您有责任为多渠道配送 (MCF) 订单提供客户服务,包括处理订单状态查询、买家退货和赔偿。
只有在订单发货之后,才会提供多渠道配送订单的追踪信息。您可以在管理订单工具的订单详情页面查看预计的发货日期和送达日期,以及订单追踪详情。该页面还有一个 Swiship 链接,您和您的买家可以通过此网站获得已发货包裹位置的实时信息。
您有责任配合买家进行退货。如果您希望买家直接将退货商品发送至亚马逊,若该商品仍处于可售状况,则会重新退还至您的库存。必须在退货包裹内提供退货商品授权 (RMA),亚马逊才会接受退货。
要为您的买家生成 RMA,请执行以下操作:
将 RMA 发送给买家,供其放入退货包裹中。如果要向买家提供退货货件标签,可以在 RMA 上找到退货地址。如果未提供货件标签,请让买家将商品退还至 RMA 上所列的地址。
重要: 如果您是采用多渠道配送的方式从亚马逊运营中心移除商品,将无法申请丢失或残损赔偿,而是要创建移除订单。有关更多信息,请参阅移除库存(概览)。
Customer service for Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders
You are responsible for providing customer service for Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) orders. This includes handling order-status inquiries, customer returns, and reimbursements.
Order status inquiries
Tracking information on MCF orders is available only after your order ships. You can find the estimated shipping and delivery dates and tracking details on your Order Details page in the Manage Orders tool. On that page, you’ll also find a link to Swiship, a website where you and your customers can get real-time information on the location of shipped packages.
If your order has shipped but you don’t see tracking information, note the following:
It can take a while for carriers to update their tracking information. Allow at least one day after shipping for tracking information to appear.
Some carriers provide only the last tracking event, which is Delivered. In these cases, we can’t provide more detailed tracking information.
If your order has not shipped by the estimated delivery date, contact Seller Support.
Customer returns
You are responsible for coordinating returns with your customer. If you want your customer to send the return directly to Amazon, the product will go back into your inventory if it’s in sellable condition. For Amazon to accept a return, a return merchandise authorization (RMA) must be inside the returned package.
To generate an RMA for your customer, do the following:
On the Manage Orders page, click the order ID.
Click Create Customer Return.
In the Return drop-down menu, select the number of each item being returned.
In the Return Reason drop-down menu, select the reason for the return.
In the Comments text box, type any additional comments. Click Submit.
Send the RMA to your customer to put inside their return package. If you want to provide a return shipping label to your customer, you can find the return address on the RMA. If you’re not providing a shipping label, ask the customer to return the product to the address listed on the RMA.
Click Return Status to track the status of the return. If the returned item is in sellable condition, we’ll return it to your inventory. If the item is damaged, you can submit a reimbursement request. If Amazon processed the return, you will be reimbursed in accordance with the FBA lost and damaged inventory reimbursement policy and the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement.
Reimbursement requests
You are eligible for reimbursement on your MCF orders if the order is determined to have been lost or damaged.
If your order hasn’t been delivered within seven days after the estimated delivery date, you are eligible to file for lost reimbursement. Orders that the carrier marks as delivered are not eligible for reimbursement.
The reimbursement amount is calculated according to the FBA lost and damaged inventory reimbursement policy. Amazon reimburses you, not the customer. It is your responsibility to resolve the issue with the customer.
If your order was damaged in transit to your customer, you are eligible to file for damaged reimbursement. You must provide photographic proof of the damaged item to get reimbursement.
Important: If you use MCF as a way to remove items from a fulfillment center, you won’t be eligible for lost or damaged reimbursements. Instead, create a removal order. For more information, visit Remove inventory (overview).
Unfulfillable orders
Occasionally, an order that you created can’t be fulfilled because the unit is damaged and a replacement was not available, or the product was recently categorized as a hazardous good.
We recommend that you check your Daily Inventory History report to see if you have enough inventory to avoid running out of stock.
If you were notified that one of your products may be hazardous, see FBA dangerous goods (hazmat) review process.