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CCPA 会对shopify卖家产生什么影响以及卖家该如何运营店铺?


CCPA 对您有何影响

以下部分介绍了 CCPA 可能对您产生的影响以及您应如何运营 Shopify 商店:


  • 透明度要求

  • 选择停止销售

  • 个人权利


您应该在您的网站上提供包含您的企业名称和联系信息的隐私政策。CCPA 还要求隐私政策包含以下信息:

  • 收集的个人信息类别及其用途。

  • 您出于商业目的共享的个人信息类别。

  • CCPA 关于加州居民权利的描述。

  • 供客户提交数据主体权利请求的途径。

  • 企业销售的个人信息或个人信息类别的列表,或表明商店不销售个人信息的公告。

Shopify 提供的隐私政策生成器可为您生成模板隐私政策。您还可以从 Shopify 后台进行访问:转到设置 > 政策 > 隐私政策 > 从模板创建


如果您销售消费者的个人信息,对此,从 2020 年 1 月 1 日起,加州居民将享有以下权利:

  • 要求您提供已出售的其个人信息的类别列表;

  • 要求您按个人信息类别提供过去十二月内的个人信息买家列表;以及

  • 选择今后停止销售其个人信息。

为了允许消费者选择停止销售个人信息,您应在您在线店面的每个页面上提供标记为 Do not sell my personal information 的链接。此链接可以导航到一个页面,其中介绍加州居民的权利,以及如何与您联系以请求选择停止销售。根据上文所述所述,Shopify 坚信您不会向 Shopify 销售个人信息,因此销售和选择停止销售发生在 Shopify 之外。应为消费者提供便捷方式来与您联系以提交他们的请求。


  • 停止销售他们的信息。

  • 跟踪请求的日期以及您为验证请求者的身份而采取的步骤。

  • 等待 12 月后再请求他们再次选择。

  • 不得拒绝为其服务或向其提供劣质产品


CCPA 为加州消费者授予了要求您删除其个人信息和提供其个人信息副本的权利。Shopify 提供内置功能来支持您完成此操作。有关此类功能的详细信息,请参阅处理 CCPA 数据请求

请确保您的客户可与您联系以提出与其个人信息相关的请求。根据 CCPA,您可能需要允许加州居民通过拨打免费电话号码或以下一种方式与您联系:信件、电子邮件或其他便于消费者联系企业的方式(例如零售店或企业可能为消费者提供的在线门户)。请确保在您的隐私政策或网站中包含这些联系方式。

有关如何创建选择停止销售链接和执行请求的详细信息,请下载 Shopify 的 CCPA 白皮书(英文版)。


How CCPA affects you

The following sections describe how the CCPA might affect you and how you run your Shopify store:

On this page

  • Transparency requirements

  • Opt out of sale

  • Individual rights

Transparency requirements

You should have a privacy policy available on your website that provides the name of your business and your contact information. The CCPA also requires your privacy policy to include the following information:

  • The categories of personal information that are collected and the purposes for which they will be used.

  • The categories of personal information that you share for business purposes.

  • A description of California residents’ rights under the CCPA.

  • Methods by which customers can submit data subject rights requests.

  • A list of personal information or categories of personal information that the business sells or a notice that the business does not sell personal information.

Shopify has a privacy policy generator that will generate a template privacy policy for you. You can also access it from your Shopify admin by going to Settings > Policies > Privacy policy > Create from template.

Opt out of sale

If you sell the personal information of consumers, then as of January 1, 2020, California residents have the following rights:

  • request a list of the categories of their personal information that you sold;

  • request a list of the buyers of that personal information, by category of personal information, over the previous twelve months; and

  • opt out of the sale of their personal information going forward.

In order to allow consumers to opt out, you should have a link on every page of your online storefront labelled Do not sell my personal information. This link can lead to a page that describes the rights of California residents and how to contact you to request the opt-out. As described above, Shopify doesn't believe that you sell personal information to Shopify, so the sale and the opting out of sale takes place outside of Shopify. It should be easy for consumers to contact you to submit their requests.

If a customer opts out of the sale of their personal information, then you need to do the following:

  • Stop selling their information.

  • Keep track of the date of the request and the steps you took to verify the identity of the requester.

  • Wait 12 months before requesting that they opt in again.

  • Don't deny them service or provide them with an inferior product.

Individual rights

The CCPA gives California consumers the right to request that you delete their personal information, and to request that you give them a copy of their personal information. Shopify has built-in features to allow you to do this. For more information on this feature, see Processing CCPA data requests.

Make sure that your customers can contact you to make a request relating to their personal information. Under the CCPA, you might need to allow California residents to contact you by using a toll-free phone number, or by one of the following: mail, email, or other consumer-friendly methods of contacting a business (such as a retail location or an online portal that your business might have for customers). Make sure to include these contact methods in your privacy policy or on your website.

For more on how to create an opt-out link and action requests, download Shopify's CCPA whitepaper (in English).

