

1.As a rule , we delivery all our orders with three months after receipt of the covering L/C.  一般来说,我们在收到信用证项下后三个月内交清货物。


2.Could you possibly advance shipment further more? If not , we hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C, otherwise we are not able to catch the season.  贵方能不能再提前一点装运?如果不行的话,我们希望货物在收到信用证后立即装运,否则我们无法赶上这个季节。

3.The goods ordered are all in stock and we assure you that the first steamer will make the shipment available in November, and we are confident of being able to ship the goods to you by the end of next month.  所订购的货物都有现货,我们保证第一艘轮船能在十一月装船,我们确信能在下月底之前把货物运到你处。

4.Please see to it that the goods are shipped by PEACE sailing on about October15th.  请注意货物是在10月15日左右用和平号(轮船)航班装运的。

5.How long will the delivery take from here to Australia by sea freight?  海运到澳大利亚要多长时间?

6.Please be informed that the shipment of cargo ( your purchase order No. 13)was sent yesterday,air bill No.13.  请告知装运的货物(贵公司第十三号订单)已于昨天发出,空运单据编号13。

7.In case you don't receive the goods after December 12th , please let us know.  如贵方在12月12日之后未收到货物,请告知。

8.We will do all we can to fill your order so that the goods will be shipped before October 15th.  我们会尽一切努力来填写贵方的订单,以便货物在10月15号前装运。
