
错误代码 :5000 

英文错误消息: The update for Sku ‘SKU’ was skipped because it is identical to the update in feed... 

中文错误消息:已经将 SKU“SKU”的更新做了跳过,是因为数据中“FEED_ID”输入的是一样的。

错误代码 : 5002 

英文错误消息: We are sorry, but we were unable to process this message. Please review the message and verify that it is accurate. Then, please resubmit the message. 


错误代码 :5500 

英文错误消息: The product-id you provided matches to multiple Amazon products. Please select the most relevant Amazon Standard Id (ASIN) and provide it in the ASIN-Hint field..

中文错误消息:提供的商品编码与多款亚马逊商品匹配。要选择产品唯一对应的亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN),填写该 ASIN。

错误代码 :5501 

英文错误消息: We did not find any products on Amazon.... If you already know the Amazon Standard Id (ASIN), please provide it in the product-id field and set the product-id-type as ASIN. 

中文错误消息:亚马逊网站上没有使用提供的商品编码的商品。需要填入亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN),在商品编码中输入,并将商品编码类型设置为 ASIN。 

错误代码 :8126
英文错误消息:The value provided for UPC ‘$1’ is invalid. The invalid... Replace the invalid value with the correct....

中文错误消息:为 UPC“$1”提供的值无效。无效值可能导致出现处理警告或错误。卖家替换无效值,填写商品正确 UPC,重新提交。

错误代码 :8105 

英文错误消息:The data you provided for [ID_OR_SKU] does not match the list of valid values...

中文错误消息:为 [ID_OR_SKU] 填入的数据和相应的列表有效值不匹配,要重新找到匹配值。卖家从“数据定义”中选择一个有效值,然后重新提交。

