shipping templates at one-go or manually updating them one by one. Updating all the existing shipping templates automatically updates the transit time and shipping fees for your home country and enables local delivery for all your existing templates. The SKUs assigned to these templates are automatically enrolled for local delivery. You must confirm that you have inventory in your home country for SKUs assigned to all the existing templates and can adjust shipping rates for each template. While manually updating the shipping templates, you can enable local delivery by following the steps below:

  1. Select Settings > Shipping Settings

  2. From the shipping templates list, click the template you want to enable for local delivery.

  3. On the top-right, click Edit Template.

  4. In the home country section, select the Local Delivery check box.

  5. Confirm that you have inventory for the SKUs assigned to the template and then click OK. Your shipping template is now modified with settings enabled for local delivery.

  6. Check the settings and adjust shipping rates.

  7. Save the shipping template

To create new templates, follow step 4 and step 5 above, and assign SKUs to the new template.

Enabling/disabling Local Delivery

To enable/disable local delivery, you can edit your shipping templates by selecting and clearing the Local Delivery check box in your home country section.

Note: If a customer has a product that was enabled for local delivery in their shopping cart prior to disabling this feature, the customer is still able to order this product for local delivery. We understand this is an inconvenience, but this is done to preserve the customer experience. You must ensure that these orders are delivered to the customers on time by fulfilling the local-delivery promise.

Local Delivery sales report

To generate the sales report from local delivery orders, follow these steps:

  1. Select Orders > Order Reports

  2. Select New Orders > Request Report

  3. Select a date range and click Request.

Filter your home country to view orders shipped to the local customers.

