连连(LianLian Global)官网首页







  • 【 说明】提供关于使用模板的指示。

  • 【 数据定义】对模板中的每一列提供解释。

  • 【 示例】提供如何填写电子表格的示例。

  • 【配送请求】提供用于创建订单请求的空白电子表格。



  1. 查看说明和数据定义。

  2. 填写电子表格,根据说明为您的订单添加所有相应的信息。

  3. 按照【卖家配送订单编号】列对您的数据进行排序,以确保来自相同订单的所有商品排在一起。

  4. 点击【文件】,然后点击【另存为】。浏览到您希望保存文件的位置。在【文件名】文本框中,输入文件的名称。在【保存类型】下拉列表中,选择【文本文件(制表符分隔)(*.txt)】。点击【保存】。

  5. 在上传多渠道配送文件页面的【上传已创建订单文件】下,点击【浏览】找到文件,然后点击【打开】。点击【立即上传】以上传订单请求。

  6. 在【查看文件状态和历史记录】下,点击【刷新】以查看上传进度。上传完成后,请查看生成的报告以便了解任何其他信息、错误或警告。三种常见错误如下:

    • 没有相关配送服务承诺:某个特定邮政编码地址不在配送范围内。

    • SKU 无法识别:如果 SKU 无法识别,将作为无法处理的订单显示在您的卖家账户中。

    • SKU OOS:如果 SKU 缺货,将触发错误。



  1. 在上传多渠道配送文件 页面上,点击【取消订单】。

  2. 点击【下载模板】。

  3. 查看说明和数据定义。

  4. 在【卖家配送订单编号】列中,输入要取消的每个多渠道配送订单所对应的订单编号。

    重要: 【卖家配送订单编号】列中的编号必须与原始配送请求的配送订单编号相符

  5. 点击【文件】,然后点击【另存为】。浏览到您希望保存文件的位置。在【文件名】文本框中,输入文件的名称。在【保存类型】下拉列表中,选择【文本文件(制表符分隔)(*.txt)】。点击【保存】。

  6. 在【上传多渠道配送文件】页面上,点击【取消订单】选项卡。

  7. 在【上传取消订单文件】下,点击【浏览】找到文件,然后点击【打开】。点击【立即上传】以上传取消请求。

  8. 在【查看文件状态和历史记录】下,点击【刷新】以查看上传进度。上传完成后,请查看生成的报告以便了解任何其他信息、错误或警告。


Submit Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders in bulk

You can submit Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders in bulk by uploading a tab-delimited file. For more information about bulk uploads, see Inventory File Templates.

Download the Fulfillment Request template to begin creating your order request.

The workbook includes four tabs:

  • Instructions provides directions for using the template.

  • Data Definitions provides an explanation for each column in the template.

  • Example provides an example of how to fill out the spreadsheet.

  • Fulfillment Request provides a blank spreadsheet for creating your order request.

Create a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order request

To create and submit your request:

  1. Review the instructions and data definitions.

  2. Fill out the spreadsheet, adding all of the appropriate information for your orders according to the instructions.

  3. Sort your data based on the MerchantFulfillmentOrderID column to ensure all of the products from the same order are grouped together.

  4. Click File and then Save As. Browse to the location where you want to save your file. In the File name text box, type a name for your file. In the Save as type drop-down list, select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt). Click Save.

  5. On the Upload Multi-Channel Fulfillment File page, under Upload Your Created Order File, click Browse to locate your file, and then click Open. Click Upload now to upload the order request.

  6. Under Review File Status and History, click Refresh to view the progress of the upload. After the upload is complete, review the report that is generated for any additional information, errors or warnings. Three common errors are:

    • Delivery SLA not available: Delivery to the specific ZIP code is not available.

    • SKU not recognized: If the SKU is not recognized, it will appear in your seller account as an order that cannot be processed.

    • SKU OOS: If a SKU is out of stock, an error is triggered.

Cancel a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order request

You can also cancel Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders by uploading a tab-delimited file.

  1. On the Upload Multi-Channel Fulfillment File page, click Cancel Order.

  2. Click Download Template.

  3. Review the instructions and data definitions.

  4. In the MerchantFulfillmentOrderID column, type the order ID for each Multi-Channel Fulfillment order that you would like to cancel.

    Important: The ID in the MerchantFulfillmentOrderID column must match the fulfilment order ID of your original fulfillment request

  1. Click File and then click Save As. Browse to the location where you want to save your file. In the File name text box, type a name for your file. In the Save as type drop-down list, select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt). Click Save.

  2. On the Upload Multi-Channel Fulfillment File page, click the Cancel Order tab.

  3. Under Upload Your Cancel Order File, click Browse to locate your file, and then click Open. Click Upload now to upload the cancellation request.

  4. Under Review File Status and History, click Refresh to view the progress of the upload. After the upload is complete, review the report that is generated for any additional information, errors or warnings.

