

个人身份信息 (PII) 是单独或组合的信息,可以唯一地识别个人。从 Shopify 应用商店安装的应用在使用有关您的商店、客户、订单或其他业务数据的信息时可以访问不同类型的 PII。

您安装的每个应用都可以访问与您的 Shopify 账户相关的 PII,包括您的联系信息和地点。

根据执行的功能,应用可能需要其他类型的信息。例如,管理或发货订单的应用需要访问包括客户 PII 的订单信息,例如客户地址和其他联系信息。

您可以通过卸载应用来撤销对数据的访问权限。这会向开发人员发送一个请求(48 小时后),请求删除在安装此应用期间收集的所有客户个人信息。如果您请求删除商店中某位客户的个人数据,系统会向您已安装的可能具有该客户信息的每个应用发送相同的请求。若要确认请求的数据是否已被删除,您需要直接与应用的开发人员联系。详细了解如何删除某位客户的数据。

安装应用期间,您可以在确认安装之前查看应用具有的权限以及此应用需要访问的 PII 类型。安装后,您可以在应用 > 关于页面上查看权限详细信息。

应用可以访问四种类型的 PII:

  • 客户个人信息,其中包括姓名、电子邮件地址、电话号码和地址等联系信息。处理订单、发货或运输的应用还需要访问地点信息(例如 IP 地址和地理地点)以及用户代理信息(例如浏览器和操作系统)。

  • Shopify 店主个人信息,包括该店主的所有联系信息(包括姓名、电子邮件地址、电话号码和所有地点的地址)。

  • 员工个人信息,包括员工的所有联系信息,包括姓名、电子邮件地址和电话号码。

  • 内容提供者个人信息,包括有关博客作者或评论者的信息(包括电子邮件地址和 IP 地址)以及用户代理信息(例如浏览器和操作系统)。

当您安装使用订单数据的应用时,该应用可能会请求访问最近订单或所有订单的权限。有权访问最近订单的应用只能访问最近 60 天订单的数据。有权访问所有订单的应用可以访问任何过去和未来订单的数据。Shopify 会审核请求访问所有订单的应用,以确保应用需要相应数据才能正常工作。

有关应用如何访问、使用和擦除数据的信息,请联系应用开发者或查看 Shopify 应用商店中的应用描述,以获取隐私政策的链接。


App permissions and personal information

Permissions control what types of information from your store an app can access or modify for the functions it performs.

Personally identifiable information (PII) is information that alone or combined can uniquely identify an individual. Apps that you install from the Shopify App Store can access different types of PII when they use information about your store, customers, orders, or other business data.

Every app that you install has access to PII about your Shopify account, including your contact information and location.

Depending on the function it performs, an app can require additional types of information. For example, an app that manages or fulfills orders requires access to order information that includes customer PII, such as customer addresses and other contact information.

You can revoke access to data by uninstalling the app. This sends the developer a request (after 48 hours) to erase all of your customers’ personal information the app collected while it was installed. If you request to erase an individual customer’s personal data from your store, then the same request is sent to every app you have installed that might have that customer’s information. To confirm that the requested data was deleted, you need to check with the app's developer directly. Learn more about erasing individual customer's data.

During the installation of an app, you can review the permissions that app has and the type of PII that it needs to access before you confirm the installation. After installation, you can review the permission details in Apps > About page.

There are four types of PII that an app can access:

  • Customer personal information, which includes contact information such as name, email address, phone number, and address. Apps that deal with orders, fulfillment, or shipping also require access to location information (such as IP address and geolocation), and user agent information (such as browser and operating system).

  • Shopify store owner personal information, which includes all contact information for the store owner, including name, email address, phone number, and addresses of all locations.

  • Staff personal information, which includes all contact information for staff, including name, email address, and phone number.

  • Content provider personal information, which includes information about blog authors or commenters (including email address and IP address), and user agent information (such as browser and operating system).

When you install an app that uses data from orders, the app might request permission to access recent orders or all orders. An app with permission to access recent orders can access data from only the last 60 days of orders. An app with permission to access all orders can access data from any past and future orders. Shopify reviews the apps that request access to all orders to make sure that the data is required for the app to work.

For information about how an app accesses, uses, and erases data, contact the app developer or view the app listing in the Shopify App Store for a link to the privacy policy.

