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订单报告生成完毕后,点击【下载】按钮,并将文件保存到您的本地硬盘。然后您可以在数据库或电子表格程序(例如 Microsoft Access 或 Microsoft Excel)中打开此文件。




当您为媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视)的 标准和加急配送启用了缩短处理和运输时间时,您的【订单报告】中将永久显示四个新的列:

  • 最早发货日期

  • 最迟配送日期

  • 最早送达日期

  • 最迟送达日期


Read an Order Report

When an Order Report is ready, click the Download button and save the file to your local hard drive. You can then open it in a database or spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel.

There may be several rows for an individual order in your report. If all of the order information does not fit on one row (such as when multiple promotions are applied to an order), the information will be split over multiple rows.

If you use Amazon’s optional tax calculation services, item tax, gift wrap tax, and shipping tax amounts will be shown in the Order Report. Additional information regarding taxes collected can be found in the Sales Tax report in the Tax Document Library.

BMVD sellers

When you enable reduced handling and transit times for Standard and Expedited shipping for your Books, Music, Video, and DVD (BMVD) products, four new columns will appear permanently on your Order Report:

  • earliest ship date

  • latest ship date

  • earliest delivery date

  • latest delivery date

