Dear Catty,
Thank you for visiting our booth in Fair.According to your selection for hand tool kit, please find the photos with offer recap in attachment.I'm now checking with colleagues about the packaging info, and will send you the quotes in detail ASAP.
The testing report will be sent to you in another separate mail.
Best regards,
要注意,我们通过广交会的网站可以发现,官方的准确表达应该是“中国进出口商品交易会”,英文翻译为“China Import And Export Fair”"。而Canton是广州的旧称,在国外被使用习惯了,Canton Fair就变成了一个固定的搭配,只要一说起Canton Fair,对方就会明白,你指的是“广交会”。这类翻译在国外很多,都是旧时的拼法一直沿用至今。如北京翻译成“Peking”,清华翻译成“Tsinghua” 等,平时多留意一-些,会发现很多类似的情况。