
1. 转到 Wish 商户平台主页,点击“立即试用”。

2. 现已进入“立即免费创建店铺”页面:

      从右上角的下拉菜单中选择您习惯使用的语言。如果您已有 Wish 商户账户,只需点击此处登录。

  • 在此页面上输入店铺名称。请不要使用包含“Wish”一词的店铺名称。

  • 输入公司邮箱地址进行注册。以后您将使用此邮箱地址登录您的账户。

  • 为账户设置密码。为了保障账户安全,请确保密码包含字母、数字、特殊符号,并且长度至少为8个字符。

  • 输入显示的验证码。

  • 提供上述信息后,点击“创建店铺”,继续下一步。

3. 在下一页输入联系信息:

  • 输入您的合法名字和姓氏。

  • 输入办公地址,第二行是可选项。

  • 输入通讯地址,包括国家/地区、州、市和邮政编码。

  • 输入手机号码。如果是美国手机号码,请在下拉菜单中选择国家/地区代码“1”,然后输入完整的手机号码(包括区号)。

  • 点击“发送验证码”,用您上面提供的手机号码接收验证码。

  • 输入验证码,点击“进入我的店铺”继续操作。

  • 4. 接下来,会重定向至“商户平台”以完成店铺设置程序。

  • 在上面的清单中,请前往每个任务并填写所需信息,然后才能正式开通店铺。以下步骤介绍了完成此清单的详细流程。请注意,上面已经完成清单中的第一个任务,即“添加联系信息”。

  • 4a. 首先,确认您的邮箱地址:

  • 验证邮箱地址后,您会收到电子邮件通知,告诉您您的店铺收到了哪些订单、我们的功能/政策有哪些更新等信息。

  • 在商户平台上,在上面显示的清单中点击“确认您的邮箱地址”旁边的“继续”,将进入以下页面:

  • 请按照此处的说明验证邮箱(请注意检查收件箱中的垃圾邮件文件夹),如果您没有收到 Wish 的电子邮件,可以请求重新发送。您收到的电子邮件如下所示:

  • 如果您依然没有收到电子邮件,请换一个邮箱地址试试,或者与我们的客服团队联系。

  • 4b. 接下来,验证您的店铺信息:

  • 在上面的清单中,点击“验证您的店铺信息”旁边的“继续”,将进入以下页面:

  • 根据您的实际情况选择相应的选项。

  • 如果您选择通过“合作伙伴”验证您的店铺信息,则您需要通过授权流程为您选择的合作伙伴授权,以允许其访问您在 Wish 商户平台上的数据。在合作伙伴的网站上,您可以找到类似于“关联您的店铺”之类的选项来完成授权过程。授权合作伙伴访问您的 Wish 数据之后,在 Wish 店铺注册流程的下一步中点击“确认”(如下所示),完成“验证您的店铺信息”步骤:


5. 店铺设置完毕!

您现在已经完成开店清单上的所有任务。Wish 将在3个工作日内审核您的开店申请。在您的商户平台主页上,清单上的任务已经全部完成:

在等待期间,请务必通过上图文本框中的链接认真阅读 Wish 商户政策,熟悉在 Wish 平台上运营店铺的所有相关政策。

如果您的申请经审核后被拒,请按照商户平台上的说明更新店铺信息,以便在 Wish 上顺利开店营业!


Sign-up flow step-by-step guidance (applicable to merchants based outside of Mainland China)

Welcome to Wish! Let us help you to grow your business. Here is a step-by-step guide to show you how to complete the signup process.

1. Go to Wish for Merchants homepage and click “Try Now”.

2. You are now on the “Create your free store today” page:

  • Please choose the language that you feel most comfortable with by selecting in the dropdown menu on the upper right corner. If you already have a Wish merchant account, simply click here to log in.

  • On this page, enter your store name. Please do not use store names that contain the word “Wish”.

  • Please enter your business email address to register. This will be used to login to your account. 

  • Please create a password for your account. In order to protect your account security, please make sure the password has letters, numbers, special symbols and needs to be at least 8 characters in length.

  • Enter Captcha as shown.

  • After providing information, please click “Create my store” to proceed to the next step.

3. On the next page, enter your contact information:

  • Please enter your legal first name and last name.

  • Please enter your business address. The second line of the address is optional.

  • Please enter your mailing address country/region, state, city, and zip code.

  • Please enter your phone number. If you have a US phone number, please select the country code “1” in the dropdown menu, and enter your complete phone number (area code included).

  • Then click "Send verification code" to receive a verification code at the phone number you provide above.

  • Enter the verification code and click "Enter my store" to continue.

4. Next, you’ll be redirected to your Merchant Dashboard to finish setting up your store.

In the above checklist, please navigate to each task and complete the required information before officially opening your store. The steps below outline the detailed process of completing this checklist. Note that you have completed the first item on the checklist, which is "Add contact information" by completing the steps above.

4a. First, confirm your email address:

Once you verify your email address, you can receive email notifications about your store’s orders, feature/policy updates, and more.

Click “Continue” next to “Confirm your email address” on the Merchant Dashboard checklist shown above, and you’ll be directed to the following page:

Follow the instructions here to verify your email (please also check your email inbox spam folder), or have another email resent to your inbox if you haven’t received an email from Wish. The email you’ll receive looks like this:

If you still do not receive an email, please try a different email address or contact our customer service team.

4b. Next, identify your store:

Click “Continue” next to “Help us identify your store” on the checklist, and you’ll be directed to the following page:

Select the appropriate option based on accurate information.

  • If you select “Partner” to identify your store, you will need to grant permissions to the selected Partner to gain access to your Wish Merchant Dashboard data through an authorization process. On the Partner’s site, you may look for an option similar to “connect your store” to complete the authorization process. Once you have granted the Partner access to your Wish data, click “Confirm” in the next step on your Wish store registration flow (shown below) and you will complete the “Help us identify your store” step: 

If you select “Payment Provider” to identify your store, you will need to either sign in to your existing payment provider account or sign up for a new account on the selected payment provider’s site.

5. You’ve finished setting up your store!

You’ve now completed all items on the onboarding checklist. Wish will review your application within 3 business days. On your Merchant Dashboard homepage, your checklist is now completed:

While you wait, be sure to check out the Wish Merchant Policies linked in the textbox shown above, and familiarize yourself with all policies relevant to your store operations on Wish.

If your application is rejected after review, please follow the Merchant Dashboard instructions to update your store information so you can start selling on Wish!

