
在邮件结尾,我们最好提出一些与销售邮件主题相关的行动召唤,即加入一些“Call to Action”技巧。这些CTA 策略最好采用问题形式,并且这些问题是提示明确回复的问句。下列示例可供参考。

Do you have time on your calendar to discuss?

Have you given any additional thought to the proposal?

Let me know what makes sense as a next step, if any?

Do you have ten minutes to catch up tomorrow?

Does it make sense for us to talk? If not, who is the best person for me to talk to?

Do you have any more questions I can clear up?


Are you available for a 30-minute call on [date and time]?

Let me know if (business goal) is a priority for you now, or perhaps sometime in the future.

If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file?


最后,我们需要在邮件结尾的地方署名,署名需要保持简洁、专业和品牌化,包括电话号码,以便客户可以直接联系。另外,销售邮件还需要加上一些能公开的个人社交账号,如LinkedIn或WhatsApp 等账号。
