


您可使用此功能在订单商品送达日期后的 5 至 30 天内请求买家提供评论,每个订单可发送一次请求。这样可以确保买家收到时效性和相关度都较高的评论请求。


Request a review

We don’t require you to request reviews because our systems already do that on your behalf at no cost to you. If you would still like to request a review for a specific order, we recommend that you use the Request a review feature on the Order Details page instead of asking the customer via email or Buyer-Seller Messaging.

When you request a review using this feature, we ask for both a product review and seller feedback for the order in the same email. These requests use standardized language and are automatically translated into the customer’s preferred language.

You can use this feature to request reviews once per order between 5 and 30 days after the order delivery date. This ensures that customers receive relevant, recent review requests.

